breast expansion literotica

Breast expansion literotica

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TrebleCleffy 1. Profile Navigation TrebleCleffy. This story is a SwellTales contest submission. Also, this story uses several familiar tropes and archetypes from Judeo-Christian scripture and lore. These are not intended to be taken seriously. Sometimes, a story is just a story. However, readers may find these appropriations objectionable.

Breast expansion literotica

Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. If you like horny teen girls growing huge tits, this story is for you. No actual breast expansion yet, but it's coming. Plenty of other treats for you tit-lovers until then. Audra Mitchell bit into a french fry, barely registering the sting of salt and oil on her tongue. She was too busy watching Steve Jefferson flirt with Natalie Price three tables over. It had become a morbid part of her lunch hour in the last year or so, watching the boy she'd been madly in love with since the third grade flirt with this other girl. She could pretend she didn't understand—Steve was a senior like her; Natalie was only a sophomore! Shouldn't he have been flirting with someone more age-appropriate like, say, Audra? She understood in the way that all women understand when they're being usurped. Because while Audra was Steve's age—each of them two weeks past eighteen, their birthdays three days apart—she was definitely not Steve's type. In all honesty, she wasn't sure she was any guy's type.

However, readers may find these appropriations objectionable. Transform or Dare Ch. A Bimbo is Born!

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Breast expansion literotica

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Note: You can change font size, font face, and turn on dark mode by clicking the "A" icon tab in the Story Info Box. Please consider leaving feedback on issues you experience or suggest improvements. Josie wasn't sure exactly what was happening, but she wasn't complaining.

Lilith's Emporium: The Gift Gift for fiance that likes devil girls. The Outbreak Pt. Want to fuck you? The Serum Pt. Codex Two best friends find a special book in a magic shop. Alex settled on a rerun of Jerry Springer where two very enthusiastic women were attempting to claw each other's eyes out, and the pair fell silent. Plenty of other treats for you tit-lovers until then. Jelly from the Springtime of Youth An older couple reconnects while on vacation. Part of her suspected her brother was, too, and that his love for this movie had little to do with the action. Shouldn't he have been flirting with someone more age-appropriate like, say, Audra? Deus ex Machina Pt. More info in the FAQ. Go with the Flow Ch. Maggie's oversized sweatshirt hid a body remarkably similar to Audra's—slender, hipless, flat as a board, with nipples barely large enough to harden in the cold.

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