Bloonarius strategy

It retains its name and role from Bloons Monkey Citywith significant gameplay additions. Bloonarius is a swamp-dwelling MOAB-class bloon with massive health, slow speed, and the ability to spawn clusters of sludgy Bloonarius Minions. Triggering skull health causes Bloonarius to spew out a massive bloon rush of bloonarius strategy onto its current location, bloonarius strategy.

Note for all contributors: If you're planning to add a new strategy section about your specific strategy, please make sure to add version numbers and dates to each new section, especially for the latest games. Bloonarius the Inflator packs enormous amounts of health, is the slowest bloon in Bloons TD history, and regularly sends bloons as it becomes damaged. Its main power comes from both its extremely high HP and it spewing out hordes of powerful bloons whenever greatly damaged. There are up to 40 rounds to start farming before Bloonarius first enters in its first tier. All tiers from Tier 1 to 5 need to be beaten in a single game in order to fully win the Bloonarius Boss Bloon Event.

Bloonarius strategy

Note for all contributors: If you're planning to add a new strategy section about your specific strategy, please make sure to add version numbers and dates to each new section, especially for the latest games. Bloonarius the Inflator packs enormous amounts of health, is the slowest bloon in Bloons TD history, and regularly sends bloons as it becomes damaged. Its main power comes from both its extremely high HP and it spewing out hordes of powerful bloons whenever greatly damaged. There are up to 40 rounds to start farming before Bloonarius first enters in its first tier. All tiers from Tier 1 to 5 need to be beaten in a single game in order to fully win the Bloonarius Boss Bloon Event. Each tier of Bloonarius must be beaten within 20 rounds of its appearance, or else the game is over. Losing by other means is also an obstacle to counter, so be careful. The following article is a series of strategies to counter Bloonarius, mainly focusing on Elite Bloonarius due to its notorious difficulty of killing. The general strategy for beating Bloonarius, especially Elite Bloonarius, is to take extremely greedy farming strategies to build a solid foundation of income prior to facing both the extreme HP and dense waves of bloons sent once Bloonarius is directly anticipated. Once Bloonarius arrives, there are several ideal decisions that can be made, at least for earlier tiers.

Bloonarius is extremely slow, possesses extreme amounts of HP, and produces masses of bloons after getting substantially damaged. D and Paragons are necessary to meet the high damage per bloonarius strategy needs. Glue Trap is generally an inferior option due to the vast quantities of Bloons sent out by Bloonarius, bloonarius strategy.


Note for all contributors: If you're planning to add a new strategy section about your specific strategy, please make sure to add version numbers and dates to each new section, especially for the latest games. This page is dedicated to strategies and tips for beating the map Bloonarius Prime. Because of the major change in the path on prime rounds, one has to cover both paths adequately instead of focusing most of their DPS on one path only. As such, towers on Bloonarius Prime can be considered to be in one of two roles:. Most rounds are not prime, thus there can be a focus on the left path if global DPS from the above two categories is good enough, as most late-game rounds occur on the left path with the notable exception of Round As a matter of fact, it may be more crucial to fortify the left path as feared rounds like 63, 75, 76, and 78 all use that path. The spot is hard to find, but the easiest way to locate it is using a Tack Tower whose range will reach right to the right-most edge of the grassy spot on the stepping stone to the left. Bloons Wiki Explore. Bloons Games.

Bloonarius strategy

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Once Bloonarius arrives, there are several ideal decisions that can be made, at least for earlier tiers. To make the most of Thrive's income generation, prepare use beforehand and have plenty of pre-existing income sources available around. Against Bloonarius's minions, Bloon Trap quickly gets filled up, so opt for a different option. Wizard Monkey Wall of Fire is cheap grouped-popping for early-game and mid-game, and Wall of Fire is a useful assistance with Regrow Farming to control the growth of Regrow Farms. Central Market spam is effective in combination with Merchantmen spam. Geraldo Geraldo comes with lots of special items that can be bought for special benefit. Bloon Properties. Syphon Funding can make rounds go faster, but will also take away potential pops for a Paragon. Current Wiki. Apache Dartship and Apache Prime are cost and space inefficient, but the best filler option for events that limit the total amount of towers. Don't have an account? Hero buffing options for the extreme late-game, specifically Admiral Brickell and Adora , work well too, but not as valuable of an asset as Benjamin's or Geraldo's early-to-mid-game income. Once Bloonarius arrives, there are several ideal decisions that can be made, at least for earlier tiers. Page theme default light dark. Excels in the early-game but doesn't scale very well in the late-game.

Note for all contributors: If you're planning to add a new strategy section about your specific strategy, please make sure to add version numbers and dates to each new section, especially for the latest games. Bloonarius the Inflator packs enormous amounts of health, is the slowest bloon in Bloons TD history, and regularly sends bloons as it becomes damaged. Its main power comes from both its extremely high HP and it spewing out hordes of powerful bloons whenever greatly damaged.

Tack Shooter. The plasma juggernaut balls can greatly synergize with certain maps, where walls and other obstacles are present. Particularly dangerous is whenever Bloonarius reaches skull health, which unleashes an often giant rush of powerful bloons. His main assets are his early-game damage power and buffs for Avatar of Wrath , but because his only DPS buff to druids is with level 18, he is typically a weak hero choice. But once Bloonarius reaches a safe level of low health, start racking up a massive farming once again as a recoverance to any income losses. Spiked Balls and Spiked Mines upgrades are basically worthless, as bloon rushes are huge, prices are disproportionate for their specializations. Powers cannot be used on Ranked Mode, as they add unnecessary advantage over players who don't use them. Monkey Boost. Thus if possible, maintaining as much time facing Bloonarius with the Goliath Doomship is very beneficial. Pat Fusty. Where there are multiple simultaneous lanes on a map e. Otherwise, upgrade Farm to and Sun Temples are what should also be aimed for at Tier 3. Bloons Super Monkey.

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