cephla lake cave

Cephla lake cave

This cephla lake cave revolves around acquiring one of the valuable treasures belonging to the notorious bandit Misko: the Ember Trousers, cephla lake cave. The Ember Trousers are part of the Ember Armor setwhich grants Link a significant attack boost when he is in hot weather conditions. The nearest shrine the player can fast travel to is Kisinona Shrinewhich is just a few yards south of the destination. Alternatively, the player can fast travel to Eldin Canyon Skyview Tower or Upland Zorana Skyview Tower and glide east or north, respectively, to reach the coast of the lake.

Ready to explore another Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom cave? The Misko's Cave of Chests side quest will send you into the depths of Cephla Lake Cave, accompanied by an adorable little dog. Speak to the two men resting in front of the cave, Domidak and Prissen. They'll explain that the cave hides a valuable treasure chest, but it's almost impossible to find it amongst all the dummy treasure chests - which will give you nothing but a single green rupee. There are two ways to complete Misko's Cave of Chests: you may go inside and open every single chest until you find the one with the real treasure using your Ultrahand ability to pull them from the floors and walls , but this will obviously take some time. Alternatively, you can solve this Tears of the Kingdom side quest by getting help from the nearby dog.

Cephla lake cave

Tears of the Kingdom. Ember Trousers Bubbul Gem. Cephla Lake Cave is a location in Tears of the Kingdom. This cave has a bunch of chests containing 1 Rupee each as well as a chest containing the Ember Trousers. Community Wiki Discord Forums. The Legend of Zelda. The Adventure of Link. Walkthrough 1. Parapa Palace 2. Midoro Palace 3. Island Palace 4. Maze Island Palace. Video Walkthrough 5.

Wind Temple

Read on to learn how to unlock Misko's Cave of Chests, its location and rewards, walkthrough, as well as how to complete it. List of Contents. They will tell you about the treasure of Misko hidden inside the cave. The exact coordinates for this quest on the map are , , Eldin Canyon Region Map.

Discover all the entrances of this cave, as well as the Bubbulfrog location, materials and the enemies you might encounter when exploring this cave! List of Contents. The Ember Trousers chest can be found inside Cephla Lake Cave among the many treasure chests inside it. You can find out which chest has the armor by befriending the dog outside of the cave. Give it a few pieces of meat to befriend it and it will lead you to the chest with the Ember Trousers. You can also find it on your own by opening the chest indicated in the image above. Ember Trousers Location and Stats. You can either go to the cave by foot or by launching yourself to the skies and gliding towards Cephla Lake Cave.

Cephla lake cave

Tears of the Kingdom. Ember Trousers Bubbul Gem. Cephla Lake Cave is a location in Tears of the Kingdom. This cave has a bunch of chests containing 1 Rupee each as well as a chest containing the Ember Trousers. Community Wiki Discord Forums. The Legend of Zelda. The Adventure of Link. Walkthrough 1. Parapa Palace 2.


Will There Be a Demo? The Sand Realm A Picture for Dueling Peaks Stable. The Horse Guard's Request. How Many Lightroots are there in Tears of the Kingdom? Lanayru Province: Twilight 9. Faron Woods: Twilight 4. Do Materials Respawn? Lake Ferona Cave. Can Horses Die in Tears of the Kingdom? If you have other opinions regarding potential improvement to the website, please share them with us. Very Unlikely. Eldin's Colossal Fossil.

This quest revolves around acquiring one of the valuable treasures belonging to the notorious bandit Misko: the Ember Trousers. The Ember Trousers are part of the Ember Armor set , which grants Link a significant attack boost when he is in hot weather conditions.

Tower of Spirits 5 Spotting Spot. Easy to Understand Layout. The Hidden Treasure at Lizard Lakes. Death Mountain Foothill Cave. Foothill Monster Den. Was this guide helpful? Dark Palace 8. Simmerstone Springs. Give it a few pieces of meat to befriend it and it will lead you to the chest with the Ember Trousers. We would appreciate your honest opinion.

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