Freemasons breast clinic

Icon Cancer Centre Freemasons has proudly provided the latest in radiation therapy technology and techniques in a friendly and supportive environment since opening in Located on-site at Epworth Freemasons Hospital, the centre offers cutting-edge radiation therapy treatment for all cancer types, delivered by an experienced team who are dedicated to ensuring patients and their loved ones receive support and exceptional care every step of the way. Our patients are seen by one doctor for the duration of their treatment. Tram lines42 or 34 have direct access to stop 15 on Victoria Parade and tram 48 or 75 has access to freemasons breast clinic 11 on Wellington Parade, freemasons breast clinic.

Breast ultrasounds allow doctors to differentiate between cysts and solid lumps. It may also help to determine whether a breast lump requires biopsy. There is no preparation for a breast ultrasound, however you should bring all previous breast imaging reports to your appointment. Epworth Medical Imaging's friendly staff will greet you on arrival and take your referral form. One of our sonographers will collect you from reception and ask you to change into a front-opening gown.

Freemasons breast clinic

A breast tomosynthesis examination is similar to a traditional mammogram, but it allows the radiologist to examine breast tissue in thin 'layers' that are typically one millimetre thick. Breast tomosynthesis is the latest and most advanced clinically proven technology for the early detection of breast cancer. Modern equipment uses relatively small X-ray doses, with potential benefits far outweighing any conceivable side effects. There is no preparation for mammography and breast tomosynthesis, but please bring all previous breast imaging reports to your appointment. If you are pregnant, breastfeeding or have breast implants, please advise Epworth Medical Imaging staff when you make your appointment. Do not wear talcum powder, deodorant or perfume on the day of your examination as traces may show on the x-ray films and cause confusing shadows. Epworth Medical Imaging's friendly staff will greet you on arrival and take your referral form. You will be asked to change into a gown. For comfort, it is a good idea to wear a two-piece outfit for the procedure. A radiographer with specialist training in mammography will perform the examination and explain the procedure. You may be asked some questions relating to your symptoms and family history. To produce quality mammogram images, it is necessary to compress squeeze the breast as flat as possible. The radiographer will communicate with you to ensure your comfort. While some patients find this unpleasant, it is essential to obtain clear films.

General X-ray. Learn more. Nuclear medicine.


Epworth Freemasons Breast Clinic can be contacted via phone at for pricing, hours and directions. A Epworth Freemasons Breast Clinic has a 3. Great service For me, knowing I would have the results for my screening on the same day, reduced the "scanxiety" stress levels considerably. Some clinics make people wait for over a week, others a few days Especially if you are high risk,. SOM from imaging is an angel.

Freemasons breast clinic

Breast MRI is a valuable technique to help identify cancer in high-risk patients. It can also determine the extent of a known cancer in the breast. It does not use x-rays and is usually performed in addition to, rather than instead of, mammography and ultrasound. There is no specific preparation for a breast MRI, however your appointment should be scheduled for a certain time of the menstrual cycle in premenopausal women usually between days 7 and You can take any usual medications, however if you are on Hormone Replacement Therapy you must cease this 4 to 6 weeks before your examination. Epworth Medical Imaging's friendly staff will greet you on arrival and take your referral form. The MRI radiographer will explain what you can expect during the examination.

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Coronary Artery Calcium Scoring. Our services Angiography. Bone mineral densitometry BMD. Bone mineral densitometry BMD. There is no preparation for mammography and breast tomosynthesis, but please bring all previous breast imaging reports to your appointment. After your examination, please report to reception where you may be presented with hard copy films or a CD containing your images. Located on-site at Epworth Freemasons Hospital, the centre offers cutting-edge radiation therapy treatment for all cancer types, delivered by an experienced team who are dedicated to ensuring patients and their loved ones receive support and exceptional care every step of the way. Become a Patient Refer a Patient. You will be asked to change into a gown. CT Coronary Angiogram. Breast ultrasounds allow doctors to differentiate between cysts and solid lumps. About Icon Cancer Centre Freemasons.

Based in East Melbourne for many years, we are an independent private boutique practice providing specialist consultation, diagnosis and treatment for all breast conditions. Breast cancer is treated within a multidisciplinary team, with oncoplastic and reconstructive surgical options. With experience and understanding, a patient-centred approach to breast care.

By public transport Tram lines , 42 or 34 have direct access to stop 15 on Victoria Parade and tram 48 or 75 has access to stop 11 on Wellington Parade. You will be asked to lie on a bed as each breast is scanned separately. How should I prepare for mammography and breast tomosynthesis? It may also help to determine whether a breast lump requires biopsy. Bone mineral densitometry BMD. Computed tomography CT. Breast MRI. Epworth Medical Imaging's friendly staff will greet you on arrival and take your referral form. To book an appointment with Epworth Medical Imaging please phone us or complete the request form and we will contact you to confirm your appointment. After your examination, please report to reception where you may be presented with hard copy films or a CD containing your images.

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