elite pedophilia and the propaganda machine

Elite pedophilia and the propaganda machine

This is a list of current and former pedophile advocacy groups that support sexual contact between adults and children.

Zohar Lazar The children were being sodomized in secret underground tunnels. Their captors drank blood in front of them and staged satanic ritual sacrifices. Sometimes the kids were filmed for pornographic purposes. In total, some several hundred children were subjected to this treatment. And it all happened in the middle of a safe neighborhood where crimes were not supposed to happen, let alone such unspeakable and horrific ones. Not that anyone else witnessed the abuse. Nor was there any clear evidence that it was actually happening.

Elite pedophilia and the propaganda machine

ER Editor: We came across this on Zerohedge today behind a paywall, and discovered a new site. The title above is that of Zerohedge. While we do not subscribe to the especially religious tone of the piece below, we believe it is vital this information get revealed. The report includes a famous Dutch media investigation into organized sexual abuse from June of during lockdown time which, as far as we are aware, never saw the light of day in the English-speaking world. We end with an in-depth discussion of the phenomenon of ritual abuse, in all its gruesome and pervasive glory. Case reports from all over the world, spanning decades are illustrated and it is shown that this global phenomenon has been going on, largely unchanged, for millennia. You have now read, oh Seeker of Truth, of the atrocities committed in the ancient Punic religion, atrocities that included cannibalism and the widespread sacrifice of children. Do you think these practices could be stopped with the destruction of Phoenicia and Carthage? In fact, the abominations of the Nephilim and their descendants continue to this day, though under a different guise, hidden underground, away from the public eye. The ritual sacrifices once made in the name of Cronus are now made in the name of Satan, but they are one and the same entity , also referred to in the Judeo-Christian Bible as Baal. The elements of these satanic ceremonies remain the same as they were many millennia ago: ritual murder, ritual cannibalism, and ritual sex, often ritual rape. In Asclepius , Chapter 21, Hermes Trismegistus speaks of the sacredness of sex and its compelling forces. He states that.

November 28, 0.

Robin Falkov Hr1 Dr. Robin Falkov Hr2 Dr. The downfall of Jeffrey Epstein brought this issue into the limelight, but few people truly know how long stuff like this has been going on. It places the matter of elite pedophilia in a deeper historical context that sheds new light on this awful phenomenon. The overarching narrative the otherworldly author uses to tie together tens of thousands of years of human history is as worrisome as it is compelling.

Visit Link. An unavoidable connection one makes when exploring the deep-state are its ties with child trafficking rings and sexual abuse. The downfall of Jeffrey Epstein brought this issue into the limelight, but few people truly know how long stuff like this has been going on. It places the matter of elite pedophilia in a deeper historical context that sheds new light on this awful phenomenon. The overarching narrative the otherworldly author uses to tie together tens of thousands of years of human history is as worrisome as it is compelling. It draws on several disciplines of modern science, as well as just about every religious scripture that has ever been written.

Elite pedophilia and the propaganda machine

ER Editor: We came across this on Zerohedge today behind a paywall, and discovered a new site. The title above is that of Zerohedge. While we do not subscribe to the especially religious tone of the piece below, we believe it is vital this information get revealed. The report includes a famous Dutch media investigation into organized sexual abuse from June of during lockdown time which, as far as we are aware, never saw the light of day in the English-speaking world. We end with an in-depth discussion of the phenomenon of ritual abuse, in all its gruesome and pervasive glory. Case reports from all over the world, spanning decades are illustrated and it is shown that this global phenomenon has been going on, largely unchanged, for millennia. You have now read, oh Seeker of Truth, of the atrocities committed in the ancient Punic religion, atrocities that included cannibalism and the widespread sacrifice of children. Do you think these practices could be stopped with the destruction of Phoenicia and Carthage? In fact, the abominations of the Nephilim and their descendants continue to this day, though under a different guise, hidden underground, away from the public eye. The ritual sacrifices once made in the name of Cronus are now made in the name of Satan, but they are one and the same entity , also referred to in the Judeo-Christian Bible as Baal.

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While we do not subscribe to the especially religious tone of the piece below, we believe it is vital this information get revealed. Explanations offered for the peculiar resonance of Pizzagate and QAnon tend to focus on pathologies in the media ecosystem—epistemic bubbles, polarization, the unruly growth of social media. Sophie Murguia. For a while, the only reality Germans were allowed to exist in was Nazism itself. If you're using an ad blocker, please consider putting RMN in your ad blocker's whitelist. E on Substack and Twitter! One boy told of adults in masks and black robes dancing and moaning; of live rabbits chopped to bits by candlelight. Support our journalism Help Mother Jones ' reporters dig deep with a tax-deductible donation. Since then, true to their motto "Dare to question," Russian state media have cozied up to France's Yellow Vest protestors, and then to Covid skeptics during the pandemic. Sign up for the free Mother Jones Daily newsletter and follow the news that matters. Robin Falkov Hr2 Dr. Prepare yourself to become the fully actualized spiritual being you were meant to be. Corriere della Sera , As of , it had 79 members in 20 countries. The same goes for pregnancies.

Conspiracy theories involving outlandish fantasies of "elite" pedophile rings may have gained modern day prominence in the disorienting frenzy that characterized the lead-up to the U. They also don't show any signs of going away. The current crop, at least, took root with what became known as "Pizzagate.

For 7 years we have not asked for any donations, and have built this project with our own funds as we grew. Article Talk. Be forewarned, this chapter explores the darkest evil being perpetrated today, and it is on such a scale and duration the mind recoils in either disbelief or horror. Conspiracy theories of all kinds draw their energy from social anxieties. It was founded in the early s. Founded by Philippe Charpentier. Recipients of misinformation have the power to dismiss or spread what we see and read at the click of a finger. One patient recalled a ritual when she was four or five, where a brother and a sister were placed on a table at the center of the ritual and forced to perform oral sex on each other, before being cut open, cooked, and eaten. Now it was hundreds of children who had been assaulted and subjected to satanic rituals, and now, instead of just one McMartin teacher, there was an entire sex ring involved. Dodgy dossiers. In , Twitter identified nine million tweets linked to Russian disinformation, while in the fall of , Facebook announced the dismantling of two Russian and Chinese disinformation networks. One hundred and forty accounts of ritual abuse were collected, revealing stunning similarities to each other, and to past accounts of the same.

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