Clash of clans super troops

Super Barbarian. Super Archer. Super Giant. Sneaky Goblin.

Home Village - Super Troops. Super Troops are temporarily powered-up versions of regular troops in the Home Village. They are usually stronger, faster, and make more damage than their regular counterpart. All upgrades are instant and cost Dark Elixir, around Once purchased, a timer will show up: this is how long the troop you have selected will have the power-up.

Clash of clans super troops


Super Dragon. Super Witch Super Witch. Categories : Troops.


We'll go over all the Clash of Clans characters, including the game's available troops, super troops, heroes, pets, and more. There are a variety of characters in Clash of Clans. Characters are divided into three separate types: Troops, Heroes, and Pets. There are various characters available in your Home Village and your Builder Base. Over the game's more than decade-long existence, new characters have been continually introduced with every update, so it can be challenging to keep up with all of them. Dark troops are troops that can be trained from the Dark Barracks. They are slightly more powerful than normal troops and occupy more army camp space. Super troops are troops with special abilities that can be temporarily activated with Dark Elixir from the super troop store. Super troops are unlocked when you reach Town Hall level Heroes are arguably the most powerful troop in Clash of Clans.

Clash of clans super troops

Unlock your key to a world of sports gaming! If you are yet to try these troops or wonder how you can, this guide has everything for you. Read on to find out all your queries related to how to get Super Troops in Clash of Clans! Players need to upgrade their troops to certain levels in order to activate the Super Mode of Troops. These augmented versions of regular troops offer a wide variety of new tactics for players to devise. The enhanced state of Super Troops is only transitory, lasting for only three to seven days before reverting to their original form.

Bella may leaked.

View history Talk 0. Sign In Register. Start a Wiki. Super Valkyrie Super Valkyrie. Their training time is mostly increased proportionally. For example, the Super Giant requires a regular Giant level 9, which is available only on Town Hall For example, a Barbarian level 8 will be a Super Barbarian level 8 once upgraded. However, some troops can only be upgraded on higher Town Halls depending on their requirements. There is also a minimum level required to be upgraded, and this varies on each troop. Additionally, it is only possible to have up to two active types of super troops at any given moment. Inferno Dragon.

Super Barbarian. Super Archer.

Super Barbarian Super Barbarian. Super Dragon. Super Giant Super Giant. Super Bowler Super Bowler. Ice Hound. Game Tips Attack Strategies Layouts. Super Troops take up more housing space than their normal counterparts. Ice Hound Ice Hound. Super Hog Rider. Super Wall Breaker. Sneaky Goblin Sneaky Goblin. The upgrades are all temporary and last for only 3 days and you can upgrade only 2 Super Troops at the same time. Super Wizard Super Wizard.

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