Citrus anime characters
Citrus stylized as citrus is a Japanese yuri manga citrus anime characters written and illustrated by Saburouta. A episode anime television series adaptation by Passione aired from January to March A sequel manga titled Citrus Plus began serialization in December Yuzu Aihara, a fashionable, citrus anime characters, spontaneous and fun-loving city girl, transfers to a new neighborhood and high school after her mother's remarriage to another man.
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Citrus anime characters
Character sheet for Citrus. Your average girl who transfers to a new school with hopes of getting a boyfriend, only to find out that she is enrolled at an all-girls school. If that's not bad enough, she has a rocky confrontation with Mei, the student council president on the first day. Then when she arrives home, she finds out that she is Mei's older stepsister. A-Cup Angst : When she's about to get caught with her cell phone again, she tries to hide it like Harumi does ; it turns out that she doesn't have the kind of assets Harumi has to pull it off, much to Yuzu's dismay. Above the Influence : As much as she wants to have sex with Mei, and is frequently on the receiving end of the latter's advances, Yuzu utterly refuses to cave into her desires because she knows that Mei usually does that because she's emotionally distressed. She won't sleep with someone unless it's out of love and the other person is in a clear state of mind to consent. Affectionate Nickname : Harumi calls her "Yuzu-chi". Shirapon calls her "Yuzupon" as thanks for her nickname. Ambiguously Bi : When Yuzu's first introduced, she loudly declares her intent to get a boyfriend, and she's seen being attracted to a male teacher. However, the moment she meets Mei, it's pretty clear she's smitten. Before Mei, she had never once fallen in love with a guy, and despite her aforementioned attraction to her teacher, it's Mei she is obsessed with after spying on the two kissing. Most notably, Matsuri finds this strange when she and Yuzu meet each other again. Angrish : After seeing Amemiya kiss Mei, Yuzu's so shocked that she mutters a bunch of unintelligible gibberish to herself. Brother—Sister Incest : One-sided at first , as Mei tries her best to either hide her feeling towards it or outright ignore it, though they aren't blood-related.
Archived from the original on August 10,
Yuzu is a very pretty girl with dyed chestnut blonde hair that has bangs swept to the left side, emerald green eyes and she has two piercings in each ear. She is very fashionable and keeps up with the latest trends. Her natural hair color is brown, and during the 17th and 18th chapters of the manga, she temporarily wore a jet black wig. Yuzu is a daring, outspoken, often shameless and self-proclaimed gyaru who enjoys dressing up, wearing make up, and customizing her school uniform, which clashes with her school 's rules, often leading to problems with the Student Council. She emphasizes what relationships have to be like in order to cover up her own inexperience with them. She attempts to be as girly as possible and detests the academy's no make-up policy.
Citrus anime characters
During the summer of her freshman year of high school, Yuzu Aihara's mother remarried, forcing her to transfer to a new school. To a fashionable socialite like Yuzu, this inconvenient event is just another opportunity to make new friends, fall in love, and finally experience a first kiss. Unfortunately, Yuzu's dreams and style do not conform with her new ultrastrict, all-girls school, filled with obedient shut-ins and overachieving grade-skippers. Her gaudy appearance manages to grab the attention of Mei Aihara, the beautiful and imposing student council president, who immediately proceeds to sensually caress Yuzu's body in an effort to confiscate her cellphone. Thoroughly exhausted from her first day, Yuzu arrives home and discovers a shocking truth—Mei is actually her new step-sister! Though Yuzu initially tries to be friendly with her, Mei's cold shoulder routine forces Yuzu to begin teasing her.
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That being said, if she doesn't like you or has a bad feeling about you, she's not going to treat you the same. This is not without its angst factors since Yuzu realizes that Mei needs a supportive sister more than a lover. Laser-Guided Karma : He's an opportunist Gold Digger who's going to marry Mei just for her family's money and status, while planning to keep a girlfriend on the side. The only time she lets out an emotion is when she screams at noticing that Mei has changed. Ishida, Keiichi Key Animation. Greater Need Than Mine : Likes to make people happy while putting her own happiness aside. Ojou : She might beat Mei in family wealth and is treated like school royalty in the same manner, as both are part of the student council. Citrus stylized as citrus is a Japanese yuri manga series written and illustrated by Saburouta. Lust Object : Mei is so used to being this that when Yuzu denies her sex, it truly confuses her since Yuzu obviously wants it. January 20, [72]. After glancing through Yuzu's phone, Matsuri catches onto her crush on Mei and almost forces herself onto her until Yuzu receives a call from Mei.
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She was this to Matsuri when they were younger in a more conventional manner as Yuzu is Oblivious to Love on Matsuri's end. Retrieved September 22, Chairman of Aihara Academy, he's Shou's father and Mei's grandfather. Hayashi, Naotaka Storyboard. Foolish Sibling, Responsible Sibling : The foolish sibling to Mei, being a girl with relatively poor grades who flouts the dress code and often acts impulsively. Tohan Corporation. Social Climber : Wants to marry Mei solely for the status. Nishimura, Hiroaki Episode Director. Add staff. Using the picture she had taken as blackmail, Matsuri instructs Mei to satisfy some of her "text friends". Chick Magnet : And Dude Magnet. Usuda, Yoshio Key Animation. Archived from the original on November 27, Hidden Depths : Harumin implies she gets exceptionally good grades, contrary to her typical attitude.
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