gene keys calculator

Gene keys calculator

Richard Rudd was a senior teacher of Human Design who brought the system to the UK and set up a school training many students, gene keys calculator. Here you can find a rich library of projects and resources by the leading lights exploring the interface between the Gene Keys and Human Design.

Your Gene Keys Profile is the beginning of an epic journey into the depths of your soul. Each Gene Key in your Profile is a portal of transformation that can be activated through the power of contemplation. To fully understand your Profile you are recommended to explore the Golden Path Program - a guided journey that shows you how to apply this wisdom to your life. Birth City. Birth date. Birth time Hour 00 [12 midn] 1 [am] 2 [am] 3 [am] 4 [am] 5 [am] 6 [am] 7 [am] 8 [am] 9 [am] 10 [am] 11 [am] 12 [noon] 13 [1 pm] 14 [2 pm] 15 [3 pm] 16 [4 pm] 17 [5 pm] 18 [6 pm] 19 [7 pm] 20 [8 pm] 21 [9 pm] 22 [10 pm] 23 [11 pm] Min 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 What if I don't know my birth time? Uncertain about your Time of Birth?

Gene keys calculator

Your Hologenetic Profile is a personalised map of your inner being. It shows you the archetypal patterns that block the natural manifestation of your Genius Shadows , and how to transform these patterns into your Gifts. Rather than being a fixed set of blueprints, your Profile represents a great journey you are on in life — to unlock the latent higher capacities of your Genius. Take a look at the words that appear in your Profile and you will have some idea of your highest potentials in life as well as the challenges that you are here to overcome. To understand these words and bring them alive in your life is the whole work of this wisdom. My Hologenetic Profile. The Golden Path Program. New to the Gene Keys. Although there are in fact many layers or bandwidths of frequency, this threefold language makes the Gene Keys simple to understand, contemplate and ultimately embody. The three frequency bands are laid out precisely through the Spectrum of Consciousness — the linguistic map of the 64 Gene Keys and their frequency bands. Siddhi Frequency — The frequency band relating to full embodiment and spiritual realization. The very concept of frequencies and levels paradoxically dissolves when the Truth is realised as a Siddhi. The siddhic state only comes about when all vestiges of the Shadow, particularly at a collective level, have been transformed into light.

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The Gene Keys are a further development on the foundation of Human Design. This transmission came into the world through Richard Rudd, philosopher, writer and poet, who was director of Human Design UK when he began to receive fresh insights. The Gene Keys emphasize the transformative potential that lies dormant in our genes. By shining the light of awareness on the areas of our life that each Gene Key, or hexagram, represents, we awaken the higher qualities in those fields, our innate genius. Richard Rudd uses a map of Shadow state, Gift state, and Siddhic state.

Regular but short pausing will infuse your busy day with the contemplative state, which can be an incredibly enriching experience. Contemplate with others, and deepen your joy into the silence and beauty that we often miss in our busy lives. The books of Richard Rudd are as inspiring as they are insightful, ranging from the pragmatic to the poetic. Our online programme allows you to adapt the wisdom of the Gene Keys to your own learning style. Our courses are inspiring, elegant and simple to follow, with practical guidance, webinars, audios, as well as texts and downloads for offline study. This is their sole purpose — to take you to the very banks of the eternal. Bringing together astrological calculations and the Chinese I Ching, your Profile is the original blueprint that tells you who you are, how you operate, and above all, why you are here. For a full understanding of your Profile please explore the Golden Path Program — an easy-to-follow, guided journey of transformation that shows you how to apply this knowledge to your life.

Gene keys calculator

Discover the Gene Keys system and how its wisdom can help guide you to a deeper understanding of yourself and your higher life purpose. We may earn a small commission from the affiliate links in this post, at no extra cost to you. But while there are similarities between the two systems or spiritual practices, they are not the same. Following a mystical life experience in , the Human Design system was founded by Ra Uru Hu in The wisdom of the Gene Keys on the other hand was conceived and developed later by mystic and international teacher Richard Rudd, a student under Ra Uru Hu between and , following his own mystical experiences. The popular Gene Keysbook written by Richard Rudd introduces the intriguing idea that humanity may be on the verge of a major shift in consciousness and how DNA operates.

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Even though the realisation is the same in each case, its expression will differ and can even appear contradictory. These archetypes are here to help transform your inner world and outer world. Siddhi Frequency — The frequency band relating to full embodiment and spiritual realization. No products in the basket. The Gene Keys are a further development on the foundation of Human Design. Here we provide a basic description of each of the sections of your profile. Travel into the depths of your design and learn how to align with and embody your genius to unlock magnetism and impact in your life. This is the role that most suits your creative expression and that allows you the full freedom to be yourself without compromise. Physically, this can lead to changes in your body chemistry and increased vitality. The Gift and Siddhi of your Culture trigger the forces that catalyse your higher life purpose. The Gene Keys are neither astrology nor are they a traditional profiling system. As your awareness delves more fully into the Shadow frequencies, it unlocks latent energy held within your DNA. Utilizing them when they are activated by the Sun gives you more magic and tools to work with as you manifest your purpose into the world.

Now say hello to The Gene Keys. The Gene Keys may look and sound like another woo-woo self-development tool, but they are so much more than that. This blog post will break down what you need to know before you start looking into your own Gene Keys.

Inappropriate Contains sensitive or offensive content. Siddhi Frequency — The frequency band relating to full embodiment and spiritual realization. An exploration into the less logical, more intuitive and magical side of the Gene Keys world. There are many states and stages within the Gift frequency band and it represents the quantum field where the forces of involution and evolution come together. Get to Know the 64 Archetypes. Inspiring Videos. If there is a difference, then you can read and contemplate the information given in the Golden Path Program and the Gene Keys book and trust your intuition to find the best fit for you. The Radiance also has an indirect relationship to your Evolution. My Hologenetic Profile. If you are concerned about security of revealing your name and birth details, then you can always choose to not put a name in the name field all it means is that your PDF Profile won't have your name on it. Newsletter Subscription. Even more convenient in our app! Work with Us. Try the first step for free! Transits Current Transit Transit Descriptions.

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