Does kylo ren die

Despite the external Darth Vader similarities — from the voice modulator to the helmet design — Kylo Ren was quite different from grandfather.

Though she only whispers his name, it seems to draw Kylo back from the brink of darkness. In the final showdown between Rey, Ben Solo and the resurrected Emperor Palpatine, Sheev mercilessly tosses the newly redeemed Ben into a deep hole, leaving Rey with two lightsabers and the encouraging voices of long-dead Jedi at her disposal. Physically and mentally spent, Rey collapses after defeating Palpatine and dies. Ben then crawls out of the hole, miraculously still alive, to save Rey with his Force healing abilities. After Rey returns to the land of the living, she kisses Ben before he dies and his body disappears for good, presumably becoming one with the Force.

Does kylo ren die

Among the most prevalent themes in the Star Wars saga is that of family, of the intergenerational connections that forge lasting legacies. And in the Skywalker family , these connections are all the more significant. Their familial strength in the Force and the push-and-pull between Light and Dark adds an additional complication to your typical family drama. There is perhaps no character that embodies the significance of the past and the possibilities of the present better than Ben Solo, initially introduced as the villainous Kylo Ren. Portrayed with immense depth through the meticulous character work of Academy Award nominee Adam Driver, Solo is one of the most compelling figures of the sequel trilogy. Warning: The following article contains major spoilers for the Star Wars franchise. Please note that this character guide is based on the current canon as defined by Lucasfilm. He was a fairly happy child, content in the presence of his mother and father, and he demonstrated strong abilities with the Force early on in his life. Empire's End: Aftermath. He is an exceptional student and demonstrates an unparalleled aptitude with the Force, whether it be in sparring or meditation. But then everything falls apart: Leia faces censure in the Galactic Senate for her familial connection to Vader after her parentage is publicly exposed.

During the Pasaana sequence, The Rise of Skywalker teases the ability to transfer life energy from one being to another. Rey, who stared at Ren through eyes filled with joy, beseeched him to help her save the Resistance fleet.

Please help Wookieepedia by editing this article. Once you have fixed an issue, you may remove it from the list of issues. See this article's talk page for more information. Ben Solo was a human male Force-sensitive who fell to the dark side of the Force as Kylo Ren —the " Jedi Killer ," master of the Knights of Ren , and ultimately the Supreme Leader of the First Order —but he returned to the light side shortly before his death. The heir to the Skywalker bloodline , Ben Solo possessed raw strength in the Force and had the potential for limitless power. The phantom Sidious similarly targeted Solo and used his creation , Supreme Leader Snoke , to groom Solo from an early age to doubt his family and eventually turn to the dark side.

When you wage a Star War, not everyone is going to make it out alive. There have been numerous impactful deaths on all sides of the battle over the years: Jedi, Sith, and non-Force-sensitive alike. So with the end of the Skywalker Saga comes the conclusion of a year story--and likely the start of a new one--and a number of significant deaths that bring iconic character arcs to a close. So far, the new trilogy of films has seen the deaths of icons like Han Solo Harrison Ford , Luke Skywalker Mark Hamill , and Chewbacca , while the real world has unfortunately seen the passing of Carrie Fisher. Yes, that's right, Leia Skywalker, a princess and a Jedi herself, passes away during the course of the story. But she does it in style.

Does kylo ren die

In the Star Wars universe, redemption for villains usually goes hand in hand with another thing: death. In The Rise of Skywalker , that pattern holds true, with Kylo Ren finally finding his way back to the Light Side , only to meet his doom soon after. So how does Kylo Ren die? That's actually a more complicated question than it might seem. Officially, Kylo makes it all the way to the end of the movie, when he joins Rey to try to defeat the resurrected Emperor Palpatine.

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Star Wars: The Force Awakens. He lives in New York City with his two cats. Despite the external Darth Vader similarities — from the voice modulator to the helmet design — Kylo Ren was quite different from grandfather. Concerned that the Resistance might have the full map to Skywalker, Snoke ordered Hux to unleash the Starkiller weapon against the Resistance base on the planet D'Qar. Rey refuses, but Ren is unwilling to kill her and follows her to Kef Bir , the location of the second wayfinder. Hux confirmed this with the additional information of Dameron having had help from someone within the First Order's ranks. Rebuilding his command in the wake of the Supremacy ' s destruction, Ren brought Allegiant General Enric Pryde to the forefront of his operations after discovering the reserve forces under his command. Upon the birth of Ben Solo, he was considered a member of the Elder Houses of the galaxy, and entitled through hereditary succession to ceremonial titles, including "Supreme Governor of Birren", a small planet settled by Alderaanian explorers in the Inner Rim of the galaxy. Snoke remained concerned that Skywalker's return would be a threat to the First Order, so Hux proposed that they finally use the weapon as intended and destroy the New Republic one and for all. He therefore used Snoke as a proxy to hold sway over Solo. Tai asked what had happened to Hennix, but Solo told them it did not matter.

Having become intrinsically tied together in The Last Jedi , Rey sees the good in Ben and is desperate to turn him back to the light but, equally, Kylo senses the conflict within Rey and believes she can rule the First Order by his side. This connection is eventually revealed to be a Force Dyad as well as passionate, unbridled sexual energy, apparently and has been exploited by Palpatine in his attempts to make Rey ascend to the Sith throne and become his host. However, Palpatine seems to underestimate the strength of Rey and Ben's emotional connection, and the duo stand together as one against the Emperor.

Both Ren and the Supreme Leader understood that if Skywalker and the Jedi were to ever return, they would be a grave threat to the future of the First Order. According to Terrio, "Vader was complicit in genocide and cruelty and depravity. He found the former soldier wounded and alone on the bridge of the Raider II -class corvette Corvus. Similarly, "Darth" is a title bestowed only upon Sith Lords. Shortly after the First Order breached the base, Luke Skywalker appeared and Ren, in a futile attempt to eliminate his uncle, ordered all of his forces to fire at him. Palpatine then senses Rey and Ben's connection as a dyad in the Force, and absorbs their energy to restore his full power, before casting Ben into an abyss. He invited Solo to seek out the Knights in the future, offering to teach the young apprentice about aspects of the Force contrary to Jedi teachings. Ren retrieved his lightsaber, stood up and stepped towards Rey. Holding more power than he ever had in his life up to that point, [73] the Supreme Leader made good on his vow to punish any world that showed anything less than absolute loyalty. Abrams [3] [40] and Rian Johnson, [41] [42] [4] with Abrams explaining that, during the production of Star Wars: The Force Awakens , he perceived them having as much as a "brother-sister thing" as a "romantic thing" because of their spiritual connection in the Force, [3] [40] while Johnson explains the intimacy developed between the two characters in The Last Jedi because of their interactions during the Force connections. She left Skywalker on his sanctuary and traveled to the Supremacy to see Ren, her actions guided by the belief that Ben Solo could be redeemed with her help. Once inside, Ren had a vision of his uncle Luke, saying that he didn't want to fight Ren. Ren followed Rey and Finn into the forest outside of the oscillator, as they made their way back to the nearby Millennium Falcon.

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