decapitated video

Decapitated video

This story includes graphic descriptions some readers may find disturbing, decapitated video. It was viewed more than 5, times before it was taken down.

A Pennsylvania man has been arrested after allegedly killing his father, before displaying his decapitated head in a gruesome YouTube video while spouting right-wing conspiracy theories. Mohn was taken into custody about miles away from the crime scene on suspicion of first-degree murder, abuse of a corpse and possessing an instrument of crime with intent, according to a court docket released early Wednesday. He was arraigned at 4 a. Pete Feeney said. In the YouTube video, which was titled "Mohn's Militia - Call To Arms For American Patriots" and is cited in a police complaint, Mohn is seen wearing gloves and holding his father's head in a plastic bag.

Decapitated video

A beheading video is a type of snuff video depicting a live murder in which a hostage or victim is shown to be graphically decapitated , or the head is displayed in the aftermath. Such videos are typically distributed mostly through the Internet, [1] and are often employed by groups seeking to instill shock or terror into a population. Although beheading has been a widely employed public execution method since the ancient Greeks and Romans , [2] videos of this type only began to arise in with the beheading of Daniel Pearl and the growth of the Internet in the Information Age , which allowed groups to anonymously publish these videos for public consumption. The beheadings shown in these videos are usually not performed in a "classical" method — decapitating a victim quickly with a blow from a sword or axe — but by the relatively slow and torturous process of slicing and sawing the victim's neck, while still alive, with a knife. The videos caused controversy among Islamic scholars, some of whom denounced them as against Islamic law; al-Qaeda did not approve and Osama bin Laden considered them poor public relations. Regardless, they became popular with certain Islamic terrorist groups, such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Early videos were grainy and unsophisticated, but, according to the Chicago Sun-Times , had by been "growing in sophistication, using animated graphics and editing techniques apparently aimed at embellishing the audio to make a victim's final moments seem more disturbing". In , a beheading video by a Mexican drug cartel spread virally on Facebook. Writing in The Atlantic , Simon Cottee drew a comparison between jihadist videos and gonzo pornography. A hoax beheading video filmed by Benjamin Vanderford, Robert Martin, and Laurie Kirchner in received wide attention by the American press. It was originally filmed for Vanderford's local election campaign. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history. Tools Tools.

Alex February 15, Retrieved 14 August

Justin Mohn, 32, is claimed to have beheaded his father Michael Mohn , 68, at their home in Pennsylvania on Tuesday. Middletown Township Police confirmed a suspect, a man in his 30s, was arrested just after 9pm in Central Pennsylvania after the headless body of a man in his 60s was found at a house in Levittown, Middletown Township, Bucks County. Law enforcement sources told LevittownNow. In the footage, a man is seen holding up what appears to be the decapitated head of a man he said was his father in a plastic bag. The man in the video issues threats and goes on extreme political rants, the outlet reported.

A video captured a year-old woman being decapitated by an attacker who then threw her body into the street. The attack occurred on Wednesday around p. Video circulating online reportedly showed the woman, America Mafalda Thayer, being beheaded by a male attacker before he dumped her body on the road. It is deeply disturbing that the first instinct was to post that on social media. They then found a knife sheath in a nearby yard and a knife in a nearby alley trash can. Soon after, police apprehended a year-old man named Alexis Saborit on suspicion of second-degree murder. Court records revealed that Saborit was previously convicted of gross misdemeanor domestic assault. I just stood at her desk with my head down. Everyone was just crying. It was a very emotional day and it still is.

Decapitated video

A film of a woman being beheaded in Mexico caused an international outcry in October when Facebook refused to remove it from its site. There have been hundreds of reports about the video - but why has no-one identified the victim in it? In the grainy footage, the woman is on her knees in jeans and a pink top, before a masked man holding a knife behind her says in a gruff voice: "Well, gentleman, this is what happens to all those in the Gulf Cartel. On behalf of Los Zetas. The rest of the video is a gruesome 40 seconds of cold-blooded murder, which caused international controversy recently when it was posted on Facebook. After a day or so of impassioned debate on both sides, Facebook reversed its decision and took the video down. Needless to say, it is still easy enough to find online, especially in Mexico. There are numerous websites dedicated to uploading videos of "narco-killings" or murders similar to the Facebook example. Yet despite the fact the victim is clearly identifiable and that presumably someone somewhere in Mexico must recognise her - as their wife, daughter or sister - no-one has come forward to name her.

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Mohn previously authored several self-published books, including ones about a new revolution, according to an Amazon listing. August 11, Retrieved August 23, IE 11 is not supported. Follow NBC News. Police said it appeared Mohn was reading from a script as he railed about the government. That compounds the problem for videos like these. Middletown Township Detective Lt. Read our privacy notice. Our teams are closely tracking to remove any re-uploads of the video.

Prosecutors in the western state of Jalisco say they are investigating the video, and relatives of the missing group of young friends told local media that their clothing resembled that worn by the men in the video. The most horrifying thing is not just the pair of bound, inert bodies seen lying in the foreground.

The group said they were killed for helping the U. San Francisco Chronicle. Regardless, they became popular with certain Islamic terrorist groups, such as the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant. Retrieved June 12, Fire chief in Texas town hit by wildfires dies fighting a house fire. The man in the video issues threats and goes on extreme political rants, the outlet reported. When she returned to the home that evening shortly before calling police, her son was missing along with a car registered to her husband that had been in the driveway, according to the complaint. In , X eliminated teams focused on security, public policy and human rights issues after Elon Musk took over. Retrieved 2 July Want an ad-free experience?

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