edx wharton

Edx wharton

Apply the knowledge you learned from the Introduction to Connected Strategy course in this comprehensive workshop that will help you create new edx wharton strategies for your organization.

They may instead be found by focusing on your existing best customers — and finding new customers with similar behavioral tendencies. Created by Professor Peter Fader, a world-renowned thought leader on marketing analytics and co-founder of Zodiac, a predictive analytics solution built on the breakthrough consumer behavior models developed by Professor Fader, this marketing course is designed to help you identify your most valuable customers and maximize their strategic value. You might have the data and the technology to track your best customers, but how can you meaningfully differentiate them from the rest? How do you align your operations around them? And how do you create and sustain competitive advantages from such practices? For more information, see here. Escuelas y socios.

Edx wharton

Leadership in the Age of Digital Disruption ». Fintech: Foundations and Applications of Financial Technologies ». Asset and Portfolio Management Certificate ». The Business of Health Care Specialization ». The Asset and Portfolio Management Certificate Program is designed to help current and aspiring financial professionals employ the best practices when putting together an investment portfolio. Discover how to assess opportunities, diversify portfolios, and manage investment risk in this portfolio and asset management certificate online program. View program page for pricing. This program is perfect for: Early- to mid-career financial professionals, Aspiring asset managers, Investment banking associates, Career switchers, Economics and finance students. Learn key concepts and terms in the investment industry, such as efficient market hypothesis, frontier of risky assets, tangency portfolio, Sharpe ratio, and diversification. A comprehensive view of investment products and the key strategies used by professional investors. The Leadership and Management Certificate is designed to help executives across the organization reach new levels of success. Both individuals and larger teams can learn cutting-edge management concepts from world-class Wharton faculty. For companies looking to achieve and increase competitive advantage, this certificate program is an effective way to scale learning for maximum impact. This program is perfect for: senior and mid-level managers, new and emerging leaders, analysts and strategists at global firms, leaders of change initiatives. Leadership in the 21st Century will teach you how to create an environment where your employees can thrive and step up to meet stretch goals for the organization.

Stay Updated Be the first to know about our latest programs and courses. Learn how successful brands have edx wharton themselves by creating an exceptional customer experience.


How many people does it take to service over three million online learners worldwide? For Wharton Online , the answer is And according to former Vice Dean Jagmohan S. Raju of Wharton Executive Education, this resemblance runs deeper. Innovation has been essential to Wharton Online from the start. To get the ball rolling, the School hired Anne Trumbore, an edtech expert and early employee at Coursera. Today, Business Foundations is one of 13 Specializations developed by Wharton Online, on topics ranging from fintech and healthcare management to how to achieve personal success. For other groups around the School, Wharton Online was crucial in the pivot to virtual learning.

Edx wharton

Offering high-quality products and services at competitive prices is no longer a sufficient business strategy. Increased competition and an evolving digital landscape demand more from organizations and their leaders. Enhance your leadership capabilities and learn how to develop sustainable, successful business strategies with the Professional Certificate in Strategic Management from Wharton. Offering practical lecture knowledge and hands-on application of concepts, this program teaches you how to decrease costs, increase operational efficiencies, and improve customer experiences. Created by world-renowned professors at the Wharton School, the Professional Certificate in Strategic Management walks you through how technology has changed the way businesses interact with customers and why this necessitates connected strategies. This program of business strategy courses is designed for managers and leaders of all industries who want to better identify, amplify, and sustain the competitive advantage of their businesses. What sets your organization apart from others? How can you maximize and sustain its impact over time?

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Digital Marketing. Wharton Online Specializations Our most popular and accessible courses, Wharton Online Specializations are programs of four to five courses that help you build business acumen across a variety of topic areas, including healthcare, leaderships and communication, and entrepreneurship. Designed by seasoned faculty from the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, the program helps you succeed across all stages of digital marketing. One standard CEU is equal to ten hours in an education program. We make accessibility to all a top priority—by ensuring that our websites, platforms, courses, and learning assets conform to the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines WCAG Section 2. Expert instruction. Leadership and Management. Make an informed decision about whether, how, and when to invest in customer centricity Make the case for customer centricity in your organization Find a balance in your organization between customer-centric and product-centric efforts Decide what initial experiments your company should invest in to achieve customer centricity Choose metrics to gauge and guide ongoing customer-centric efforts. Discover how to use social media and word of mouth to spread your message and make any product or idea catch on. It provides participants with a fundamental understanding of AI, big data, and machine learning. There is one session available: 10, already enrolled! This three-month AI for Decision Making program is designed for executives, managers, and mid-career professionals who want to leverage AI at their business.

Our courses bring the best business education to millions of learners looking to advance their careers from anywhere, at any time.

Business Administration. This specialization provides an introduction to Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, and Machine Learning concepts, and how they can be used to support business growth. Investment Products. Starts Mar 1. The videos will provide supplementary knowledge and understanding to the worksheets and capstone project. International managers, marketers, data-savvy professionals and strategists of all kinds will benefit from this 4-week program. How do you align your operations around them? We want to help you take your learning to the next level. Discover how to assess opportunities, diversify portfolios, and manage investment risk in this portfolio and asset management certificate online program. The capstone project will be a culmination of all the worksheets and your final analysis of the connected strategy that you have created for an organization. Apply the knowledge you learned from the Introduction to Connected Strategy course in this comprehensive workshop that will help you create new connected strategies for your organization. Discover how to enhance your ability to assess the strategic impact of the moves of your competitors and how to maintain competitive advantage, understand the general drivers that create and sustain competitive advantage, and how to identify organizational barriers to change.

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