boil star wars

Boil star wars

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Boil was the name of a clone trooper who served in the th Attack Battalion of the Grand Army of the Republic and was a member of Ghost Company. After the company reached the city, Boil, along with fellow trooper Waxerwas assigned to scout ahead, boil star wars.

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? It is requested that this article, or a section of this article, be expanded. See the request on the listing or on this article's talkpage.

Boil star wars


His helmet was also adorned with an upside-down red triangle and a black symbol, [3] and a comlink antenna was built into the helmet's crest.


Once the article contains more information, this template will be removed. Boil wore customized Phase I clone trooper armor with orange-yellow markings throughout. The midsection of his helmet bore a red tic mark, similar to those of Coruscant Guard clone troopers, and a black symbol. In battle, he fought using a DCS blaster. Boil helped Waxer and the other Ghost Company members free the Twi'leks. It was through Numa's help that they were able to accomplish this deed. Boil helped Waxer and Numa find Numa's uncle and the rest of her family. As the Second Battle of Geonosis began, the Republic's forces were immediately under heavy fire as the invasion began, including their staging area on Geonosis, Point Rain, which the Geonosians viciously attacked forced down multiple Republic gunships, including Obi-Wan Kenobi's. Seeing the downed gunship from the landing sight, Commander Cody summoned Boil and Waxer to go to the gunship and check for survivors.

Boil star wars

To remove ads, create an account. Join us today! Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you?

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Join us today! Master Qui-Gon , more to say, have you? Jedi General Anakin Skywalker and his Padawan Ahsoka Tano were able to destroy the Separatist blockade surrounding the planet, allowing the ground invasion forces to land. They successfully completed their mission, avoiding enemy fire and retrieving the Jedi General along with another survivor, the clone trooper known as " Trapper. As time progressed, however, [3] and Boil witnessed the girl's bravery and tenacity, [2] he developed compassion and grew to care for Numa, [3] coming to deeply respect and appreciate her. In the original comic book, Waxer was the one who reported to Kenobi on the progress of the battle. After rendezvousing with the rest of Ghost Company, Boil participated in a raid on the Nabat courtyard, where Separatist battle droids had rounded up the city's inhabitants near the proton cannons. In order to escape the creatures, Numa led the clones into an underground passage, and the three re-emerged near Kenobi, Cody, and the rest of Ghost Company, who had just fought off a number of gutkurrs themselves. After reaching the planet's surface, Ghost Company took out several B1-Series battle droids in a bunker on the outskirts of Nabat and entered the city. Sign In Register. Despite protests from Boil, Waxer decided to take her with them, and the girl led the two clones to the remains of her shattered home. Featured article reviews Good article reviews Comprehensive article reviews. After tasting the bar , Numa called the clones "nerra," a Twi'leki word unknown to the two.

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Boil was against such a decision, believing that the girl would only slow them down, and the two started to argue. Considering himself a soldier and not a babysitter, [2] he was reluctant to help Numa, believing that he and Waxer should be following orders instead of wasting their time looking out for her. Current Wiki. On November 25 , , [16] Boil was featured in the episode " Kidnapped ," [13] which served as an adaptation of the comic book The Clone Wars 1. His helmet was also adorned with an upside-down red triangle and a black symbol, [3] and a comlink antenna was built into the helmet's crest. He wanted to answer Cody, but Waxer convinced him that the best way to explain their delay would be to reach the Republic position and tell Cody that their comlinks had been jammed. Wookieepedia Explore. To remove ads, create an account. Despite protests from Boil, Waxer decided to take her with them, and the girl led the two clones to the remains of her shattered home. TX's tank targeted her and Kenobi, but the now-freed Twi'leks attacked the tactical droid and destroyed him. Boil also appeared in the young-readers book The Clone Wars: The Battle for Ryloth , which adapted "Innocents of Ryloth," but featured several inconsistencies with the episode.

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