clash of clans clan rules sample

Clash of clans clan rules sample

Clash of Clans Rules and Regulations. Clash of Clans - Clan Rules. About Us

And then you have to play better then anyone else" - Albert Einstein. The Rules benefit everyone in the clan and will give us the best chance of winning wars and growing the clan into an active and civil environment. Every single top clan has extensive rules that is the key to their success. All players wanting to join Gladiators must join our feeder clan for at least one war Gladiator HQ or Prep. We do this to make sure you have strong attacking ability, an idea of teamwork, and how to follow our clan rules.

Clash of clans clan rules sample

This will be so we can share video, photos, advise. With the clan capital being released and everyone working together for a unified goal, we will need to organize contributions better than normal wars. With the clan capital being released and everyone working together towards a unified goal, we will need to organize contributions better than normal wars. Your contribution should be made towards building structures that have already been started and NOT on new ones, to upgrade current buildings. They will be organized by largest contribution to smallest to make it feel faster for us. If you are unsure where to place your contribution, ask the chat. Raid Weekends are expected to begin every Friday and will end on the following Monday. Time is TBD and will be entered once we know. Each player will have 5 attacks over the course of the entire Raid Weekend. If a player manages to destroy a District, you will earn a one-time reward of a Bonus Attack. No, let us edit the bases. That being said, your input and opinions are strongly recommended. Raid Tips. Clash of clan rules and Info. Defensive War CCs are filled with a variety of max troops by Mora.

Encourage and respect each other.

Below are rules that only apply to entrenched war clans. Gladiators , for example. Rules are a code of conduct that every member of a clan must abide by. Almost all clans have rules like those required for a clan to function effectively. The rules are chosen by the clan leaders and can be changed at any time. The co-leaders reserve the right to direct attacks.

Hey there, readers! Welcome to our extensive guide on the rules and etiquette of Clash of Clans. As a game that has captivated millions of players worldwide, Clash of Clans has established a set of guidelines to ensure a fair and enjoyable experience for all. Clash of Clans is a multiplayer game that brings people from all walks of life together. Avoid personal attacks, harassment, or any form of inappropriate behavior.

Clash of clans clan rules sample

Last Updated: April 1, Tested. To create this article, 61 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. The wikiHow Tech Team also followed the article's instructions and verified that they work. This article has been viewed , times. Learn more Clash of Clans is a fun and dynamic game that allows players to build villages, as well as attack the villages of other players. You can also team up into clans with other players, making the game collaborative and exciting.

K lounge

Often members want to try a new combination. Troops Requirments For Gladiators When donating War troops, donate according to requested level troops. Your contribution should be made towards building structures that have already been started and NOT on new ones, to upgrade current buildings. Rules are a code of conduct that every member of a clan must abide by. In order to win wars, we need everyone to read and follow the instructions sent by clan mail. All Rights Reserved. Make an effort to lure the enemy clan castle troops before launching you main attack. IGN Zod. I have tried several different clans now. Draw out enemy CC troops. Sniping or barching will be an instant boot.


If you are unsure where to place your contribution, ask the chat. Oct 5, GMT 8. You can ask for expensive Dark Troops i. Each clan in the top has extensive rules that are the key to their success. Co-leader is not given out, so don't bother asking. If a request has gone unfilled, ask your fellow clanmate if there is something else you can give. We like to donate Dragons. Recent Comments. Already have a WordPress. With the clan capital being released and everyone working together for a unified goal, we will need to organize contributions better than normal wars.

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