brown butz diedring funeral home

Brown butz diedring funeral home

Donald Lee Higbee, affectionately known as "Pap" to his family and close friends, passed peacefully on Monday, March 4,at Ascension St.

Visit Guest Book. Higbee, Donald Lee "Don". Donald Lee Higbee, affectionately known as "Pap" to his family and close friends, passed peacefully on Monday, March 4, , at Ascension St. Vincent Anderson following a brief illness. Don graduated from Anderson High School in where he met his wife Ann.

Brown butz diedring funeral home

With over 14, square feet, five visitation rooms, and two chapels, our open and inviting space can accommodate both large and small services. The facility has a covered entryway into the building for comfortable access in any weather, and our large parking lot can accommodate over cars. That is why we merged with sixth-generation Funeral Director Paul St. Pierre of Wilson St. Due to the fact that many of the costs associated with providing quality funeral services are increasing, the best way for us to meet your needs and budget is through our preferred partnership. Our facility is conveniently located off Interstate 69, and we invite you to visit our funeral home and crematory for yourself. Whether you are preplanning or have just experienced a lost, our friendly staff would be happy to give you a tour. See All 7. Send Flowers Visit Their Website. Details Recent Obituaries Upcoming Services. Telephone

Kenneth graduated from Markleville High School in Mary's Catholic Church.


Visit Guest Book. Higbee, Donald Lee "Don". Donald Lee Higbee, affectionately known as "Pap" to his family and close friends, passed peacefully on Monday, March 4, , at Ascension St. Vincent Anderson following a brief illness. Don graduated from Anderson High School in where he met his wife Ann. He served his country in the United States Navy from to

Brown butz diedring funeral home

Donald Lee Higbee, affectionately known as "Pap" to his family and close friends, passed peacefully on Monday, March 4, , at Ascension St. Kevin W. Smith, 62, of Anderson, passed away on Feb.

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To send flowers to the family or place a tree in memory of Jacob "Jake" Lawrence Richman, please visit our Tribute Store. Create a Plan. Stinnett Obituary. Visit Guest Book. He married the love of his life, Diana Allen, and the two were married for 51 years before his passing. Donald Lee Higbee, affectionately known as "Pap" to his family and close friends, passed peacefully on Monday, March 4, , at Ascension St. He served his country in the United States Navy from to Kenneth Saunders Obituary. She was first born as a child of God's many children. Norman Conrad West, 99, of Anderson, passed away on Dec. Curly faithfully served his country in the United States Navy from William Avery Owens, 85, of Anderson, passed away on Dec.

With over 14, square feet, five visitation rooms, and two chapels, our open and inviting space can accommodate both large and small services.

Due to the fact that many of the costs associated with providing quality funeral services are increasing, the best way for us to meet your needs and budget is through our preferred partnership. Avery married the love of his life, Patricia "Patti" Bernard, and the two were married for 58 years before his passing. Recent Obituaries and Guest Books. Kenneth graduated from Markleville High School in David Louis Suchocki Sr. Click fund a plan to get started. Caleb Zachary Cleveland Obituary. Robert was born on Sept. Thursday breakfast was reserved for his good friends, and fellow Classmates of By person By town. He then later worked for

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