Bluethumb art gallery photos

MelbourneVictoria Australia. Find me on Facebook Find me on Twitter Find me on my blog or other site.

Bluethumb has grown from humble beginnings to now represent over 20, incredible Australian artists. We offer the largest range of Australian modern art for sale, and have sold over , original artworks - and counting! Read More About Us. Browse by Style e. Our intuitive browsing experience makes it fast, fun and easy to find your next favourite artwork.

Bluethumb art gallery photos


Hi Brendan, Thanks so much for your kind words! Susie Silverii Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars. There is something for everyone


Freddy Grant. New to Bluethumb? Our aim is to empower Australian artists to build a sustainable career in the arts, as well as get Australian art into the homes of collectors around the world. Like most things in life, your Bluethumb profile will be most successful if you put in some time and effort. Your profile gives collectors their first impression of you and your work, so you want it to appear as professional and clear as possible.

Bluethumb art gallery photos

Freddy Grant. I have decided that these must go out into the world rather than back into my cupboard. Many artists, especially remote Indigenous artists, rely on the galleries and art centres that represent them. These early adopters who master the power of online branding will rise to the top.

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We would really recommending using that lengthy space behind the sofa to place a large scale artwork. September 3, I have bought quite a few artworks from Bluethumb and have been so happy with my purchases. Login Sign Up. We agree! You'll find them all on Bluethumb. Commented: which wall art for bedroom please? Happy with the wall art pruchased from Bluethumb. I could spend hours scrolling through the Blue Thumb website. Need an account?

Matilda Jenkins.

Brendan Docherty Average rating: 5 out of 5 stars. Every time I purchase an artwork from Bluethumb it adds more colour, texture, beauty and creativity to my home. Hi there, you've chosen some great abstract artworks for this space. Popular Styles. Address Melbourne , Victoria Australia. A home needs artwork to look and feel great. Read More About Us Buy art online. Excellent courier service and well packaged products. Commented: How should we decorate this staircase? Easy to order and good quality. As can occasionally happen when transporting a fragile item, one piece arrived with broken glass and Bluethumb did not hesitate to offer to pay for replacement. Photos Photos.

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