Country code 0015
Avoid unintentionally using real phone numbers by selecting from our range of fictitious telephone numbers. You can find other random phone numbers in the list below, country code 0015.
Country Code E. It is in the form of a telephone number prefix. A country code is only required when you are calling a number from one country to another within the international phone network. There is a country code that should be dialed before the national telephone number. You will find all countries with codes in the table below.
Country code 0015
If you are not familiar with how these are used, please review the definitions below before using the table. In some cases you will also need to dial a city or area code. When a country name appears in the table as a link, there will be additional information regarding city or area codes. This is followed by the country code for the country you are calling see above. The IDD situation in many countries has been changing regularly. If you are aware of more current information than that shown here, please send in a report. Some countries have multiple IDDs, with each one used by a different long-distance carrier. The NDD prefix is the access code used to make a call WITHIN that country from one city to another when calling another city in the same vicinity, this may not be necessary. This expresses the numbers used for both international and national long-distance calls. When dialing from outside the country, the NDD would not be used after dialing the country code; when dialing from within that country, the NDD would be used, but the country code would not.
Country Code E. International Country Dialing Codes.
This is a list of international dialing prefixes used in various countries for direct dialing of international telephone calls. The following is a non-exhaustive list of countries that optionally allow for carrier selection in addition to using the standard prefix listed in the preceding section. The following are international call prefixes that were used in various countries sometime in the past but are no longer used. Contents move to sidebar hide. Article Talk. Read Edit View history.
If you want to identify the country an international phone number belongs to, you can easily do so using our country finder tool. What you need is a complete number, country code included. Country calling codes are 1 to 3 digit codes assigned to each country or to groups of countries. In order to dial or text to any country from outside its borders one must use its country code. Above are 4 ways to display the exact same fictitious London landline. The last example does not include UK's country calling code In this case it's next to impossible to identify the country, because phone numbers elsewhere could and often do look the same. Here's a comprehensive international prefix list. In order to decide whether a phone number includes the country code or not you should also take into consideration its length: with country code included most phone numbers across the world comprise between 10 to 12 digits, with some smaller island nations using fewer. Country codes were carefully assigned to avoid confusion and technical issues.
Country code 0015
After this international dialling prefix , you must dial the country code for the country you are calling, followed by the local number including any area prefixes, often with the first digit removed. This is a list of those country codes. The country code is usually included in the fact box "quickbar" in the beginning of country articles. Both it and the international dialling prefix are usually told also in the Connect section of the country article. The entities that are within the North American Numbering Plan — the United States and its possessions, Canada , Bermuda , and several Caribbean nations — share the international "country" code 1 , with each state or parts of states , province, territory, or island nation given its own three-digit "area code". The following list includes the area code for such nations and possessions. Before dialling the country code, you usually have to dial an international prefix. This is so that the country code won't be confused with the first few digits of a local or national telephone number. Here is a list of common international prefixes:.
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New Caledonia. French Polynesia. What country has country code number plus ? If you are not familiar with how these are used, please review the definitions below before using the table. United States Virgin Islands. Related questions. Turks and Caicos Islands. Fill 1 1x. Avoid unintentionally using real phone numbers by selecting from our range of fictitious telephone numbers. This tells the network that you want to make a call to someone outside of the country where you are currently located.
Dial , Ottawa area code. Dial , the landline number. Is the phone number a fake number?
Group 18 1x. Marshall Islands. Dtc number for Morgan Stanley smith barney? This expresses the numbers used for both international and national long-distance calls. This is to protect residents against the potential influx of phone calls that they may receive should their telephone numbers appear in a movie or film. Be vigilant and don't let fraudsters con you out of your money. Puerto Rico. The IDD situation in many countries has been changing regularly. ISBN British Virgin Islands. Study now See answers 8. Saint Kitts and Nevis. Country code 1 is the US, Canada , and several Caribbean and nearby islands.
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