Counter jax
Jax top on Patch Below is counter jax detailed breakdown of Jax top counters against top champions with a minimum of games.
No results found. Jax Builds. Hide Top Lane Top Lane A higher number means an easier laning phase against that champion. Best Picks Against Jax.
Counter jax
Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Jax Top, Jungler. Summoner Spells. Jungle Paths. All Roles. All regions All. All champions. Jax wins lane against Name Gold diff
Akshan Mid. Sejuani Jungler.
Blue vs. Duos Best champions Popular Augments. Contact - Privacy - TOS - - -. Jax Top, Jungler. Summoner Spells.
Counter jax
Unlike other champions who benefited from the new items, Jax remained quite stable with his build and typically opts for the same items. While Jax is a great situational pick, he does have plenty of weaknesses to keep him under control. Here are the best counter picks to beat Jax in the top lane. Jax has a decent early game but excels later on once he gets access to his ultimate and a couple of items. Your best bet is to keep him under control with various champions and by building the correct items. The biggest problem when facing Jax early on is the mixed attack and magic damage he has. While some items can diminish a part of his kit, they might not help you against the other. Early on, Jax does a lot of physical damage, so itemizing for armor is better in the early stages of the game. Gnar is one of the most popular top lane picks currently due to his recent buffs. And if you get into close range with your melee form, you can match his trades.
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Jax wins against Volibear Jax loses lane against Name Gold diff He always outscales at some point so try to win early. Jax has to go AP to have a useful ult against you, but if he goes AP then he is grieving. Things to keep in mind : whenever trynd is pushing, he has the advantage cuz he can stack fury and jax can not stack passive. The average opponent winrate against K'Santeis An easy way to avoid dealing with his passive is to look to fight him when you are slow pushing the wave and avoid trading when he is pushing into you. Vel'Koz the Eye of the Void. If you don't, he outscales you. Xin Zhao. The average opponent winrate against Ireliais Trundle Top. Get lane prio, do not engage on him. If you manage to sneak in a pair of AAs, you'll win.
Presently there is insufficent games played by Jax top on Patch A matchup requires a minimum of games to be displayed. Jax wins against Aatrox
You can win with not too much effort the matchup tho, you are better for roams, ganks, and can follow your team plays better. He can jump onto you which is super annoying. Lee Sin. Yorick Shepherd of Souls. Don't E into him, but use it against his E by standing inside him and taunting through him so he doesn't get to stun you. Fights close to your turret only This is a bad matchup that requires you to be mechanically skilled or for Jax to be bad. Jax wins against Olaf Lux the Lady of Luminosity. Repeat this and win the lane. First, his Q jump makes landing Q impossible, second his E not only stuns you, but also makes your E Useless. Rush tabi.
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