Code lyoko franz hopper
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If you can help us with this wiki please sign up and help us! He was a genius who was responsible for creating the supercomputer, the virtual world Lyoko, as well as the artificial intelligence, X. He was the spouse of Anthea Hopper and Aelita's father. It was later revealed that he died protecting his daughter, gaining Jeremie's multi-agent program enough energy to temporarily wipe out X. After moving to the Hermitage near the Kadic Academy, he had taken his wife's maiden name Hopper in order to make a fresh start and to stay hidden from his adversaries. Franz Hopper is the proficient scientist who constructed the Supercomputer, X.
Code lyoko franz hopper
This clone was better at deceiving the Lyoko Warriors than most other clones. It unexpectedly appeared in the lab and gained the trust of most of the team, except for Jeremie whom it singled out , by deactivating towers without going to Lyoko and upgrading weapons. It used this to its advantage, fostering dissension within the team. It betrayed the Lyoko Warriors when it disabled their weapons while on a mission in Sector Five and attempted to trap Aelita for the Scyphozoa. Its line, "You're the one who let X. A destroy my diary! In truth, Franz would have no idea that X. When Jeremie declared this, X. Franz Hopper reverted into a Spectre and disappeared. It reappeared minutes later and tried to suffocate Jeremie by blocking his airways. However, Aelita found out that he was a fake when he didn't remember that the Skidbladnir was based on a Viking story which her father used to read her and that he didn't include Aelita's mother in the simulation bubble as well. The Franz Hopper in the simulation bubble turned out to be a Blok impersonating Hopper. In English, he was initially played by Paul Bandey.
We are quite sure that she conceived Aelita with Franz and raised her until she was around five years old It reappeared minutes later and tried to suffocate Jeremie by blocking his airways. Suivre CodeLyokoFr.
Jeremie discovers five activated towers and gathers the group to take care of them. However, when they arrive at the factory, they find a man at the interface, deactivating the towers as if Read all Jeremie discovers five activated towers and gathers the group to take care of them. However, when they arrive at the factory, they find a man at the interface, deactivating the towers as if it were a simple matter to do so. When questioned, the man claims that he's none other tha
Franz Hopper is the twenty-third episode of Season 2 and the forty-ninth episode of Code Lyoko. The episode starts with Jeremie discovering five towers that have been activated simultaneously and asks the group to meet at the Factory. However, when they arrive in the lab , they find a man at the interface , somehow deactivating the towers directly from the keyboard. The man identifies himself as Franz Hopper , the person who created Lyoko and X. He explains that X. He also says that he created Aelita to be the guardian of Lyoko.
Code lyoko franz hopper
After going through all of Franz Hopper's diary, Jeremie discovers the truth behind the supercomputer, at least to some extent. Hopper had used it quite extensively, to the point of repeating a single day for more than seven years. His sanity degraded throughout the experience. He only needed her half, now. The Keys would allow him to escape the supercomputer. Jeremie also finds a way to free Aelita from the supercomputer. It turns out that Aelita never had a virus. In fact, XANA had been holding onto a piece of her, which was responsible for linking her to the supercomputer. Aelita is not willing to go, angry over the fact that Hopper had essentially taken her life from her.
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View history Talk 0. He and Major Steinback have finally obtained the permission of the owner of the factory to turn it into a laboratory. Last registered members Their child Aelita brought much happiness into their life until she was around 5 years old. Jeremy: A decoy! The Magician. Personality [ ] Similar to other clones, X. Page generated in 0. But that's impossible! When questioned, the man claims that he's none other than Franz Hopper. Professor Tyron The Ninjas. The Return of the Phoenix, chapter Waldo and Anthea in their happy years in the mountains probably in Switzerland. They decide to leave the project and to create Lyoko so that their work would not go to waste and would rather enable them to destroy Carthage.
It aired on October 31,
Sharon Mann Jeremy Belpois English version voice …. Franz: Eh? She tries in vain to rebel in order to find Waldo and Aelita. Meanwhile, Dido's services track Waldo down in Paris. The Return of the Phoenix, chapter 4. Furthermore, it keeps its shape in the Network's infinite energy flows that usually crush anything that are unfortunate enough to fall inside. Heroes Wiki. Talking to Jeremy and Odd. At the very moment when XANA's attempt is about to succeed, Hopper takes control of the tower without any difficulty and runs the decoding program at full speed. He also makes them dig interconnecting tunnels that link the school, the Hermitage and, of course, the factory. A message directly from the Internet, and it's signed As a security measure, Jeremy saves the diary's data in the Supercomputer. Remember me.
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It is time to become reasonable. It is time to come in itself.