gay nightlife valencia

Gay nightlife valencia

Pride in Valencia recently took place over the weekend of June. Starting off on Saturday evening with a rainbow-filled parade, the festivities culminated with a party and fireworks display in Plaza del Ayuntamiento. Please note that friendly spaces are not solely confined to this list, gay nightlife valencia, and that this list incorporates some of many venues that embrace the community around Valencia. Bubu is a gay bar gay nightlife valencia in the Botanico area near the Botanical Gardens.

Valencia is the third largest city in Spain, located directly on the Mediterranean Sea, about km south of Barcelona. Its history dates back to the year BC. In the 15th and 16th century it was a major commercial and financial center, but as a result of the War of Spanish Succession in the early 18th century Valencia lost its previous importance. Early 20th century architecture in Valencia was strongly influenced by Modernisme the Catalan version of Art Nouveau , which is displayed today in many beautiful facades, the railway station and the Central Market. During the Spanish Civil War Valencia was temporarily seat of government of the Republic and had to suffer greatly under the bombardment of Franco's troops.

Gay nightlife valencia

The Muse is a large gay bar in Valencia and a popular hangout for gay locals and visitors who later move on to Deseo 54 club. Open on Fridays and Saturdays. Mon: Closed. Tue: Closed. Wed: Closed. Thu: Closed. Fri: - Sat: - Sun: Closed. BUBU is a popular local bear bar in Valencia, Spain, known for its friendly staff and laid-back atmosphere. It's a spot that predominantly attracts a local crowd with few tourists. The bar offers drinks at good prices and plays great music.

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Are we missing a new venue or has a business closed? Or has something changed and we have not yet updated our pages? Please use this form to let us know. We really appreciate your feedback. Valencia Gay Map Our interactive Valencia gay map.

With live performers and DJs across two floors, this is definitely the place to be on a Friday or Saturday night. Downstairs the strobe-lit dancefloor is always packed with revellers, while the smaller upstairs also has a VIP area perfect for special occasions. For those simply wanting a laid-back drink in the Old Town, not everyone knows that the famous Cafe de las Horas is a particularly gay-friendly bar — complete with great cocktails and a stunning baroque-style interior featuring chandeliers and a star-spangled ceiling. If you fancy a night out in the colourful Ruzafa district, you could start the night at Planet Valencia for some cocktails in a welcoming and friendly atmosphere with good music and great company. This laid-back, popular club features a surprising Liverpool-themed interior decor. The two floors have a great ambience with an international mix of gay and straight groups enjoying the party. Doors open at 1am and the party goes on until 7.

Gay nightlife valencia

While boasting both modern and progressive ways of life, at its heart, Valencia blooms with an intriguing history. Alternatively, rock up in June for the pride parade of a lifetime. Mr Hudson designs unique and luxurious vacations for sophisticated travelers who prioritize beauty and style. Of course, being such a friendly and open-minded city means that Gay Pride Valencia is a big-hitting annual event here. Gay Pride Valencia is not just a one-day thing however, oh no. In fact, it spans the whole month of June, promoting LGBT voices and activism through festivals, events, concerts, performances and exhibitions. As the month of July dawns, those not yet ready to give up on gay Valencia Spain can happily move to the seaside for the No Closet Summer Festival at the marina. Celebrating its second year in , Mostra La Ploma will host a range of cultural activities spanning literature and art across the Valencian community. In gay Valencia everyone is welcome, throughout the rainbow-flagged gay bars Valencia has become known for. Choosing where to stay in Valencia can seem a pretty impossible task, thanks to the sheer number of fantastic hotels that reside here.


The bar is known for its friendly staff, great cocktails, and welcoming atmosphere. CARO Hotel. You can find the beach behind the dunes, next to an abandoned factory. Hotel Quick Search. Therefore The Muse is the perfect place to start your night! Also a lot of bars and clubs in Valencia will host some kind of special event concerning the Gay Pride. Pin It on Pinterest. More information about this hotel, actual prices and the booking TIPS —Are you excited to learn more about Ruzafa or Canovas , one of the most gay friendly neighbourhoods of Valencia? As a consequence, the river Turia had been drained within the city and redirected around it. The bar has a very relaxed atmosphere and positive energy. Deseo 54 is your final call of the night, known as the biggest and best gay club Valencia has to offer, thanks to its stellar gay entertainment and quality parties featuring a line-up of international and local DJ talent. The hotel features a Mediterranean restaurant, bar, gym and sauna. While boasting both modern and progressive ways of life, at its heart, Valencia blooms with an intriguing history.

Explore Valencia's thriving gay nightlife and party scene. A roundup of all the gay saunas in Valencia. A roundup of gay-popular beaches in and near Valencia city.

A meeting point for lesbians and friends, it doubles up as a pub and bar that stays open until h. Extravagant atmosphere makes for a quirky joint, great to visit with friends or a loved one. Location Carrer de Pepita 15 Valencia Website. Pride in Valencia recently took place over the weekend of June. Bear Valencia : annual international meeting for bears, big men and their admirers. Wed: Closed. Address: C. Powered by Booking. Valencia Gay Bars. The hotel owns its popularity due to their great location, generous service and interior. Downstairs the strobe-lit dancefloor is always packed with revellers, while the smaller upstairs also has a VIP area perfect for special occasions.

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