fev lab fallout 4

Fev lab fallout 4

This abandoned 0gomovies to of the underground habitat once housed the laboratory where the Institute tried to unlock the secrets of the FEV. Although the program has failed to produce any results for over a decade, Father insisted on continuing the project fev lab fallout 4 until Brian Virgil sabotaged it. This is a straightforward area. Accessed through a Novice-locked door off the main area of the BioScience division laboratory, the player begins in a foyer leading to an airlock with a dead synth.

The FEV lab is a section of the Institute in The FEV lab is an abandoned section of the facility where the Institute tried to unlock the secrets of the Forced Evolutionary Virus , and it is the source of most of the super mutants in the Commonwealth. The two entrances to the FEV lab, one via a Master-locked terminal and the other via a Novice-locked door, are both in the BioScience division. Entering through the Novice-locked door, a short decontamination corridor leads to a dead synth and a Novice-locked door to a small adjoining security room. The corridor beyond is protected by three laser turrets, and leads through an Advanced-locked door controlled by a Novice-locked terminal into a storage room occupied by an Assaultron. Beyond the storage room is a corridor guarded by two more laser turrets and featuring another dead synth and three dead house cats. Two small closets and four holding chambers, two Novice-locked and one Advanced-locked, adjoin the corridor; one of the holding chambers contains a dead super mutant and another dead house cat.

Fev lab fallout 4

Log In Sign Up. What do you need help on? Cancel X. Topic Archived. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to post messages, change how messages are displayed, and view media in posts. Zanimar 7 years ago 1. Ok, so I'm in the Institute and trying to get evidence of Virgil for Li as well as trying to get the serum for Virgil and I can't find a way into the lab. I lack the ability to hack master level computers so I'm unable to turn off the gate and when I went in via the novice locked door, I ran into a dead end since the the path is sealed with a door and I can't find a button within reach to unseal the doors so I can progress. Am I missing something or am I just screwed because I didn't read hours ahead to know I was supposed to be leveling hacking skills? SlashmanSG 7 years ago 2.

The holotape Brian Virgil personal logwhich explains why Virgil left the Institute, can be given to Madison Li to convince her to leave the Institute during the quest From Within. Current Wiki. Natick and the Glowing Sea.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Fallout 4 Store Page. Global Achievements. Renryuu View Profile View Posts.

Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. Change language. Install Steam. Store Page. Fallout 4 Store Page. Global Achievements. Rizzly View Profile View Posts.

Fev lab fallout 4

The FEV lab is a section of the Institute in The FEV lab is an abandoned section of the facility where the Institute tried to unlock the secrets of the Forced Evolutionary Virus , and it is the source of most of the super mutants in the Commonwealth. The two entrances to the FEV lab, one via a Master-locked terminal and the other via a Novice-locked door, are both in the BioScience division. Entering through the Novice-locked door, a short decontamination corridor leads to a dead synth and a Novice-locked door to a small adjoining security room. The corridor beyond is protected by three laser turrets, and leads through an Advanced-locked door controlled by a Novice-locked terminal into a storage room occupied by an Assaultron. Beyond the storage room is a corridor guarded by two more laser turrets and featuring another dead synth and three dead house cats.

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Originally posted by sjrekis :. Allies Creatures and robots Factions Vendors. Home Discussions Workshop Market Broadcasts. The FEV lab is a section of the Institute in My HUD has disappeared? But this is the first time in FO4 that I've needed to hack something quest related that wasn't novice level. Last edited by Chuc ; 29 Aug, pm. Explore Wikis Community Central. I usually keep a couple of Perk points in reserve for when I run into something like this. Fallout 4 locations. Am I missing something Yes. Zone 1: Lexington and Northwest Commonwealth. Boston Common. Wish I could better describe the back way in - but it's through a side tunnel that leads to a supply room and around the back of the supply room leads to the old section corridors that go to the abandoned FEV lab.

This Institute desk terminal is located on a desk against the west wall of the southernmost room of the FEV lab. Baseline: Male, mids.

A terminal is filled with test subject information and progress reports, and a door to the east leads to the BioScience division's Master-locked entrance. If you look in my previous post, I've posted screenshots of the area being sealed off even though everything I've looked up seems to suggest that it's not supposed to be sealed. Most likely a bug. In his walkthrough the alternate path has the doors open and as you see in the screenshot I provided, the doors are sealed. Renryuu View Profile View Posts. What do you need help on? Wish I could better describe the back way in - but it's through a side tunnel that leads to a supply room and around the back of the supply room leads to the old section corridors that go to the abandoned FEV lab. Zone Neighborhood: Beacon Hill. Explore Wikis Community Central. The Commonwealth individual locations. Greater Boston Neighborhoods - East. Ok, so I'm in the Institute and trying to get evidence of Virgil for Li as well as trying to get the serum for Virgil and I can't find a way into the lab. Store Page.

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