
These key areas are:. Given the short timelines available to make model changes before YE24, firms will need to quickly form a view on their approaches to each of the areas described above. Firms should identify changes needed for the end of the year and those that could be cp19/23 later and cp19/23 accordingly. This will help minimise nasty surprises close to year-end and provide valuable insight on the net effect on capital and solvency of the overall reforms, cp19/23, cp19/23.

This will result in:. The draft SI published by HMT in June gives the PRA the power to make additional rules governing the MA and it had been expected that additional controls would be introduced to counter-balance some of the loosening of restrictions. This has indeed been the case, in particular in the context of limits on the use of assets with non-fixed cash flows, expectations in respect of the use of sub-investment grade assets and the new matching adjustment attestation. HMT confirmed in its response document that MA asset eligibility would be loosened to allow assets with highly predictable cash flows to be included in the MA portfolio. The draft SI published in June allows assets with non-fixed cash flows to be included where the risks to the quality of matching are not material and subject to a limit to be determined by the PRA. This requirement will only be satisfied if the contractual terms of the asset provide for a bounded range of variability in respect of the timing and amount of the cash flows, and breach of those terms is a default. In addition:.


A lot is riding on this. The Government is hoping that the Solvency II reforms, of which this consultation is a significant part, will free up billions of pounds of capital for investment. As is generally the case with regulatory reform of this importance, the changes that insurers, and others, will welcome come with significant strings attached. There is a lot to work through in the consultation, and insurers will need to establish whether the increased costs are proportionate to the additional returns and risks that might accrue. We look forward to working with insurers and our clients more generally to help them consider the proposals. The potential prize on offer is significant, and the deadline for feedback on the proposals is 5 January Now is the time to consider whether the proposals need to be changed, such that the aim of unlocking large amounts of capital to help grow the wider economy can be realised. In our publication here , we discuss the proposed regulatory changes in further detail and provide our thoughts on the impact that these changes are set to have on insurers, as well as potential recipients of insurer finance. Your email address will not be published. PRA consults on matching adjustment reforms: new-found freedoms or simply different chains?

The Cp19/23 considers that a provision of one quarter of the difference in MA benefit from median to worst cash flows is broadly equivalent to the 85th percentile of a fatter tailed alltrais footnote [5]. Read full bio, cp19/23. The PRA invites feedback on the proposals set out in this consultation, including:.

Charlie Finch , Partner. James Silber , Principal. The final consultation proposals have now been published on the UK's transition from Solvency II, which determines the capital reserves insurers are required to hold. Will it improve pricing and insurer capacity? Will it water down policyholder security? The insurance regulator the PRA has published the final two consultation papers in recent months:.

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This would require the MA to be materially more certain than a 50th percentile or best estimate basis. The Part is intended to be free-standing and so capable of implementation alongside the other changes to the MA regime, in advance of the wider changes the PRA proposes to make to its Rulebook as part of the Solvency II reforms. Accordingly, the focus of the stated expectations would shift to comparisons between internal credit assessments and the issue ratings that could have resulted from a CRA, as opposed to the current drafting where the comparisons are based on the resulting CQS from firms and CRAs. The PRA considers that the proposals for safeguards eg exposure limits and additional matching tests , and the proposal to include the FS additions within the scope of the attestation should mitigate the potential risks which might otherwise arise to its primary objectives from these simpler approaches and modelling approximations. Firms would still be expected to submit the evidence they consider necessary for the PRA to reach a decision and would be asked to confirm that they have done so. In the rest of this blog we focus on the second consultation paper and the proposed changes to asset eligibility. You've previously logged into My Deloitte with a different account. The PRA proposes that this would require a new MA application and that firms considering this should engage early in any such process with their PRA supervision team. These proposals would require a senior manager at each affected firm to attest to the PRA on the sufficiency of the FS and the quality of the resulting MA generated by the assets in their MA portfolio s. The PRA does not propose publishing detailed methodologies to calculate the FS addition for assets with HP cash flows and hence it is important that the governance and scrutiny within firms be appropriate to the risks posed by the assets. In particular, the proposals would help ensure that firms give due consideration to the monitoring of assets and liabilities held in their MA portfolios and would allow the PRA to focus its supervisory activity towards areas of greatest potential risk. The PRA considers that aligning the effective date of the attestation with the SFCR would increase confidence over the reported results, and benefit from other assurance work conducted on the asset valuation. Nevertheless, the PRA considers that requiring the MA to be earned free of any risk would not be practical.


Key contacts. Paragraph 1. These updates cover notching, assets with HP cash flows, increased liability eligibility, the assumptions underlying the MA portfolio, the treatment of assets related below investment grade, the MALIR data request, attestations, and other consequential rule changes. The baseline is no requirement for firms to adjust the FS to allow for more granular differences in credit quality. The PRA has carefully assessed data fields where such overlap would occur and has considered these necessary either to allow the MALIR to give a comprehensive picture of the assets and liabilities held in the relevant MA portfolio or to ensure complete data is collected where the overlap is only partial. The PRA expects that the additional risks for such assets would normally be assessed by comparing the asset to a fixed cash flow alternative. Exceptions relate to income protection policies and with-profits annuities, as previously trailed in the HMT response document. You've previously logged into My Deloitte with a different account. These reforms include, amongst others, the widening of asset and liability eligibility. Where firms intend to use this increased flexibility to invest in new asset classes, they will need to consider their ability to model the risks underlying these assets under stress and develop their Internal Models to reflect them. Should the PRA remove the SIG MA cap, such firms may still choose to retain the cap within their internal models, at least in the short term, to ensure the continued adequacy of the internal model calibration for SIG assets. Firms should identify changes needed for the end of the year and those that could be made later and prioritise accordingly. Currently, the fundamental spread is increased where necessary to ensure that the MA for assets with SIG credit quality does not exceed the MA for assets of investment grade quality, of the same duration and asset class.

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