field study 3 technology in the learning environment episode 1

Field study 3 technology in the learning environment episode 1

Lilibeth L. Target At the end of this activity, you will be competent in identifying and classifying resources that facilitate teaching and learning processes.

By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Nimfa Reserva. John Wesley Quintero. Christine May Baldado.

Field study 3 technology in the learning environment episode 1

Print Interactive Resources instruction relies heavily on Generally, all these print discussion and sharing Books resources were capable in providing among participants. This them aware about the whole concept. Audio Letting the student All these resources were Resources explore the elements of an capable in upgrading the vocabulary audio production could be an and listening skill of the learners and Cassette effective teaching approach this was highly effective for all the because it develops listening auditory learners. Compact Disc skills of students. Experiential 1. Non- learning could be a teaching There were models and Electronic approach where resources specimens that were being preserved, Visual were most useful. It brings out learner centered and activity information and reality experience Models oriented. The emphasis in for the learners who may not be experiential learning was on familiar with what it looks like. Microscope the process of learning and not on the product. Direct instruction was highly 1. This includes used as a means of learning new methods such as lectures, concepts and new ideas to the Computers questioning, explicit teaching learners. T also brings convenience and demonstration. It was to the part of the teachers. Television effective for providing information or developing step by step skills.

Reflect on how you can improve on or acquire these skills. Kpttugasan4 ulasankendiri.

Download Now Download to read offline. Recommended Field Study 3 Episode 1. Field Study 3 Episode 4. FIeld Study 3. FIeld Study 3 Daryl Melo.

By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. Owen Santos Ablaza. Uzziel Joy Arvesu. Paul Ray Mark N. Daniel Jimi. Educational technology is a multifaceted and integrated process involving people, procedure, ideas, devices, and organization, where technology from different fields of science is borrowed as per the need and requirement of education for implementing, evaluating, and managing solutions to those problems involved in all aspects of human learning. Technology is perhaps the strongest factor shaping the educational sector today. Calculators, textbooks, projectors, computers and tablets, internet connectivity, smart boards etc.

Field study 3 technology in the learning environment episode 1

By using our site, you agree to our collection of information through the use of cookies. To learn more, view our Privacy Policy. To browse Academia. The printed materials are posted near the entrance, near the whiteboard so the students will be able to notice it immediately. Nimfa Reserva. John Wesley Quintero.


Metacognition Metacognition is essential to successful learning because it enables individuals to better manage their cognitive skills and to determine weaknesses that can be corrected by constructing. Front Page Module 1. All learning resources must be. Field Study 2 FS 2 - Episode 2 []. Yes, the big book really was effective in keeping the students attention at the same time it enhanced their imagination. Prepare hand-outs for a specific topic 2. Grade 1. My data analysis included transcribing recorded interviews and classroom observations, generating and applying codes, and identifying themes that emerged from the data. Can serve as a link for teacher to other science activities. My knowledge in using the computer is not enough for me to share it to my students. By not forcing a teacher to rely solely on books, a multimedia projector makes more educational information available to students. Ohio Standards Connection Geometry and Spatial Sense Benchmark A Provide rationale for groupings and comparisons of two-dimensional figures and three-dimensional objects. If only the teacher uses a picture of what her topic is all about.

My Learning Task Overview Episode 1 provides an opportunity for students to examine a Learning Resource Center or Multimedia Center and learn about its collection, services, equipment and reflect on how it supports the teaching learning process. A school usually set up a center which will provide valuable support to the teaching-learning process.

Teacher, Student Benefits. Non-Electronic Visual Resources a. Julieto Pelenio. Aside from this, the library also has a good number of books and encyclopedia that the students can use. What suggestions can you make? Correctness Since the posting has Free from grammar a DepEd seal on it. Fs 1 episode 4 individual differences and learners interaction. The history of this pedagogic approach is explored in relation to its relevance to the current debate. Sarita Anand Dr. Maxwell E. What are the features of a good slide presentation? Fs 1 full episodes Andres Soriano Colleges of Bislig.

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