Deans honour list mcgill

If you are graduating with an undergraduate degree, deans honour list mcgill, you may be awarded the designation Dean's Deans honour list mcgill List under the following conditions:. To be placed on the Faculty of Science Dean's Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research List at graduation time, you must have completed at least 9 credits of research-based courses, taken for a letter grade; where qualifying courses are either specified in the list of approved science research courses see mcgill. Furthermore, considering all qualifying science research-based courses on your transcript at graduation time:.

Awards available to Science students are included in the Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards Calendar. All relevant information including regulations on awards is included in this calendar. The Faculty of Science provides about scholarships and prizes to its students each year. Most awards are based on academic merit. Except for the Moyse Travelling Scholarship , students do not have to apply for in course or graduating awards.

Deans honour list mcgill

In-course scholarships, awards, and prizes are for students who are currently enrolled in — and will be continuing in — a full-time undergraduate degree program at McGill, and who have excelled in their program of study. These scholarships are awarded by the scholarships committees of individual faculties , and the funds are then disbursed by Scholarships and Student Aid on the basis of their recommendations. Students should consult the In-course Awards section of the Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards Calendar for a complete listing of awards by faculty. Furthermore, every faculty has its own set of criteria for distribution of in-course awards. Students should consult with the Student Affairs Office in their faculty to acquaint themselves with these criteria, and to receive answers to any related questions they may have. Additional information and detailed regulations pertaining to these awards can be found on our page outlining Regulations for Recipients. Activity awards are granted to in-course, undergraduate students to recognize specific community activity. They are not based solely on academic standing, and most require applications or other submissions from students. Interested students should consult their faculty office for award availability, eligibility, requirements and all other detailed information. This designation is based on the combined GPA for the fall and winter terms. While carrying no monetary reward, it is an official University recognition of academic achievements and is recorded on student transcripts. If you are graduating with an undergraduate degree, you may be awarded the designation of Dean's Honour List under the following conditions:.

Furthermore, deans honour list mcgill, considering all qualifying science research-based courses on your transcript at graduation time:. Dean's Honor list. Honours and First Class Honours for Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Honours and First Class Honours for Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Departments may recommend to the Faculty that graduating students registered in an honours deans honour list mcgill be awarded Honours or First-Class Honours under the following conditions: you must complete all honours program requirements; for Honours, the CGPA at graduation must be at least 3.

This is a non-monetary designation that appears on your official McGill transcript. Enter your keywords. Section menu. Education , B. Undergraduate students in other Faculties and graduate students should contact their Faculty for the appropriate information. Returning students are assessed against other returning Education students and are awarded this distinction based on their combined GPA for the Fall and Winter terms i.

The purpose of verification is to ensure the accuracy of all student information. This includes program and course information, as well as personal information such as mailing and home addresses. Students are responsible for ensuring that all information on their record is accurate. All graduating students must see a departmental advisor at this time to verify that all the program requirements have been met. A helpful Minerva tool to use in this process is Degree Evaluation. Any questions or problems with your record should be reported to the Student Affairs Office. NOTE: If you check your Minerva Graduation Approval Query prior to the date it opens, you will receive a message stating that your record is not active — this is no reason for concern as long as your unofficial Minerva transcript displays the correct term of graduation top-right hand side. The Graduation Approval process is a three-step one.

Deans honour list mcgill

This is a non-monetary designation that appears on your official McGill transcript. Enter your keywords. Section menu. Education , B. Undergraduate students in other Faculties and graduate students should contact their Faculty for the appropriate information. Returning students are assessed against other returning Education students and are awarded this distinction based on their combined GPA for the Fall and Winter terms i.

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To be placed on the Faculty of Science Dean's Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research List at graduation time, you must have completed at least 9 credits of research-based courses, taken for a letter grade; where qualifying courses are either specified in the list of approved science research courses see mcgill. Programs, Courses and University Regulations— last updated Aug. Accessibility Log in. Programs, Courses and University Regulations— last updated Aug. Accessibility Log in. As a graduating student registered in an Honours program, you may be recommended for Honours or First-Class Honours by your department s to the Faculty, under the following conditions only:. Graduating students who wish to explore funding opportunities to pursue graduate studies should consult the Graduate Fellowships and Awards Calendar or visit the GPS website for more information. You should consult the appropriate section of the Undergraduate Scholarships and Awards Calendar for regulations and information concerning these awards at mcgill. While carrying no monetary reward, it is an official University recognition of academic achievements and is recorded on student transcripts. Students apply through McGill Student Aid. McGill University Faculty of Science.

Recently I noticed that there are many students who read this blog. It is often synonymous with honor roll and honor list, but should not be confused with honours degrees. These requirements may differ across institutions, but in most cases will require students to enroll in a full-time capacity, to achieve a specific grade point average within the academic term, and to maintain a specific cumulative grade point average throughout enrollment.

Graduating students are named to a separate list based on cumulative GPA. Enter your keywords. Students should consult with the Student Affairs Office in their faculty to acquaint themselves with these criteria, and to receive answers to any related questions they may have. Program content and number of credits may also be considered. If you are graduating with an undergraduate degree, you may be awarded the designation Dean's Honour List under the following conditions:. It is awarded by the Committee on Enrolment and Student Affairs, and bestowed upon the recipient at the convocation ceremony. To be placed on the Faculty of Science Dean's Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research List at graduation time, you must have completed at least 9 credits of research-based courses, taken for a letter grade; where qualifying courses are either specified in the list of approved science research courses see mcgill. There is no monetary reward. NOTE: Exceptionally, courses taken in Winter , Summer , Fall , and Winter with grade of S Satisfactory will count as qualifying courses, and will count toward the 9-credit requirement, even though they will not be counted in GPA calculations. Please consult mcgill. Eligibility Students who meet the eligibility criteria are automatically considered for in-course awards, and applications are not required unless specifically indicated in the terms of the award. A full description of Graduation Honours and their governing rules is available in the Undergraduate Programs, Courses and University Regulations Calendar.

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