chapel of sacred mirrors photos

Chapel of sacred mirrors photos

Sanctuary of Visionary Art is run by Alex Grey, whose artwork zodiac academy featured on rock band Tool's albums, set to open Entheon temple soon. Alex Grey is an American visual artist known for creating spiritual and psychedelic paintings. His work can be seen as the cover artwork on the band Tool's albums' Lateralus and 10, Days.

If you are not familiar with their work you can check that out here: Hyperspace Studios. It was a wonderful day and the grounds there are truly inspiring. If you want more details you are going to have to ask. For now, here are some photos for you to check out. Starting of course with getting there.

Chapel of sacred mirrors photos

In , visionary artists and married couple Alex and Allyson Grey vacated New York City and set their interconnected sights on establishing an alternative spiritual center at a former Christian retreat and summer camp in Wappingers Falls. A new sanctuary space, Entheon, has not yet been completed upstate, but classes, celebrations, and other events are currently being held at CoSM. Renovating an structure to achieve a more cosmic purpose in the 21st century entailed a thorough makeover. The Victorian house—one of six buildings on the acre retreat center that needed rehabilitation—got a complete facelift. Moldy walls were cleared and replaced with plywood and sheet rock to hang art. Windows throughout the three-story, bedroom house were ecologically replaced, except for the vintage window and doors in the library. We wanted to create a welcoming home environment for our spiritual community. A statue of the Madonna stands before Namaste and Collective Vision. Art Church takes place one Sunday a month in the CoSM library, where its whitewashed walls serve as a backdrop to paintings symbolic of the vision both Alex and Allyson have shared since Altars surround the space, along with symbolic representations of a diverse range of faiths and traditions. Cosmic Christ features a handmade, gilded frame.

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The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors CoSM is a transdenominational church and nonprofit organization dedicated to the realization of a shared vision of the American artists Alex and Allyson Grey to build a contemporary public chapel as "a sanctuary for spiritual renewal through contemplation of transformative art". It was conceived as an art gallery to house Alex Grey's Sacred Mirrors , a series of 21 artworks in which Grey examines the human body, symbolic spirit, and aspects of the human mind. Supported by the community that formed around these gatherings, the first Chapel of Sacred Mirrors opened in a donated space in Chelsea in the heart of NYC's gallery and nightclub district on the autumnal equinox of Along with the Sacred Mirrors series, the original chapel displayed a number of Alex Grey's major works many of which had been repurchased from collectors for the foundation including Theologue , Net of Being , Cosmic Christ , and Journey of the Wounded Healer , as well as Allyson Grey's Secret Language paintings and occasional exhibitions of fellow artists. Monthly celebrations held on the New and Full moons, and workshops by notable leaders in the fields or art, science, and religion, established the Chapel as a "mecca" of the New York New Age community. The NYC Chapel of Sacred Mirrors also featured workshops on painting, sacred geometry, and sacred architecture, and a series of popular "Entheogenic Salons" that included live painting by Alex and Allyson Grey and other performances.

U pstate New York has been the birthplace of many Great Awakenings. More than five decades after Woodstock, in Wappinger Falls, Alex Grey and his wife, Allyson Grey, are trying to use art to get back to the garden. Under the full June moon earlier this month, the Greys opened the bronze, pound doors of Entheon, a temple-museum hybrid dedicated to advancing visionary art, and a message of ecological unity. As psychedelics return from the outlaw regions of the culture, arriving alongside the climate crisis, the gospel of interconnectedness is spreading again, this time through the mycelial tendrils of the internet. Alex Grey, demure and snowy-haired at age 69, is not entirely sure why he has become such a popular progenitor, but he nevertheless has: On Instagram, he is one of the most famous living visual artists in the country, with 1. At the opening of Entheon on June 3, fans and spiritual seekers from Baltimore to Bali showed up to pay homage to his art, which has graced Tool albums, acid blotters, and festival stages. As they waited in line, some in their Burning Man best, others in black Lateralus hoodies, their energy was enthusiastic but mostly self-contained, more reverent than bacchanalian.

Chapel of sacred mirrors photos

Photography: Eric Allen. Ken Wilber, Alex Grey might be the most significant artist alive. In a world gone postmodern, bereft of meaning and value, cut loose on a sea of irony and indifference, Alex is taking a stunning stand: there is a God, there is Spirit, there is a transcendental ground and goal of human development and unfolding. For many people his visionary art presents icons of the psychedelic mystical experience. Monochord, Skeleton, age 5. Skeleton, age

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ISBN Xiphias Press. There is no rhyme or reason to the things that I post here - but they are here to share. They are hoping for a Spring opening. But now this historic Hudson Valley building located in the heart of High Falls, NY is ready to come back to life with whatever you decide to design. Moldy walls were cleared and replaced with plywood and sheet rock to hang art. Alex Grey took to social media to report that a certificate of occupancy had been given for Entheon Entheon means a place to discover the creator within. Get our free mobile app. The Sacred Mirrors series has been exhibited internationally, and is the subject of the book Sacred Mirrors: The Visionary Art of Alex Grey , which has been translated into nine languages and sold over , copies worldwide. Starting of course with getting there. If you want more details you are going to have to ask. Already have a WordPress.

The Chapel of Sacred Mirrors CoSM is a transdenominational church and nonprofit organization dedicated to the realization of a shared vision of the American artists Alex and Allyson Grey to build a contemporary public chapel as "a sanctuary for spiritual renewal through contemplation of transformative art".

Tools Tools. Read Edit View history. When we make art together, a new way of seeing may emerge. A statue of the Madonna stands before Namaste and Collective Vision. Moldy walls were cleared and replaced with plywood and sheet rock to hang art. ISBN I hope that rather you are here once or often that you find what you are looking for and that in all things you will find the love that you deserve. Yes, that might be a bad church reference to use since this building once was a church and a museum. In order to get the COA for Entheon, many improvements had to be made in the build, turning the s carriage house into a 12, sq ft sanctuary of visual art. We are here, as Sacred Mirrors, to reflect and reinforce the redemptive transformative power of art in each of our lives. I even spotted some of the Beatniks on the road. Sign me up. Renovating an structure to achieve a more cosmic purpose in the 21st century entailed a thorough makeover. But now this historic Hudson Valley building located in the heart of High Falls, NY is ready to come back to life with whatever you decide to design.

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