clst 301

Clst 301

Shelley Reid Please see the file About clst 301 Instructor in this same folder for contact information and office hours, clst 301. You will also find information on the course TAs in a separate folder. Course Objectives: This course will introduce you to the Greek and Latin elements from which luckystardvd majority of medical and biological terms in English are created; the course will also provide a cultural and historical context for this terminology.

Culture's effect on science, identity, and behavior and on what we hear, see, value and ignore. Students who have successfully completed the honors version of this course CLST will not receive additional credit for this course. Core: The United States as a Nation. Honors College Course. Students who have successfully completed the non-honors version of this course will not receive additional credit for this course. Multi-method approach to the critical investigation of complex formations of culture and interpretations of culture.

Clst 301


Grammar Review - Intermediate - Advanced Document 8 pages. Phra Sal Verbs Document 3 pages.


Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. To receive credit for CLST , you must achieve a course composite grade of at least a D 50 percent. The weighting of the composite grade is as follows:. Fedorak, Shirley. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, Peter Weir Director. The Truman Show. Paramount, Gurinder Chada Director.

Clst 301

Classical Studies provides an introduction to the Greek and Latin elements which are employed in medical and biological terminology. Students will learn both how to deconstruct medical and biological terminology into lay terms and how to construct lay terms into accepted scientific terminology. The course also looks beyond the core vocabulary and provides relevant material from ancient literary, mythological, historical, and medical sources, all of which serve to furnish a cultural context for the linguistic elements under discussion. The course is designed primarily for science students, particularly those in the biological or pre-medical fields, but students from other areas of study are also most welcome to enroll. No knowledge of the Greek or Latin languages is required; no knowledge of anatomy or physiology is required.

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Module 4: The vocabulary associated with the eye and the ear, the senses and the human being in general; terminations concerning common medical procedures. Honors College Course. Students who miss a tutorial for either of these reasons will be allowed to attend a make-up tutorial, which is usually held the following week. Medicine and Culture Document 10 pages. Grammar Review - Intermediate - Advanced Document 8 pages. Tutorial exercises by which you will demonstrate your grasp of the course material and vocabulary to date. Module 5: The vocabulary associated with the nervous system and particular medical pathologies. Note that you must attend the tutorial in which you are registered. Outline Document 3 pages. Module 1: A brief introduction to the history of the Greek and Latin languages and to classical medicine; the use of Greek and Latin in scientific English. Module The vocabulary associated with zoology, botany, and the natural world in general. Please note carefully: you are responsible for all material covered in the course lectures and tutorials, not just the course vocabulary lists. Course Objectives: This course will introduce you to the Greek and Latin elements from which the majority of medical and biological terms in English are created; the course will also provide a cultural and historical context for this terminology. English Paper Document 3 pages.


Safe in Their Alabaster Chambers Document 2 pages. How to Reach the 9. Missed midterm If the midterm is missed because of documented illness or serious personal circumstances, a make-up midterm will be set. If you miss a tutorial, you must contact the instructor not the TA through the Connect course message system as soon as possible. Notes Document 2 pages. Missed end-of-term exam In the case of a missed end-of-term exam, the university requires you to apply to your own facultys Advising Office for Deferred Standing, which, if approved, entitles you to sit the exam at a later date. Bio 11 Syllabus Document 5 pages. Theories of Crime Causation Syallbus Document 11 pages. Academic Documents. Search inside document.

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