Detective conan detective
The story follows the high school detective Shinichi Kudowhose body was transformed into that of an elementary school-age child while investigating a mysterious organization. Generally, he solves a multitude of cases by impersonating his childhood best friend's father and various other characters, detective conan detective.
While on a date with Rachel, Kudo is attacked by two shady thugs who slip him an experimental drug. His new identity is a secret to everyone but his eccentric inventor friend, Dr. Luckily for all involved, Conan is on the job, too. Treasure hunt! When a mysterious coded map ends up in the hands of Conan and his new friends from school, the Junior Detective League is born! On a cross country train, Conan comes across two sketchy men that might be connected to the night of his big shrink!
Detective conan detective
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Archived from the original PDF on January 13, Anime television series. TV Asahi.
Welcome to the Detective Conan Wiki! We strive to become the number one source of all things Detective Conan related, but not without your help! If you need to contact a moderator or an admin, please consult the following list. You need to register before making any edits. Here's a list of easy tasks: Contributing. After graduating from university, Miyashita started a career as assistant director, but later specialized in scriptwriting, starting in the s in police TV dramas, and later shifting to Tokusatsu. He first started scriptwriting for anime series in , and was a writer for Detective Conan as early as the series' inception in
The Detective Conan anime was first aired on January 8, The broadcast schedule was Mondays at 7. JST excluding 1-hour and 2-hour special episodes. On October , the schedule was moved to Mondays at 7. JST, before being moved to Saturdays at 6.
Detective conan detective
While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Please consider turning it on! Log In. Remember Me. The Golden Apple of Discord 2. Pointing a Gun at My Face 3. A Haunted Mansion Murder Case 4.
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Inspector Yuminaga. The ninth film was nominated for the feature film category at the 5th Annual Tokyo Anime Awards, and the next five films were nominees for the Japan Academy Prize for Animation of the Year in their respective years of release. CL [N 2]. Retrieved May 15, Archived from the original on December 20, User reviews 52 Review. Archived from the original on February 22, Videos Authority control databases : National France BnF data. Chihaya Hagiwara. New Customer? Gin's secretary and partner on most occasions. And even the comedy makes it worth while for those of you that don't care much about both categories. Top Top-rated 53 seasons 53 52 51 50 49 48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41 40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 See all 28 years See all. Powered by Alexa.
Shinichi took the appearance of his six or seven-year-old self after being exposed to a prototype poison called APTX , which he had been forced to swallow by two men in black later revealed to be members of the Black Organization. Conan's goal is to hunt down the Black Organization and have them arrested for their crimes, as well as find an antidote to the APTX To do so he plans to make the washout detective Kogoro Mouri famous in hopes of attracting cases related to the Black Organization.
August 13, Natalie in Japanese. See the full list. Saguru Hakuba. Quotes [Repeated Line] Jimmy : With a keen eye for detail, one truth prevails. Archived from the original on October 20, In the Japanese anime television ranking, Case Closed episodes ranked in the top six weekly. Both the manga and the anime have had a positive response from critics for their plot and cases. Detective from Gunma Police District, albeit a not very good one. Like I said, every episode is fresh, and every mystery that is solved is profound. Tsutomu Akai.
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