caballo negro en venta

Caballo negro en venta

Horse market » Search horses » Friesian horses » ID: Send message. Further information The Friesian is a tall and majestic horse breed that originates from the province Friesland one of eleven provinces of the Netherlands.

Dejar un mensaje a la titular de la tarjeta. Agregar favoritos. El principal Cambio de fecha He moves nicely and shows a perfect four beat gait t? His long blond manes and dark chocolate body are an extra, all will make this Rocky the best and most beautiful ride! Our passion are the Rocky Mountain Horses so those are the horses we have -; Our total life is devoted to keep our horses as healthy and happy as possible and I must say we pretty much succeed!

Caballo negro en venta


He is well behaved in handling, does not show any stallion behavior, you can ride him just as easily together with other horses in the trailer. Agregar favoritos.


Caballo americano. Caballo de carrera. Caballo de color. Caballo de deporte. Caballo de ocio.

Caballo negro en venta

Caballo americano. Caballo de carrera. Caballo de color. Caballo de deporte. Caballo de ocio. Caballo de tiro.


Toril Strooper. Dejar un mensaje a la titular de la tarjeta. Fotos: 1. Our fields are around 6 Ha full with natural obstacles what makes the horses strong and smart! Typerend voor het ras is dat hij graag heel dicht bij mensen is en ongelooflijk knuffelig is. With mostly being silver d'appled, so chocolate with blond mane and tail they are one of the most beautiful horses there are!!! Next to this they are mountain horses, what makes them very reliable. The horses are always in variated friendly herds and live in big natural type meadows.. Alimento En total: Han llegado las competiciones.

El color totalmente negro en los caballos es poco habitual pero no se puede considerar raro, ni mucho menos excepcional. Para identificarse como un caballo de capa negra, el animal debe ser de ese color en su totalidad o con apenas marcas de otros tonos en ninguna parte del cuerpo.

Kind regards. Mensaje del modo de. Toril Strooper www. We have a daily BLOG to let you see our way of life Esp S? Dit brengt niet alleen de bereidheid om te presteren, maar ook het niveau en de kwaliteit naar de absolute top. In , the Friesian was first introduced to America when the Dutch settled on Manhatta Un aspecto similar. Ver ». Typerend voor het ras is dat hij graag heel dicht bij mensen is en ongelooflijk knuffelig is. Videos: 1. Our fields are around 6 Ha full with natural obstacles what makes the horses strong and smart! Voor ons is hij een zwarte prins die charmeert voor het grote podium! His long blond manes and dark chocolate body are an extra, all will make this Rocky the best and most beautiful ride!

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