Deep sky stacker out of memory

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Forgot your password? I've split this out to it's own thread, that way you're more likely to get notice and answered. You don't mention what camera you're using to shoot the images, what version of DSS you're using etc. Please provide as much detail as possible. I believe DSS is a 32bit application so is unable to use the 8gb ram you have available limited to 4gb. Some of the processes within DSS are very memory hungry - drizzling for example. Reboot your laptop prior to use to free up as much memory for DSS to work with.

Deep sky stacker out of memory

How could adding calibration frames quadruple the stacking time? Any ideas or suggestions or tips to speed up the process?? Try reducing the star detection threshold , to say 25, and run the lights again to compare with the previous time taken. Yep, Star Detection can increase the total time by a lot. Which can give about 60 stars depending on the object. Just finished stacking Took 6hrs 20 minutes Has anyone else had over 6hrs to stack that amount of data inc calibration frames?? Thanks Martin. Have you got "Use all available processors" ticked? And just to check, you weren't running anything else in the background? DSS took me ages last night to stack 40 odd subs from my dslr. Was i7 16gb but going to move up to i9 32gb and a new motherboard. What are the specs of your machine? Sometimes I take untracked milky way subs and stack a few hundred. If I take my images directly from the sdd card rather than a folder on my desktop, time increases dramatically for some reason like from 30min to a few hours. The same happened with Sequator.

I've learned quite a bit over the past few months and I finally had a beautiful night to get out there and give it a try. Please provide as much detail as possible.

Windows Page file size? RAM size, 32 or 64 bit? From: DeepSkyStacker groups. Hello- Just captured some new data this weekend. Not as much as I had hoped - so I'm only really stacking about a dozen or so images. Went through the entire process, stacking seems to be going well - then right before it completes, I get an error box reading simply "Out of Memory"???

Forgot your password? I've split this out to it's own thread, that way you're more likely to get notice and answered. You don't mention what camera you're using to shoot the images, what version of DSS you're using etc. Please provide as much detail as possible. I believe DSS is a 32bit application so is unable to use the 8gb ram you have available limited to 4gb. Some of the processes within DSS are very memory hungry - drizzling for example.

Deep sky stacker out of memory

So you are having fun under the stars taking tons of images of the night sky, and now you need to process them? Whether you are a beginner or a seasoned astrophotographer, Deep Sky Stacker is a great starting point. So instead, we will explain in detail the workflow and let you experiment with the setting. Click here to skip to our walkthrough on using DSS. Deep Sky Stacker, DSS for short, is a commonly used software for doing image calibration and image stacking of astrophotography images. Despite being a free software, DSS offers a complete set of advanced settings and methods and is also one of the fastest calibration and stacking software for deep sky imaging. Two versions of DSS are available: the bits version, ideal for old computers and Windows tablets, and the bits version, which is your best option when working with modern computers. Unfortunately, as often the case with freeware astrophotography software, DSS is Windows only. The downside is that you need a Windows license.


How could adding calibration frames quadruple the stacking time? I would like to remind here that DeepSkyStacker only allows simple processing treatments of the resulting picture in order to quickly view the result of the stacking process. The first step is to add all the pictures accordingly to their type to the list. The available adjustments are linear, square root, cubic root, logarithm, log log , log square root and asinh.. If you select a reference frame that is not checked, the offsets will be computed from this reference frame even if the reference frame will not be stacked. Went through the entire process, stacking seems to be going well - then right before it completes, I get an error box reading simply "Out of Memory"??? The last option may be checked to create an image showing the cleaned pixels for each light frame. Up to you if you want to give it a try. Batch Stacking The Batch Stacking dialog is used to create resulting images from more than one stack. Already have a WordPress. You can view this feature as a tool intended to provide quickly and simply a star mask file based on real star detection. I found the bias in my pair of 's too be very repeatable so I created a single master bias each for 0 gain and gain. Note: Your email address is included with the abuse report. So far, so good. Loading Comments

Deep SkyStacker is an excellent, and free, software program written by Luc Coiffier that will align, calibrate, and combine, or "stack", a series of individual deep-sky exposures.

Like Loading The "Check above a threshold A star mask is a synthetic grayscale image on which each bright enough star is replaced by a round white area which is fading to black following a curve. X offset in pixels computed for the stacking process. You can zoom in and zoom out by pointing the mouse and using the wheel. To change the current tab you can click anywhere in the tab. Archived This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. What are the specs of your machine? Can I ask what you use russp? Star Field. Penguin Posted August 19, If they aren't and most don't then it should be fine.

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