calories in mcdonalds chicken mcnuggets

Calories in mcdonalds chicken mcnuggets

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Get our iOS app from the App Store. Get our Android app on Google Play. View other Fast Foods. Chicken mcnuggets Mcdonald's. Main info: Chicken mcnuggets Mcdonald's 6 pieces 3.

Calories in mcdonalds chicken mcnuggets

Calcium Iron 0. Phosphorus Vitamin C 1. Vitamin B2 Riboflavin 0. Vitamin B1 Thiamin 0. Vitamin B12 0. Vitamin B5 Pantothenic acid 0. Vitamin B6 0. Vitamin B3 Niacin 7.

For a Serving Size of g. Copper 0. How much Total Omega 3 is in Chicken mcnuggets?

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Calories in mcdonalds chicken mcnuggets

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Try us FREE for 7 days. Vitamin C [Ascorbic acid]. How many calories are in Chicken mcnuggets? Please let us know if you have any suggestions on how to make this website better. Add to favorites. View other restaurant foods. How much saturated fat is in Chicken McNuggets? Fatty acids, total trans. How much trans fat is in Chicken mcnuggets? This serving contains 13 g of fat, 10 g of protein and 9.

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Add to favorites. How much Thiamine is in Chicken mcnuggets? I never skip arm day. Percent calories from Leisure Activity Level Inactive - Do very little exercise, going for the occasional walk moderate pace, low intensity. Vitamin C 1. Inactive - Do very little exercise, going for the occasional walk moderate pace, low intensity. Carbs 10g. Wendy's Chicken Strips. How much protein is in Chicken McNuggets? These are used to help place ads that are more relevent to you. Amount of Water in Chicken mcnuggets: Water. We've been helping people achieve their weight management goals since How much polyunsaturated fat is in Chicken mcnuggets? Dodecanoic acid.

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