Enviromux 16d

The system includes three internal sensors: temperature, humidity and power.

Import duties, taxes and any additional delivery or clearance charges, are not included in the item price or the quoted shipping cost. These charges are the responsibility of the Buyer. Please check with your local customs office to determine any additional charges prior to purchase. The system includes three internal sensors: temperature, humidity and power. It also supports 16 external configurable sensors, eight digital input sensors, and four output relays for control of external devices. Category: environmental-monitoring , gs-network , large-enterprise-environment-monitoring-system , over Vendor: NTI.

Enviromux 16d

The system includes three internal sensors: temperature, humidity and power. It also supports 16 external configurable sensors, eight digital input sensors, and four output relays for control of external devices. Server Racks View All. Server Rack Power View All. Server Rack Accessories View All. New and Featured Products. Monitor and manage server room environmental and security conditions over IP. Supports IP network video cameras for live view of any facility. Monitor ping up to 64 IP network devices. Create multiple alerts for any installed sensor. Alerts are posted in message log, which is accessible through Web user interface. Automatically configures network settings received from a connected DHCP server. Internal battery backup. Up to five units can be connected via Ethernet connection or using CAT5 expansion cables to increase the number of sensors connected. Use in data centers, co-lo sites, web hosting facilities, telecom switching sites, POP sites, server closets, or any unmanned area that needs to be monitored.

The unit can be polled via SNMP. Each sensor can be located up to ft away from the expander, enviromux 16d. Internal battery backup.


The system includes three internal sensors: temperature, humidity and power. It also supports 16 external configurable sensors, eight digital input sensors, and four output relays for control of external devices. Monitor and manage server room environmental and security conditions over IP. Four output relays for control of external devices. Relay activates upon alarm or via the user interface. Supports IP network video cameras for live view of any facility. One integrated view — see different Web cameras side-by-side with physical and environmental parameters.

Enviromux 16d

The system includes three internal sensors: temperature, humidity and power. It also supports 16 external configurable sensors, eight digital input sensors, and four output relays for control of external devices. Up to eight remote IP sensors can be connected. In this example, water is detected at Each sensor can be located up to ft away from the expander.

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Beacon Port One screw terminal pair. As there will be power loss with this configuration, attention must be given to the gauge and length of the power conductors used to determine the number of units it can support and how far the units can go. Rapid changes in temperature and humidity, water leaks, power outages, human error, and invasive intrusions are the most common environmental threats faced by businesses. Email and SMS alerts can be sent through the modem instead of the Ethernet connection. Mobile Summary Page view product demo View summary page on mobile devices — smartphones, tablets, etc. Eight screw terminals pairs for connecting dry contact devices. One integrated view — see different Web cameras side-by-side with physical and environmental parameters. Power consumption: 35W Connection for Earth Ground. Requires internet connection for auto license updates. Monitor ping up to 64 IP network devices. Summary page lists all connected sensors' current values and alert statuses. Self-hosted software — no clients or special apps to install. Alerts are sent if devices are not responding Linux inside.

Enviromux series enterprise environment monitoring system.

One integrated view see different Web cameras side-by-side with physical and environmental parameters. Additional power supplies may be required to assure protection of the area should a power supply fail. Users can configure the schedule for when they will be alerted, as well as customize the e-mail subject line for each sensor alert. Configure sensor thresholds, alarm methods, formats of alerts, and system data log. System stores encrypted login information. Create multiple alerts for any installed sensor. After a search we found your product, to which we can attach different kinds of sensors to monitor voltage, water, smoke and temperature. Configure up to 50 sensor conditions events. Potential-free relay switch contacts. Siren Port One screw terminal pair.

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