Caitlyn dark harvest

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Caitlyn dark harvest

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Lethality Caitlyn is a build for mainly one thing — one-shotting enemy champions. When you trap an enemy champion, Cheap Shot will allow you to deal bonus true damage to your target based on level. It grants you bonus AD every time you assist or kill a champion. And Ultimate Hunter is super useful because it turns Ace in the Hole into a seconds ability. First of all, it grants a total of 10 ability haste by level 8. It burns your target for bonus magic damage when you strike them with an ability.

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Caitlyn dark harvest

You must be logged in to comment. Please login or register. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. He can basically block everything you have, i would consider banning him because if hes good you will end up feeding him very hard. Hes quite an easy matchup because the only way he can keep up with your range is his W When his comets spread out just poke him heavily and youll win. One of the weirder matchups, if he comes up close with his dash you should E away bacause otherwise he is going to kill you everytime he gets too close.

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But besides the obvious benefits, Duskblade has an amazing passive. Make sure to harass enemies while they go for minions, but don't let yourself get hit in the process. Your votes and comments encourage our guide authors to continue creating helpful guides for the League of Legends community. Ideal Strong Ok Low None. Piltover Peacemaker Q Q. None Low Ok Strong Ideal. Did this guide help you? On your first back to base, you can purchase Tear of the Goddess and start stacking up your mana. Just stay away from her and poke her often so she falls behind. Join the leading League of Legends community. It helps you secure more kills for your ultimate, which is definitely what you want. Ace in the Hole R R.

Lethality Caitlyn is a build for mainly one thing — one-shotting enemy champions.

None Low Ok Strong Ideal. Your game should always start with Long Sword and Refillable Potion. Ideal Strong Ok Low None. If the enemy pursues, net away and hopefully get another headshot. Browse More Questions. One of them is going to double up on your current strengths and give you a damage ult up every 27 seconds, the other is going to start covering some weaknesses and start getting some dps back. The friendlist position resets after every game. An exception is of course when your headshot is up, which you should immediately try to hit your enemy with. Moreover, think of yourself as a mage instead of a marksman. This will give you the highest chance of winning the team fight. I prefer zerks to make up for some of the dps lost from building lethality, or swiftness to keep staying out of range of the enemy while still killing people. He can block everything with his E, hes a good fighter who deals a lot of damage. I like it TC, I'll try it out later today! You can even win prizes by doing so! Otherwise stack long swords.

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