chronological list of popes

Chronological list of popes

Please help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download, chronological list of popes. The historical lists of the popesfrom those drawn up in the second century to those of the present day, form in themselves a considerable body of literature.

Please help support the mission of New Advent and get the full contents of this website as an instant download. APA citation. The List of Popes. In The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Company. MLA citation. New York: Robert Appleton Company,

Chronological list of popes

This chronological list of popes of the Catholic Church corresponds to that given in the Annuario Pontificio under the heading "I Sommi Pontefici Romani" The Roman Supreme Pontiffs , excluding those that are explicitly indicated as antipopes. Published every year by the Roman Curia , the Annuario Pontificio no longer identifies popes by regnal number , stating that it is impossible to decide which pope represented the legitimate succession at various times. The corrections concerned dates, especially in the first two centuries, birthplaces and the family name of one pope. The term pope Latin : papa , lit. This title in English usage usually refers to the head of the Catholic Church. Each title has been added by unique historical events and unlike other papal prerogatives, is not incapable of modification. Hermannus Contractus may have been the first historian to number the popes continuously. His list ends in with Leo IX as number Several changes were made to the list during the 20th century. Christopher was considered a legitimate pope for a long time but was removed due to how he obtained the papacy.

Mediated in the peace of Aachen

This table will let you see the progression and frequency of pontiffs through the Middle Ages, from its generally-accepted starting point in the 5th century into the 17th century. There are medieval popes. Of them, only a handful are considered "important" by historians. Some of the rest is quite interesting; most achieved little of note; still, others reigned so briefly that very little is known about them. It would take, quite literally, years to add them all to this resource.

This chronological list of popes of the Catholic Church corresponds to that given in the Annuario Pontificio under the heading "I Sommi Pontefici Romani" The Roman Supreme Pontiffs , excluding those that are explicitly indicated as antipopes. Published every year by the Roman Curia , the Annuario Pontificio no longer identifies popes by regnal number , stating that it is impossible to decide which pope represented the legitimate succession at various times. The corrections concerned dates, especially in the first two centuries, birthplaces and the family name of one pope. The term pope Latin : papa , lit. This title in English usage usually refers to the head of the Catholic Church. Each title has been added by unique historical events and unlike other papal prerogatives, is not incapable of modification.

Chronological list of popes

The Pope , a term that means "father" or "papa," is the Bishop of Rome. This title places him as the leader of the entire Catholic Church , which includes both the Latin Rite and the Eastern Catholic Churches that are in full communion with Rome. Among these, the title " Vicar of Jesus Christ " or the shortened form " Vicar of Christ " is significant. It highlights the Pope's role as the supreme leader of the Church on Earth, a role believed to have been given to Saint Peter by Christ. This belief stems from biblical passages, including Christ telling Peter to " Feed my lambs The word " pontiff " comes from the Latin word " pontifex ," which means "bridge builder. In the history of the Church, there have been popes , from St. Peter to Pope Francis. Some popes have also been members of religious orders, such as:. Peter To Present.

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Part Bishops of Rome". Frediano di Lucca. Issued the constitution Omnipotentis Dei against magicians and witches Decorated the bridge of Sant' Angelo with the ten statues of angels and added one of the two fountains that adorn the piazza of St. Honorius II. New York: Robert Appleton Company. Hippolytus St. Remy Lafort, S. In opposition to Pope Liberius. Leo V - Opposed by Christopher, antipope Son of Lorenzo the Magnificent. Subject and later the sovereign of the Papal States ; first term. Decreed that priests are not allowed to have long hair.

While the term pope Latin : Papa , 'Father' is used in several churches to denote their high spiritual leaders, in English usage, this title generally refers to the supreme head of the Catholic Church and of the Holy See. The title itself has been used officially by the head of the Church since the tenure of Pope Siricius.

Peter St. Motto: In te, Domine, speravi: non confundar in aeternum. Founded Pienza near Siena as the ideal city in The Oxford Dictionary of the Christian Church. Hippolytus St. Alexander VIII. Motto: Humilitas "Humility" Italian citizen. Born as a subject of the Kingdom of Lombardy—Venetia , later became an Italian citizen. Peter's Basilica in Vatican City is named after him. Natural philosophers of that time professionals who began to be called scientists only in the 19th century noted that if the earth rotated there would be observable Coriolis effects. Archived from the original on 18 October Confirmed the statutes of the Teutonic Knights as a military order.

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