vital records
Any amendment request received for a child born in another state, vital records of the United States, or Canada, will be forwarded to the Vital Records in the jurisdiction where the child was born.
Birth and death records for current-year events and one year prior are available from the county health department; records for all years are maintained by the county recorder. Public marriage records may be obtained from the county recorder; confidential marriage records are available only through the county clerk of the county where the license was issued. For all birth, death, fetal death and marriage license certified copies, please call the Alameda County Recorder at or Nicholas J. Moss, M. Kimberly L. vital records
For more information about obtaining these records from the county, contact the county offices directly. Contact information can be found on the following web pages:. Left Menu. So Are the Risks. Obtaining Vital Records From County Offices Birth and Death Records Local Registrar: Birth and death records for current year events and one year prior are available from the county health department in the jurisdiction where the event occurred. County Recorder: Birth and death records for all years are available from the county recorder in the county where the event occurred. Marriage Records Public marriage records are available from the county recorder in the county where the license was issued. Confidential marriage records are available only through the county clerk in the county where the license was issued. Divorce Records Certified copies of divorce decrees are available only from the Superior Court in the county where the decree was granted. California Superior Courts Links to County Health Departments and County Recorders For more information about obtaining these records from the county, contact the county offices directly. Contact information can be found on the following web pages: County Vital Record Offices. To Top Back To Top.
Anissa Davis, M. Receipt of an amended record indicates completion of your request.
Marriages and to present 1 month to process. For marriages that took place it can take longer than 6 months to process, so it is recommended you request these records from Los Angeles county see below. The CDPH no longer processes requests for marriages that took place , , and you must go to Los Angeles county for these. Divorces June , but this is only a limited abstract of the divorce, and it can take over 6 months to process it is recommended you also go to Los Angeles county for these. Get as much information as you can find from the following resources before you make your request:. The Family History Library has been digitizing vital records, and they have several for Los Angeles County available for free online. Here, for example, is how you can find a death certificate:.
For more information about obtaining these records from the county, contact the county offices directly. Contact information can be found on the following web pages:. Left Menu. So Are the Risks. Obtaining Vital Records From County Offices Birth and Death Records Local Registrar: Birth and death records for current year events and one year prior are available from the county health department in the jurisdiction where the event occurred. County Recorder: Birth and death records for all years are available from the county recorder in the county where the event occurred. Marriage Records Public marriage records are available from the county recorder in the county where the license was issued. Confidential marriage records are available only through the county clerk in the county where the license was issued. vital records
Any amendment request received for a child born in another state, territory of the United States, or Canada, will be forwarded to the Vital Records in the jurisdiction where the child was born. Note: Court Report of Adoption forms from other states are acceptable. It cannot be an original printout. The photocopy you receive from the court must have all of the following:. Supporting documents are used to support the information being amended. Required documents include copies of the following:.
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Need your certificate quickly? Stephen W. Note: Retains one year plus current year. To Top Back To Top. Munday, M. Required documents include copies of the following:. Please view our current Fees. Divorce Records Certified copies of divorce decrees are available only from the Superior Court in the county where the decree was granted. In order to obtain a Certified Copy you MUST complete the sworn statement included with the marriage certificate application form, sign the statement under penalty of perjury, and your sworn statement must be notarized. Birth records for persons who were adopted or had a name change are only available from the California Department of Public Health in Sacramento contact info at the top of this handout. The bottom portion of the birth certificate entitled "Confidential Information for Public Health Use" contains confidential personal information race, occupation, and medical data — including pregnancy history. If your request indicated that you want a Certified Copy but does not include a notarized statement sworn under penalty of perjury, the request will be rejected as incomplete and returned to you without being processed. So Are the Risks. This is a recorded message, with an option to talk to a customer service representative.
Birth and death records for current-year events and one year prior are available from the county health department; records for all years are maintained by the county recorder.
If your request indicated that you want a Certified Copy but does not include a notarized statement sworn under penalty of perjury, the request will be rejected as incomplete and returned to you without being processed. How do I request a record online? Also, many of the county offices will accept your request by phone, fax, or online, with the use of a credit card. Muntu Davis, M. To Top Back To Top. Note: The City of Long Beach only maintains records for one year from the date of event. Information on how to obtain a divorce record, as well as current processing times, is available via the California Department of Public Health website external icon. If you know that the record is being amended, and it is the amended record that you want, please wait until the amendment has been completed before requesting a certified copy. Munday, M. Note: Court Report of Adoption forms from other states are acceptable. If you are not eligible to receive an authorized copy, you may receive an Informational Certified Copy of your record. Confidential marriage records are available only through the county clerk in the county where the license was issued. Left Menu. Just go to Ancestry. Facebook Twitter LinkedIn Syndicate.
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