Gdp 242

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Updated: 14 February Next update: 18 March Supply and Use and Input-Output tables xlsx-files. Quarterly National Accounts from xlsx-files. Annual National Accounts from xlsx-files.

Gdp 242

The most significant drop was recorded in the Yugoiztochen region in Bulgaria This was followed by another Bulgarian region, Severozapaden, which recorded a decrease of This information comes from data on regional national accounts published by Eurostat today, based on level 2 of the Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics NUTS 2. The high GDP per capita in these regions Luxembourg, Brussels and Praha can be partly explained by a high inflow of commuting workers and by some major multinational enterprises domiciled in the regions Southern, Eastern and Midland Ireland. If you have any queries, please visit our contact us page. News articles Euro indicators Podcasts Events Release calendar. User support Press services Institutional services Visit us. Home … News News articles. News articles 20 February For more information Thematic section on regional accounts Database on regional accounts Thematic section on regions and cities Database on regional data Podcast on regional statistics Methodological file Manual on regional accounts methods Methodological notes In this article, the regional data are presented at NUTS 2 level. This list shows translations of the names of the regions in EU members into English. Share this page:. You might also like.

The real accounts are based on local kind-of-activity units Gdp 242while the institutional sector accounts are based on institutional units, gdp 242. The documentation report for the Quarterly national accounts gives an overview of central sources and methods used for quarterly accounts compilation. Seasonally adjusted series Over a thousand series are seasonally adjusted every month.


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The input-output tables are derived from the supply and use tables based on the assumption of a fixed product sales structure, and they show flows from each industry to other industries and to final uses. The figure shows that the MNA system is based on two main pillars: a The SUT for the final annual national accounts and b short-term statistics. The value added in an industry can also be decomposed into compensation of employees, consumption of fixed capital, other taxes on production net of subsidies and operating surplus. D Employers' social contributions. Administrative information Name and topic Name: National accounts Topic: National accounts and business cycles. The SUT at current and constant prices gives a structured overview of the supply output and import and use final consumption, gross fixed capital formation, changes in inventories, export and intermediate consumption of products goods and services in the economy. The total value added of all the industries is also "valued" at basic prices. These calculations are based on simple assumptions. StatBank source table The non-financial sector accounts are based on institutional units. Since the chaining is carried out separately for all items, the table components do not, however, necessarily add up to the totals of the same table. Data sources and sampling The calculations of the annual real accounts are based on statistics from several different sources, such as the structural business statistics for manufacturing and other industries, accounting statistics for general government and enterprises, statistics for wages and earnings, external trade statistics, household consumer surveys and employment statistics. P3: Final consumption expenditure. Correction factors are the factors used in the pre-treatment and seasonal adjustment of the series. Final expenditure and gross domestic product.

The most significant drop was recorded in the Yugoiztochen region in Bulgaria This was followed by another Bulgarian region, Severozapaden, which recorded a decrease of This information comes from data on regional national accounts published by Eurostat today, based on level 2 of the Nomenclature of territorial units for statistics NUTS 2.

The monthly accounts should add up to the figures in the annual accounts. Collection of data, editing and estimations Compilation of the final annual real accounts The annual national accounts are mainly based on statistics collected by other divisions in Statistics Norway. Relevant documentation Goods sent abroad for processing and merchanting in the Norwegian national accounts. In order to adjust for these conditions, the quarterly national accounts are seasonally adjusted which makes it possible to conduct an analysis of the underlying change in economic activity between periods. Output is valued at basic prices. P32S Collective consumption expenditure of general government. The classification of the functions of government by purpose applies to all types of general government expenses, such as government final consumption expenditure, gross fixed capital formation, subsidies, property rents i. Percentage change in volume Final expenditure and gross domestic product. Seasonally adjusted figures. The input-output tables are derived from the supply and use tables based on the assumption of a fixed product sales structure, and they show flows from each industry to other industries and to final uses. The source statistics used to calculate national accounts are with a few exceptions produced by Statistics Norway. B1G: Gross value added at basic prices, total activity. More figures from this statistics. The accounting system of the Norwegian national accounts is based on the international standards for national accounts, i. Goods sent abroad for processing and merchanting in the Norwegian national accounts.

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