Communication between camera and lens is faulty
What do you do if your camera is not communicating with your lens when you turn on the camera? Or it shows an error on your display? There are a few simple things you can try that may just fix the error.
Any experience of this. Not had this. Locate either an ordinary wooden pencil, the kind that has a rubber eraser on the end, OR, a stenographers correctional pencil, the kind that had a rubber eraser tip and nylon bristles at the top. The goal is to use the eraser to clean the surface of the contacts. Use the eraser end to gently but firmly wipe over the surface of the electrical contacts and remove old surface oxidation. First, clean the contacts on the Lens.
Communication between camera and lens is faulty
Sign In Now. Err 01 Communications btwn camera and lens is faulty. Sign In Sign Up.
Any experience of this. Not had this. Locate either an ordinary wooden pencil, the kind that has a rubber eraser on the end, OR, a stenographers correctional pencil, the kind that had a rubber eraser tip and nylon bristles at the top. The goal is to use the eraser to clean the surface of the contacts. Use the eraser end to gently but firmly wipe over the surface of the electrical contacts and remove old surface oxidation. First, clean the contacts on the Lens. Then, clean the contacts on the camera. As you do this, try to hold the lens and the camera in such a way so that any micro-crud won't fall back into the lens cavity or into the camera cavity. After giving all the contacts a good wiping over with the eraser, try gently blowing them with one of those hand-held rubber blowers.
Communication between camera and lens is faulty
A few weeks ago, in the studio with a client, I had a major disaster — I broke a lens. Err 01 Communications between the camera and lens is faulty Not a good sign. I tried cleaning the contacts as suggested. No luck. Every time I zoomed the lens the error message popped up. Clearly the lens had failed and I needed to carry on with the shoot. Instead, I. Needless to say she was blissfully unaware of anything going wrong.
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Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options Before you go searching for your receipt to return it to the store, stop. In your case, I would try the stenographer's rubber correctional pencil first, since it's probably just a shade more abrasive than the eraser on a regular wooden pencil. Follow us on social. Maybe thirty years ago, the pencil eraser trick used to be common in the electronics field. It worked for a print cartridge a number of times over the years, so maybe it would work for my lens error. Posted August 16, But DONT touch them with your fingers, since that would add oils from your hand to the surface of the contacts. I could return it to the guy I bought if from. Posted February 4, Posted March 9, First, remove the battery from the camera. Posted February 5,
What do you do if your camera is not communicating with your lens when you turn on the camera? Or it shows an error on your display?
Check Google Is there an error listed on display? It worked for a print cartridge a number of times over the years, so maybe it would work for my lens error. Blowing from the outside in will only blow dust particles inside of your camera! Not had this. Fixed the problem, forgot to turn IS of the old lens before removing an attaching the new lens. Before you go searching for your receipt to return it to the store, stop. I once had a problem with a print cartridge on my Epson printer which was giving problems even though it was a brand new cartridge. Check very carefully that no pins are damaged and that the mount is clean. If it is a lens, try attaching another lens if you have one to determine if it is the camera or the lens causing the problem. I cleaned the contacts with alcohol and it didnt work right away, but it might have contributed. If not, it may be a memory card issue. Posted August 16, First, remove the battery from the camera.
I think, that you commit an error. Let's discuss it. Write to me in PM, we will talk.
Excuse, that I interrupt you, but, in my opinion, there is other way of the decision of a question.