The game follows the protagonist, daxter, a young teenager named Jak, as he tries to help his friend Daxter after he is transformed into an ottseldaxter, a fictional hybrid daxter an otter and a weasel, daxter. With the help of Samos daxter Sage, a master of the mysterious energy called 'Eco' created by an ancient race known as the Precursors, the pair learn that they must save their world uñas gelish color negro the rogue sages Gol and Maia Acheron, who plan to flood the world with "Dark Eco", a mysterious substance which corrupts all it touches. The game offers a large range of missions, collectibles and objectives often in the form of minigames which provide a variety of gameplay experiences, as well daxter puzzles and platforming stages daxter are completed by the player to proceed the story, daxter.
Our repositories on GitHub are primarily for development of the project and tracking active issues. Most of the information you will find here pertains to setting up the project for development purposes and is not relevant to the end-user. Do not use this decompilation project without providing your own legally purchased copy of the game. We do not distribute any assets from the game - you must use your own legitimately obtained PS2 copy of the game. Our strategy is:.
Free returns are available for the shipping address you chose. You can return the item for any reason in new and unused condition: no shipping charges. Found a lower price? Let us know. Although we can't match every price reported, we'll use your feedback to ensure that our prices remain competitive. Shipping Height: 0. This collection follows fan-favorite Jak and his sidekick Daxter through a series of action-packed adventures. The Jak and Daxter Collection blends action, shooting, driving, and platforming into one complete PS3 package. Don't let the pointy ears fool you — Jak is one elf that no one wants to mess with, as plenty of villains have learned the hard way. Since they first raided your living room on the PlayStation 2, the slightly mischievous, darkly hilarious and ever-tenacious duo, Jak and Daxter have taken you on a wild ride, annihilating enemies, wielding insanely powerful weapons and driving tricked-out machines in their platforming world. There's only one place these heroes haven't taken you — but that's about to change. Get ready to charge back into action on a whole new plane as Jak and Daxter transport you to the third dimension.
Retrieved 23 March Back To Top.
Summary Daxter is centered around the world of the lovable orange ottsel made popular in the Jak and Daxter franchise. The story unfolds as Daxter searches for Jak, who was imprisoned during the events that led to the start of "Jak II. Read More. Find release dates and scores for every major upcoming and recent video game release for all platforms, updated weekly. We rank the highest-scoring new PC games released in
Daxter is the deuteragonist of the Jak and Daxter series , being the secondary titular playable character, and the supporting sidekick of Jak throughout the main series. He also serves as the primary character in the self-titled spin-off game, Daxter. He is a former human , and was transformed into a Precursor ottsel upon falling into a dark eco silo in The Precursor Legacy. He made his debut in the first game at fifteen years old, with his most recent known age at nineteen during Jak X: Combat Racing. Nothing is revealed of Daxter's past. It is unknown where he originally came from, if he had any family, or how he met Jak and Samos, though it is known that Samos often employed Daxter to clean his hut, and Daxter grew up with Jak, though other than this, Daxter's story picks up in the beginning of The Precursor Legacy. In the beginning of The Precursor Legacy , Jak and Daxter snuck off to Misty Island against their watch over Samos Hagai 's permission, where Daxter—in human form—fell into a dark eco silo after being confronted by a bone armor lurker. Daxter reemerged in the form of an ottsel. They returned to Samos' hut , only to discover that the only person that could change them back was Gol Acheron who lived far north of the continent and had not been in contact with any of the other sages in years.
If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! Daxter is the titular deuteragonist of the Jak and Daxter video game series, and the titular protagonist and playable character of the same name midquel game. He is Jak's best friend and sidekick who was transformed into an ottsel otter-weasel hybrid via contact with Dark Eco. Throughout the series, he viewed it as a curse, until he found out that the Precursors were ottsels, too. This effectively meant that Daxter had taken on the form of a god, which he relished immensely. Before becoming an ottsel, Daxter appeared to be an ordinary, orange-haired, buck-toothed boy with red and white tunic with off-white trousers. He also appeared to be a few inches shorter than Jak. After the transformation, Daxter became a two-foot-ten-inch-tall rodent with orange fur and a yellow underbelly.
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Daxter features simplified gameplay elements present throughout the series, featuring a mix of platforming, action and driving. He also serves as the primary character in the self-titled spin-off game, Daxter. Details Details View All. Rate Game. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed. Ready at Dawn Mercenary Technology Android [2]. He later brags to her about his would-be adventures, which she believes instantly and becomes impressed with Daxter's "prowess" and "heroism". At the time of writing this is Visual Studio With the world saved, the group focuses its attention on unlocking the fabled Precursor Door, which can only open with the energy of power cells. Retrieved 26 November Aug 4, Daxter can make use of his spray gun for close to medium range fire and his electric bug swatter for close combat. The characters are quite amusing to follow through their world and adventures 3. Other Sellers on Amazon. The zoomers are slower than others in the series.
Daxter is the fifth installment second chronologically in the Jak and Daxter series , developed by Ready at Dawn and published by Sony Interactive Entertainment.
At the entrance of the palace, sneaking in using an exterminator suit, Daxter and Ximon encounter Erol , who, after a dubious explanation by Daxter, tells them to be quick with their exterminating. Oct 17, Daxter has also shown a protective nature over Jak, citing that "nobody hurts [his] friend, and lives to brag about it. Build the Game. Open a second terminal from the jak-project directory and run the following:. Run repl-help for help with common commands and REPL usage. Daxter is just a little bit concerned, a little bit afraid, and he would rather take the easy way out. The ranger zoomer is faster and features a tailgun which must be operated manually. Product description Shipping Height: 0. I loaded up my PS2 versions and it's definitely sharper. Sep 26, Learn About the Games Explore the code for the original games to learn how they worked. Also, there is a lot of cheesy humor. Bugs are unlocked by collecting bug cages , upgraded by feeding them bug juice vials , and up to three battle tokens can be used in battle with various effects, all of which are found in-game. Many critics agreed that the game had some of the best-looking graphics at the time of its release.
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