chapter 20 chemical texture services

Chapter 20 chemical texture services

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Chapter 20 chemical texture services

Toggle Navigation. Game Preview. Milady ch 20 chemical texture services. Game Code: Chemical Texture services. Share Milady ch 20 chemical texture services. Class PIN. Google Classroom Facebook Twitter. Save to Folder. New folder Save Cancel. Glycerol monothioglycolate is the active ingredient in what type of waving lotion? Sodium hydroxide is the active ingredient in what type of perm? What type of hair is easily penetrated by the waving lotion? Course hair with a strong resistant cuticle layer needs the additional swelling and penetration that come from what type of perm?

Texture services promote longer-lasting styles and make hair more manageable for the client at home.


The chemical texture service that loosens overly curly hair into loose curls or waves is:. The technique of wrapping at a degree angle or straight out from the center is:. The two basic types of wrapping hair around a perm rod are the spiral method and:. The process of rearranging extremely curly hair into a straighter or smoother form is:. Which type of relaxer contains one component and is used without any additional mixing? Lithium hydroxide relaxers and potassium hydroxide relaxers are often advertised and sold as:. Which type of bonds are relatively weak physical side bonds that are the result of an attraction between negative and positive electrical changes?

Chapter 20 chemical texture services

The measurement of the thickness or thinness of a liquid that affects how the fluid flows. Coumpounds made up of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulfur. Perm activated by an outside heat source, usually a conventional hood-type hair dryer. Strong chemical side bonds formed when the sulfur atoms in two adjacent protein chains are joined together. Hair is wrapped at an angle of 90 degrees or perpendicular to its base section.

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Extensive practice using mock products will be of great benefit to you as a student to ensure that you can apply relaxing chemicals to the hair with sufficient speed to eliminate damage to the hair. If to many disulfide bonds are broken in the perming process, what happens to the hair? Apply protective barrier cream. Straightener is distributed evenly. That is why hair that has been treated with a hydroxide relaxer is unfit for permanent waving and will not hold curl. Permanent wave solution breaks a disulfide bond by adding a hydrogen atom to each of its sulfur atoms. What is curl re-forming and what is it best used for? Teams Sign in to choose. Perform metallic salt test. Didn't know it? Game Code:


Do not apply hydroxide over thio. The chart depicts how perms can vary from being acid balanced to highly alkaline, depending on the type and formulation. Course hair with a strong resistant cuticle layer needs the additional swelling and penetration that come from what type of perm? The pH of hydroxide relaxers is so high that the hair remains at an extremely high pH, even after thorough rinsing. Hair was also wrapped and twisted in an effort to straighten it. Upload Log in. How to Play. The water is removed in the final rinse. It will let you know how long the product can remain on the hair before desired results are achieved or damage will occur. The neutralization of a hydroxide relaxer does not rebuild the disulfide bonds.

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