
Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon is a fictional character in the computer-animated television series Ninjago previously garmadon as Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu which is produced by The Lego Group. He was created by the original Ninjago screenwriters, Dan and Kevin Hagemanand first appeared in the first season of Ninjagogarmadon, titled Rise of the Snakesreleased in December A different incarnation of Lloyd also serves as the garmadon protagonist of The Lego Ninjago Moviegarmadon, released in September

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Logged-in users don't see ads. Click here to make a free account! Logged-in users can also edit so if you see a problem please help us fix it! Join the official Ninjago Wiki Discord server! A great place to chat with fellow Ninjago fans! Once a bratty kid who sought to follow in his evil father's footsteps, Lloyd changed his ways by helping the ninja and embracing his destiny as the Green Ninja. As the ninja trained Lloyd, he reunited with Misako, artificially matured into a teenager, and faced a Garmadon manipulated and possessed by the Overlord —becoming the Golden Ninja. Though Garmadon was purified, the Overlord later returned, but was vanquished upon Zane 's sacrifice. Lloyd brought the team together to save Zane in the Tournament of Elements , culminating in the Second Serpentine War , which ended with Lloyd having no choice but to banish his father to the Cursed Realm ; accidentally freeing Wu's old pupil, Morro. Morro soon had possessed Lloyd and claimed the Realm Crystal to free the Preeminent , eventually succeeding. With the help of the ninja, Lloyd escaped Morro's possession in a trade and helped battle him, but the Preeminent's death destroyed the Cursed Realm, killing Lloyd's father, the Anacondrai Warriors, Chen, and any other beings imprisoned inside, and Djinjago, as they were sister realms.

Lloyd is recognisable by his garmadon githe ninja outfit that he typically wears in the Ninjago series and across the Lego Ninjago franchise. This garmadon seen again, garmadon, garmadon, when he did the same as his Colossus creation was on the verge of crushing his son and his friends and stopped after hearing his son's pleas.


Lloyd Montgomery Garmadon is a fictional character in the computer-animated television series Ninjago previously known as Ninjago: Masters of Spinjitzu which is produced by The Lego Group. He was created by the original Ninjago screenwriters, Dan and Kevin Hageman , and first appeared in the first season of Ninjago , titled Rise of the Snakes , released in December A different incarnation of Lloyd also serves as the main protagonist of The Lego Ninjago Movie , released in September Jillian Michaels voiced Lloyd in the first seven seasons of the television series before being replaced by Sam Vincent from the eighth season onward. Dave Franco voices the character in the film. In the series, Lloyd develops from a young boy aspiring to become a powerful villain like his father, Lord Garmadon, to his main role as the legendary Green Ninja , a prophesied hero within the lore of the series who is destined to protect the land of Ninjago from the forces of evil. He is also the Elemental Master of Energy, which gives him a range of elemental powers, such as shooting green energy beams at enemies and passively shielding his body. Lloyd is portrayed as the strongest member and eventual leader of a team of six teenage ninja , which is formed in the pilot season of Ninjago. The original team consists of just four members, and Lloyd joins their team in the first season. In both the series and film, the storyline repeatedly places him in opposition to Lord Garmadon, his father and prophesied enemy.


I once thought roots were a sign of weakness. Hm… but I was wrong, we are stronger together. Lord Garmadon is the Master of Destruction, as well as the ninja's archenemy-turned-ally and former mentor. Garmadon grew up learning the art of the ninja alongside his brother. As a child, Garmadon was bitten by the Great Devourer, a serpent corrupted by The Overlord to infect the boy with evil in order for the dark lord to regain a worthy vessel for his return. The effects of the Devourer's venom would lead Garmadon down a darker path through which he would be continually tempted during his time as one of Ninjago's heroes. Misako had a son named Lloyd, whom he cared for deeply despite his corrupted soul. Ultimately, he lost himself to the venom's influence and became an evil warlord, banished to the Underworld after a climactic battle with Wu. After allying with the Skulkin and Serpentine to claim the Golden Weapons, Garmadon later joined The Overlord—only to be used as a vessel for his return.

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But then, at night, he becomes the Green Ninja and he protects everyone from Garmadon, yet he doesn't get any of the glory because no one knows he's the Green Ninja". Garmadon was sent to Kryptarium Prison but warned Lloyd of a coming darkness. Water Hazard! Films The Lego Ninjago Movie Garmadon has shown slight bits of mercy. He then replants Christofern in a hill before announcing his intent on spending the rest of his life helping his family and the others rebuild Ninjago. Garmadon learns how to empathize by caring for a plant. Shintaro Secrets Revealed! Through Nya's research, they head for the Temple of the Dragon Cores and learn from the spirit living there that three Dragon Cores can stabilize the merged realms , with Lloyd and Arin going for the Pink Dragon Core , which they acquire after a brief interference from Administration Agents , and return to Imperium with Kai, Zane, and Wyldfyre, where a resistance group recruits them to expose Empress Beatrix of her lies, she retaliates by creating a MergeQuake Storm. This desire to help led to Lloyd's capture when he blew his cover at the City of Ouroboros. Logged-in users don't see ads.

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Lloyd's Golden Oni Form. Mech vs Monster! Likewise, he was unable to bring himself to harm Lloyd, even under the influence of the Overlord, instead feigning eagerness to fight, when in reality he was insecure over his deteriorating relationship with his loved ones. In early seasons, Lloyd's powers are shown to be connected to the elemental powers of the original four ninja. After Wu and the original ninja returned to Ninjago , Lloyd defeated Garmadon by refusing to fight, and his father lost his powers. Despite this rage, Garmadon later saved Lloyd from certain death twice and implored him to fight him rather than killing him instantly. But after so many years apart, it is a lot of work getting used to being father and son again. Retrieved 28 January After seeing the effectiveness that Garmadon's newfound Oni form had against the Crystal King's army, Lloyd undergoes Garmadon's Oni form lesson but it proved unsuccessful. Lord Garmadon, reformed. Lloyd's current appearance. Soundtracks The Fold.

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