Elektrik elektronik mühendisliği staj defteri örnekleri pdf
Upon completion of the internship the student must submit an internship report within a week 7 days of the completion of the internship Discuss this date with the committee if you need an extension.
The slides of the meeting can be found here. In case you have any queries related to the summer practice procedures, we kindly ask you to first go through the meeting slides and our SP webpage carefully, and send an email only if you cannot find the answer of your question there. Research internships can be done in Turkey only if the internship institution is not affiliated with METU. Internships done at research centers that used to be affiliated with METU but have gained special status via law no. Internships done at research centers outside this scope e.
Elektrik elektronik mühendisliği staj defteri örnekleri pdf
Lifelong learning evaluation form: Download Turkish English. Instructions for Paid Summer Practices If you did your SP in a company in Turkey and you received payment during your SP, you need to do the following as soon as you received all of your payments.
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Elektrik elektronik mühendisliği staj defteri örnekleri pdf
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Instructions for Paid Summer Practices If you did your SP in a company in Turkey and you received payment during your SP, you need to do the following as soon as you received all of your payments. Internships in public institutions : We have been informed that from now on all public institutions in Turkey kamu kurumlari accept internship applications through a centralized system. SP Abroad. If you notice that you made a mistake when filling in the form, you can submit a new one and the latest submission will be taken into account. If you are not sure about your potential internship place, discuss it with the internship committee before you visit the site. Please attach the visual documents if any to the Internship Report. If you did your SP in a company in Turkey and you received payment during your SP, you need to do the following as soon as you received all of your payments. Bizi takip edin. Internship documents: Download pdf. All pages of the Internship Report except for the cover page must be page numbered. Guidelines for Report Writing. The slides of the meeting can be found here. Summer Practice process available in Turkish only, please visit here for information in English. That is, you must give a reference list at the end and cite them in your report. Research internship evaluation form: Download word pdf.
Research internships can be done in Turkey only if the internship institution is not affiliated with METU. Please consult this page for further information. Summer Practice process available in Turkish only, please visit here for information in English. After Completion: The student writes an Internship Report. Bizi takip edin. That is, you must give a reference list at the end and cite them in your report. Must be written in digital format and printed on a white sheet in A4 size. Please fill in all entries carefully. Holidays are not counted towards your 20 days of internship. Hayat Kurtaracak Projeler.
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