Dulce pronunciation
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Dulce pronunciation
How to pronunce El Amate.
Practice pronunciation of dulce and other Spanish words with our Pronunciation Trainer. Try it for free! No registration required. Practice Your Pronunciation. We know sometimes Spanish may seem complicated. We don't want you to waste your time. In order to get access to all lessons, you need to buy the subscription Premium. Subscription Options.
Dulce pronunciation
Dulce is a Spanish word. It's best to choose which one to use based on your location. The only tricky part is the pronunciation of the 'c' because it's followed by an 'e'. In Spain it is pronounced like the 'th' in 'thin', and in South America it is pronounced like the 's' in 'sin'. English speakers need to decide which one to use, and then use it consistently. Dulce means 'sweet' in Spanish, and can be used in a number of ways:. Skip to content. What is Dulce? Dulce pronunciation in Spanish The only tricky part is the pronunciation of the 'c' because it's followed by an 'e'.
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Yes No. Antonyms for dulce Add antonyms. How to pronunce El Amate. Dulce is pronounced as d oo l s eh d is pronounced as d in do oo is pronounced as oo in food l is pronounced as l in let s is pronounced as s in so eh is pronounced as e in pet Dulce is pronounced as: Phonetic Spelling: [ d oo l s eh ] d oo l s eh d o f oo d l et s o p e t Record Dulce Upload Audio File. Stop Recording in progress.. Add a meaning Cancel. Learn how to pronounce dulce dulce. Thank you for contributing Congrats! Say the name slowly and clearly. Very easy. Go to a quiet place and then click on the record button. Add phonetic spelling Cancel. Saige Mayer.
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Pronunciation of Dulce in Dominican Republic. Pronunciation of Dulce. How to Pronounce Prague 2, Views. Please Log in or Register or post as a guest. The dulce de leche is delicious with the apricot, orange and rye bread notes in a sweet riesling. Create a quiz. Liana Becker. Learn how to pronounce dulce dulce. Add phonetic spelling Cancel. Tens of thousands of Catholic..
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