Expo router
Expo Router is an open-source routing library for Universal React Native applications built with Expo. Expo Router is a file-based router for React Native and web applications. It allows you to manage navigation between screens in your app, allowing users to move seamlessly between different parts of your app's UI, using the same expo router on multiple platforms Android, iOS, and web, expo router.
Learn about the file-based routing convention used by Expo Router. When a file is created in the app directory, it automatically becomes a route in the app. For example, the following files will create the following routes:. Pages are defined by exporting a React component as the default value from a file in the app directory. The file they are exported from must use one of the.
Expo router
Expo Router uses "links" to move between pages in the app. You can customize the component by passing the asChild prop, which will forward all props to the first child of the Link component. The child component must support the onPress and onClick props, href and role will also be passed down. Expo Router uses a stack-based navigation approach. Each new route you navigate to gets added to a stack. If you navigate a route already in the stack, the stack unwinds back to that existing route. This always pushes the route onto the stack, even if it already exists. In contrast, the replace method substitutes the current route in the navigation stack with a new one, effectively replacing the current screen with the new one without adding to the stack. Dynamic routes and query parameters can be provided statically or with the convenience Href object. By default, links navigate to the nearest route in the navigation stack, either by pushing a new route or unwinding to an existing route. You can use the push prop to always push the route onto the stack. By default, links "push" routes onto the navigation stack. It follows the same rules as navigation. This means that the previous screen will be available when the user navigates back. You can use the replace prop to replace the current screen instead of pushing a new one.
Expo Modules API.
Learn how to quickly get started by creating a new project with Expo Router or adding the library to an existing project. Find the steps below to create a new project with Expo Router library or add it to your existing project. We recommend creating a new Expo app using create-expo-app. This will create a minimal project with the Expo Router library already installed. To create a project, run the command:.
A list of common questions about Expo Router. Initial routes are somewhat unique to mobile apps and therefore fit awkwardly in the system — improvements pending. Historically, React Native has been non prescriptive about how apps should be built, this is similar to using React without a modern web framework. Expo Router is designed to bring the best architectural patterns to everyone, to ensure React Native is leveraged to its fullest. For example, Expo Router's Async Routes feature enables lazy bundling for everyone. Previously, lazy bundling was only used at Meta to build the Facebook app.
Expo router
Jan 23, by. Evan Bacon. Welcome to Expo Router v3, our most powerful release yet! Today we're introducing beta support for the newest Expo platform: Servers. With this, Expo Router is now the first universal, full-stack React framework! If you're new here, Expo Router uses a file-based approach to app development which enables you to build more powerful apps than ever before, with less boilerplate code. The key features so far have been autocomplete and type safety for navigation, SEO and accessibility for web , automatic universal linking , lazy bundling , and more!
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Search Home Guides Reference Learn. On this page Pages Dynamic routes. Push notifications. In contrast, the replace method substitutes the current route in the navigation stack with a new one, effectively replacing the current screen with the new one without adding to the stack. Client-side navigation works with both single-page apps, and static rendering. Development process. Push notifications. Expo Modules API. This is useful for redirects. Expo Modules API.
Learn about the file-based routing convention used by Expo Router.
EAS Insights. Multiple slugs can be matched in a single route by using the rest syntax The web-only attributes target , rel , and download are also supported. On this page. Navigate to the nearest route in the navigation state. Learn about the file-based routing convention used by Expo Router. Specifically, remove metro , metro-resolver , react-refresh resolutions from your package. Push notifications. This always pushes the route onto the stack, even if it already exists. Push notifications. Expo Modules API. Learn more: Statically Typed Routes. You can also navigate imperatively using the router object. EAS Submit.
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