cato from the hunger games

Cato from the hunger games

Cato is a fearsome opponent of Peeta and Katniss, and the most threatening male participant of the game. He is dubbed a "Career" tribute, as he has been trained since birth to represent his district in the Hunger Games.

Cato is the main antagonist of The Hunger Games. He was the male tribute from District 2 in the 74th Hunger Games. He was the leader of the Career pack, the strongest tribute in the arena, and Katniss Everdeen's primary adversary. Cato lived in District 2 prior to the 74th Hunger Games and likely trained for the Hunger Games alongside his fellow district members. Like most Career tributes , he volunteered for the Games. In the film, Cato and his district partner Clove enter the tribute parade wearing Roman-esque outfits.

Cato from the hunger games

Cato is the main antagonist of The Hunger Games. He was the male tribute from District 2 in the 74th Hunger Games. He was the leader of the Career Tributes ' alliance , the strongest tribute in the arena , and Katniss Everdeen 's primary adversary. Like most Careers, he volunteered for the Games. For three days, Cato and his fellow tributes train and prepare for the Games. In the novel, Cato trains at the spear-throwing station and displays his prowess with the weaponry. In the film, the Careers target Peeta Mellark 's weakness and view him as what Katniss describes as a "meal" until Peeta shows his true strength by throwing a pound metal ball into a rack of spears. Later on in the film, Cato is angered when he thinks that the District 6 male took his knife, which was actually stolen by Rue. He provokes a fight with the other boy, threatening to make him his first target, until the Peacekeepers separate them, as fighting before the Games is not allowed. In the novel, Katniss describes Cato as playing up the angle of a "ruthless killing machine. Though Cato is not mentioned during the bloodbath in the novel, he is heavily featured in the film.

Eventually, despite his great strength and skill, he is disabled, and the mutts brutally attack him for what seems like hours, as he is too exhausted to defend himself. Songs Songs from District

Finnick Odair plays a key role in The Hunger Games , both as one of Katniss's stalwart allies and as a living example of the tyrannical practices of their government. Like Katniss and Peeta, he's a "Victor," who survived one of the story's annual battles to the death only to become a virtual slave of the powers that be afterward. He fights back as hard as Katniss in his own way, and his tragic death underscores the suffering unleashed by their would-be masters. It also entails a quiet parallel that further emphasizes the point. Cato, the final victim in Katniss's Hunger Games , suffers a remarkably similar death: torn apart by a pack of genetically engineered "mutts. Their future nation of Panem and its totalitarian Capitol turn everyone into victims, even those most loyal to it.

The Hunger Games served as a marshaling ground for an entire generation of young actors, who took comparatively small parts in the science fiction epic only to find prominence and fame in later projects. The four-movie cycle contained dozens of substantive roles, most of which had very little screen time. Casting memorable actors to quickly make an impression was one of the keys to the franchise's success. That includes Alexander Ludwig, who appears in the first Hunger Games movie as one of Katniss Everdeen's fiercest foes. As Cato, the Tribute from District 2, he's a terrifying onscreen presence, and Ludwig's intensity in the role reflects his future success as Bjorn Ironside in the History Channel series Vikings. And like many of the film's other supporting characters, his apparent villainy can't hide his ultimate status as a victim of the system.

Cato from the hunger games

Cato is the male tribute from District 2 in the 74th Hunger Games. His district partner is Clove, a year-old girl from District 2. The Hunger Games. Written by Neesha Thunga K.

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A few days into the Games, after an enormous fire forces the tributes together, the Careers find Katniss and chase her up a tree. He is very passionate about the Games , which fuels his immense arrogance. Not that I can feel superior on that point. He first targets the District 6 male as he'd promised to do in the Training Center. Cato comes from District 2, one of twelve such Districts ruled by a tyrannical Capitol and comprising the future nation-state of Panem. Katniss's compassion for the likes of Finnick and Cato makes her a powerful symbol of hope and a leader in the revolution against the Capitol. Rather, the true reason for Katniss's victory was not her own hatred for the Capitol, but the love of others that she garnered through her selflessness and compassion. Katniss then shoots her arrow into Cato's hand, forcing him to reflexively release Peeta and fall to the mutts. He's part of Katniss's team attempting to infiltrate the Capitol and kill President Snow during the long-awaited revolution. The Hunger Games served as a marshaling ground for an entire generation of young actors, who took comparatively small parts in the science fiction epic only to find prominence and fame in later projects. Cato appears to still possess a spear and a sword following the explosion, as he uses both weapons after the rest of his supplies are obliterated. Almost out of options, Peeta shakily draws an "X" in blood on Cato's hand with his finger. Both die in the same horrible fashion simply because Snow decrees it. The Careers attempt to kill her, but when the Gamemakers withhold cannon fire, Peeta goes back to "finish the job. Two boys and three girls.

Prior to , Alexander Ludwig was best known as the somewhat skinny kid with supernatural abilities at the center of both the Dwayne Johnson family flick Race to Witch Mountain and the fantasy film The Seeker: The Dark is Rising. But to take on the role of the ruthless Cato — the deadliest tribute and rival to Katniss Everdeen Jennifer Lawrence in The Hunger Games — Ludwig says he put on roughly to 30 to 40 pounds, filling out the now year-old Canadian actor into quite the imposing presence.

The Careers attempt to kill her, but when the Gamemakers withhold cannon fire, Peeta goes back to "finish the job. Peeta Mellark joins the Career pack shortly after [9] because the Careers think he will be useful in finding Katniss. One more kill. Like most of the other tributes, Cato runs toward the Cornucopia and fights for supplies. The District 10 male tries to pass him, but Cato starts to fight him and eventually injures him. They clash in the center atop a large structure called the Cornucopia while a pack of mutts -- animals altered by the Capitol into horrific monsters -- circles below. While Glimmer and the District 4 female die from their stings before they can make it to safety, Cato and the others escape to a nearby lake, where they fend off the remaining insects. I'm dead, anyway! He then rants about how the Capitol has made him into a pawn, as all he knows how to do is kill and his only goal in life is to bring pride to his district. This is seen several times, most notably when he reportedly kills the District 8 female but has to send someone back to finish the job and when he cuts Peeta's leg but doesn't succeed in killing him. She later admits that most of the deaths in the Games were not very pretty, thinking specifically of Cato's and Glimmer's ends. Cato accuses the District 6 male of stealing his knife. Some time later, while the Careers are still nursing their wounds, Cato and his allies stumble upon the District 3 male , whom they let join their alliance on the condition that he rewires the mines in the arena to protect their supplies.

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