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Conoce todos l Barcelona, 20 de diciembre de El programa Universidad-Empresa sigue creciendo.

Khorana AA, et al. Thromboembolism is a leading cause of death in cancer patients receiving outpatient chemotherapy. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Report summarising the findings of an Expert Steering Group meeting in Belgium. J Thromb Haemost.

Foro de pharma mar

Vitoria-Gasteiz, 3 November This year, , new science equipment is being purchased, like a bioprinter, research staff are being hired and the labs at the Lascaray Ikergunea research centre on Alava Campus are being fitted out. The aim of the project is to effectively combine technological and scientific capabilities, in order to boost joint research in the field of 3D printing for drugs and bioprinting technologies applied to the field of advanced pharmaceutical therapies. Oriented basic research and applied research will mainly be carried out at the research centre. As a starting point, research will focus on the following:. These therapies require a new industry with a value chain that is different from that of conventional pharmaceutics, as well as strong public-private collaboration. BAT mobilises the entire Basque healthcare value chain, with four large business groups and 18 SMEs, six research and technology centres, six health assistance organisations, three health research institutes and two associations in the sector. Collaboration with other Spanish autonomous regions is also important, such as with Navarre and the other Basque provincial councils. We are backing five start-ups with technologies in the health sector. Accelerator for start-ups based on sophisticated technologies. Matchmaking Innovation in Health Forum: new solutions. Food of the future using sustainable processes. Press release. One of the goals of this project is the specialisation in 3D printing for drugs and bioprinting technologies applied to the field of advanced pharmaceutical therapies.

Food of the future using sustainable processes.


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Foro de pharma mar

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Economic burden of cancer associated thrombosis in Germany - Findings and extrapolations P. Current Oncology. Journal of Clinical Oncology. Las empresas aplauden el incremento de la seguridad aportada por la nueva normativa de pagos, pero reclaman mayor flexibilidad para reducir la tasa de a Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis. Khorana AA, et al. Press room. Cancer-associated thrombosis: prevention and treatment. Rates of initial and recurrent thromboembolic disease among patients with malignancy versus those without malignancy. Am J Med. Las tiendas siguen siendo el principal lugar en el que los consumidores descubren las innovaciones, pero su importancia cae, mientras que crece la influ Matchmaking Innovation in Health Forum: new solutions. Configurar Ok.

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Venous thromboembolism after major cancer surgery: temporal trends and patterns of care. N Engl J Med. Other press releases. Thrombosis and Haemostasis Jan 5; 1 The American journal of medicine. Docentes y estudiantes universitarios ya pueden conocer y presentar candidatura para resolver los retos que forman parte del AECOC University Challenge Matchmaking Innovation in Health Forum: new solutions. Las organizaciones del sector recuerdan el gran esfuerzo que sus profesionales llevan realizando desde el inicio del confinamiento para garantizar el ab El 13 de junio el SERGAS celebra un acto informativo en Santiago de Compostela para compartir con proveedores y otros agentes de la cadena de suministro J Thromb haemost ; 15 5 Necesarias Necesarias. Se utiliza para asegurar que hay un atributo SameSite correcto para todas las cookies en ese navegador.

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