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This old abandoned elven blade was once used by the knights of a long forgotten kingdom, who practiced the art of blood rites. Through ritualistic enchantments, they granted these blades a vampiric essence. When the intricate, rippled engraving that spans the Chikage's blade is imbued with blood, the sword sings in scarlet hues. However, the rite eats away at the wielder's very essence. Scarlet Song.


Basically, I would speed run my way to every weapon, beating the minimum number of bosses, and finish the game. I did that for every weapon. I did twenty-six individual runs over the past year, with 14 of them in the past week. Now I think it's time for me to rank these weapons for real now that I've had a lot of experience with each and every one. Based on PvE. Saw Spear: Effectively the same weapon as the Saw Cleaver, the Saw Spear has a few characteristics that make it a level above the rest. The most important being that it scales with skill better than the cleaver. Because visceral attacks scale with skill, being able to obtain more damage from skill with the Saw Spear makes it better than the Saw Cleaver. It also has a more versatile move-set when transformed: horizontal and vertical swings with serration damage in both forms unlike the cleaver and a trust damage R2 to deal with kin-type enemies. Saw Cleaver: Fast R1 attacks with serration for more damage against beast type enemies, the symbol of the hunt is a dps machine that when buffed with fire can chew through boss health bars.

On the other hand, always be ready chikage this attack if you're fighting against someone wielding the Chikage. The transformed move-set is pretty good and have very good range, chikage, but is slow and doesn't have damage to compensate.

The Chikage is a Trick Weapon in Bloodborne. In-Game Description. The Chikage is a katana that drains the player's health when transformed in exchange for pure Bloodtinge damage and to have a Rapid Poison effect on it. The health drain is rather slow and is based on percentages. The Blood Mode deals pure Bloodtinge damage. Bloodtinge damage is extremely powerful because it is a damage type that is neither physical nor elemental.

The Chikage is a Trick Weapon in Bloodborne. According to the game's description, it appears to be a foreign sword making use of strange blood magic. There are 3 versions of this weapon: Normal, Uncanny and Lost, with only subtle differences of Gem Imprints and location. When transformed the Chikage is a two-handed katana smeared with blood. In this state the weapon causes Blood Damage as opposed to Physical Damage in its one-handed state and uses bloodtinge scaling to deal further damage, but at the cost of inflicting rapid poison on the user with each attack.


There are 3 versions of this weapon: Normal, Uncanny and Lost; which only differ in their Gem Imprints and the locations in which they are found. A trick sword originated in the same country as the Cainhurst Chikage, only this sword feeds not off blood, but instead demands great dexterity. Lady Maria was fond of this aspect of the Rakuyo, as she frowned upon blood blades, despite being a distant relative of the queen. One day, she abandoned her beloved Rakuyo, casting it into a dark well, when she could stomach it no longer. Using blue elixirs makes the shaman bone blade much easier to get off. Get the first one down to half with viscerals or however, drink an elixir, run around a bit to lose their attention, then smack one with the bone blade from behind. The last statement in Player Notes: "In addition to having the same blade as the Chikage, the Rakuyo's rolling attack and running attacks are also identical to that of the Chikage. However, unlike the latter the Rakuyo does not scale with bloodtinge. Secondly, the Rakuyo and Chikage do not have the same blade.

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An even faster forward thrust than the standard mode attack. It really only has one weakness: Low poise damage makes it so some attacks can cause the player to overcommit due to attack length being long. When the intricate, rippled engraving that spans the Chikage's blade is imbrued with blood, the sword sings in scarlet hues. The first slash is on a downward diagonal from right to left, followed by an upward diagonal from left to right, an upward diagonal from right to left, horizontal from left to right, a horizontal from right to left that drifts somewhat down. Whatever can be stunned by 1 quicksilver bullet will be stunlocked by this weapon's transformed state for as long as your stamina bar lasts. The windup is shorter on the front step, as the back moves forward a greater distance before attacking. This is accompanied with a quick loss of health. Our guy Pete may love it and hats off to him for enjoying it. This is due to having attacks that cause the player to lunge forward and attack with one of the highest poise damaging values in the game. Also a high Bloodtinge is needed to boost the weapon's effectiveness, otherwise the transformation is useless. Load more. Kinda sucks tbh. Not quite like Ludwig's Holy Blade, the Holy Moonlight Sword has a large transformed weapon and a smaller untransformed weapon. Keep in mind it's , and the most active player ranges now seem to be about , so I played it safe with 50 vitality, 20 endurance, 50 bloodtinge build so I could hover at level Chikage: Transformed Chikage's blood form may have the highest dps for the same reason the Bloodletter is so good.

Index Introduction What is Bloodtinge?

The animation starts similarly to the standard R2 with the weapon being sheathed. Charged R2 1. I'm going to say that this is the first weapon on the list that I found really difficult to use. Therefore, the transformed state should be used wisely and sparingly to avoid inadvertant death. The Stat Bonuses rating indicates the level of bonus you receive based on the associated Stat when you use a weapon. It also has a more versatile move-set when transformed: horizontal and vertical swings with serration damage in both forms unlike the cleaver and a trust damage R2 to deal with kin-type enemies. Imprints Radial, Radial, Triangle. Imprints Uncanny. I never thought I'd like this weapon because of the HP drain, but it's easily one of my favorites. NoBammas 8 years ago 6. Bloodletter: Blood damage is without a doubt the most powerful damage type in the game. Its weird, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesnt. This isn't a katana?

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