
Defensins are small cysteine -rich cationic proteins across cellular defensins, including vertebrate [1] and invertebrate [2] animals, plants[3] [4] and fungi. They are variously active against bacteriafungi and many enveloped and nonenveloped viruses. They are typically amino acids in length, defensins, with three or four highly defensins disulphide bonds. In animals, they are produced by cells of the innate immune system and epithelial cellsdefensins, whereas defensins plants and fungi they are produced by a wide variety of tissues.

Federal government websites often end in. The site is secure. Endogenous antimicrobial peptides are widely distributed among vertebrates. They represent elements of a robust, ancestral animal immune system that predates the advent of lymphocytes and immunoglobulins. Secreted and cell-associated antimicrobial peptides enable their hosts to resist incursions by potential pathogens. From a pathogen's perspective, these peptides present a series of barriers to evade or overcome. In humans and other mammals , defensins and cathelicidins are the principal antimicrobial peptides of neutrophils and epithelial cells.


Naturally occurring antimicrobial cationic polypeptides play a major role in innate and adaptive immunity. These polypeptides are found to be either linear and unstructured or structured through disulfide bonds. Among the structured antimicrobial polypeptides, defensins comprise a family of cysteine-rich cationic polypeptides that contribute significantly to host defense against the invasion of microorganisms in animals, humans, insects and plants. Their wide-spread occurrence in various tissues of these diverse organisms, and their importance in innate and adaptive immunity have led to their identification, isolation and characterization. Much has also been published regarding their antimicrobial, antiviral and chemoattractive properties, and their molecular and cellular interactions. In this review, we describe the current status of our knowledge of defensins with respect to their molecular, cellular and structural biology, their role in host defense, future research paradigms and the possibility of their utilization as a new class of non-toxic antimicrobial agents and immuno-modulators. Antimicrobial peptides are widely distributed in nature and represent an ancient mechanism of host defense. Among these naturally occurring antibiotic peptides, defensins form a unique family of cysteine-rich cationic and structured polypeptides with three or four disulfide bridges. Defensins are isolated from mammals, insects, and plants and they serve as effector molecules of innate immunity, providing an efficient initial defense against infectious pathogens [ 1 , 2 ]. Mammalian and other vertebrate defensins are quite different from the arthropod defensins in their sequence and structure [ 3 , 4 ].

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Defensins are a major family of host defense peptides expressed predominantly in neutrophils and epithelial cells. Their broad antimicrobial activities and multifaceted immunomodulatory functions have been extensively studied, cementing their role in innate immunity as a core host-protective component against bacterial, viral and fungal infections. This mini review summarizes the latest findings on the potential pathogenic properties of defensins against the backdrop of their protective roles in antiviral and antibacterial immunity. Further, a succinct description of both tumor-proliferative and -suppressive activities of defensins is also given to highlight their functional and mechanistic complexity in antitumor immunity. The first mammalian defensin, also termed microbicidal cationic protein, was isolated in by Lehrer and colleagues from rabbit lung macrophages 1 , 2. It was not until when the same lab discovered homologous peptides in human neutrophils did Lehrer coin the term defensin 3 , 4 to describe disulfide-stabilized cationic peptides of mammalian origins with broad antimicrobial activity against bacteria, viruses and fungi. HNPs-containing granules normally undergo restricted secretion and are commonly directed for fusion with phagolysosomes, where high concentrations of HNPs directly kill phagocytosed microbes 16 , Upon holocrine secretion and neutrophil infiltration during inflammation, HNPs are released into the extracellular milieu through degranulation of activated neutrophils 17 — HD5 and HD6 are constitutively expressed in and secreted by Paneth cells at the bottom of the small intestinal crypt 12 , 13 , 20 ,


Enteric alpha-defensins are potent effectors of innate immunity that are abundantly expressed in the small intestine. Certain enteric bacteria and viruses are resistant to defensins and even appropriate them to enhance infection despite neutralization of closely related microbes. We therefore hypothesized that defensins impose selective pressure during fecal-oral transmission. Upon passaging a defensin-sensitive serotype of adenovirus in the presence of a human defensin, mutations in the major capsid protein hexon accumulated. In contrast, prior studies identified the vertex proteins as important determinants of defensin antiviral activity. Infection and biochemical assays suggest that a balance between increased cell binding and a downstream block in intracellular trafficking mediated by defensin interactions with all of the major capsid proteins dictates the outcome of infection. These results extensively revise our understanding of the interplay between defensins and non-enveloped viruses.


Tomas Ganz. Enteric defensin expression in necrotizing enterocolitis. Microbicidal cationic proteins of rabbit alveolar macrophages: amino acid composition and functional attributes. Regulation of intestinal alpha-defensin activation by the metalloproteinase matrilysin in innate host defense. Although HNP1 is weaker than HD5 with respect to their ability to promote Shigella adhesion, its strong activity in disrupting the epithelial barrier contributes additionally to Shigella infection References 80—82 show that some defensins have interesting antiviral activity. Defensins mediate the microbicidal activity of human neutrophil granule extract against Acinetobacter calcoaceticus. The mice overexpressing HD5 exhibited opposite results, which are associated with the level of lamina propria Th17 cells. More recent studies, mostly by the same research groups who demonstrated the beneficial role of defensins in controlling viral infection, unveil infection-promoting effects of defensins in HIV-1 and certain serotypes of HAdV infections 25 , 51 , 56 — Genome Biol. Rabe K.

Natural antimicrobial peptides have been shown as one of the important tools to combat certain pathogens and play important role as a part of innate immune system in plants and, also adaptive immunity in animals. Defensin is one of the antimicrobial peptides with a diverse nature of mechanism against different pathogens like viruses, bacteria and fungi. They have a broad function in humans, vertebrates, invertebrates, insects, and plants.

Aghamiri, S. Defensins are small cysteine -rich cationic proteins across cellular life, including vertebrate [1] and invertebrate [2] animals, plants , [3] [4] and fungi. They found that HD5-treated mice show better glucoregulatory performance, as well as improved plasma and liver lipid levels in comparison to those treated with vectors. Acid mucosubstance and basic protein in mouse Paneth cells. Zasloff M Epithelial antibiotic induced in states of disease. Human beta-defensin-2 in oral cancer with opportunistic candida infection. Arimura, Y. Munch D, Sahl HG. It also occurred in other organs, including skin, esophagus, air sacs, large intestine, and kidney. Hollmann, A. It mainly summarizes and discusses their properties, biological function, related clinical diseases, and therapeutic potential, as well as their nutritional regulation. Why and how are peptide—lipid interactions utilized for self defence? USA 88 , — Open in a separate window. Wilson, C.

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