blaze the cat idw

Blaze the cat idw

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Blaze the Cat is a lavender anthropromorphic cat, a princess from an alternate dimension , guardian of the Sol Emeralds , and an ally of Sonic the Hedgehog. For an unknown amount of time, Blaze has been the guardian of the Sol Emeralds in her home world. At one point, she met Sonic and his friends. Due to being a loner, she was a bit defensive about approaching them. She eventually warmed up to them, though, and they became her first real friends.

Blaze the cat idw

An official sneak peek of this year's upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog annual shows the fan-favorite hero Blaze the Cat exploring her own dimension beyond the Blue Blur's homeworld in ways readers have never seen before. For understandable reasons, the vast majority of the ongoing IDW series transpires in Sonic's world - a plane of existence that Blaze has visited a few times over the course of the more than issue comic. But readers have only gotten a few glimpses of Blaze's own dimension, all of which took place after Sonic was literally blasted into her world at the end of his battle against the Metal Virus and the Deadly Six. Sonic - who had lost his memories and thought his name was Mr. Needlemouse - may have taken a few laps around Blaze's island, but readers didn't get to follow him. They just heard about it. In the pages, Blaze chases a fleeing pirate ship, which she eventually boards before demanding where the leader of the Robot Pirates is hiding. The robotic pirate she targets, however, tells her that every other member of the fleet is gone, informing the princess that she has won. Seeing Blaze the Cat on a body of water beyond the confines of her palace is already showing readers more of Blaze's world than IDW's main comic series has revealed thus far. Moreover, readers have never been introduced to any of Blaze's enemies before now, either. However, it's possible that these two pages will be almost the full extent of the annual issue's foray into Blaze's world. Based on Blaze's shocked reaction when she hears that the Robot Pirates are no more, it's possible that the short story will revolve around her struggling with the prospect of having eliminated all the threats to her Sol Emeralds, these Robot Pirates being the last of them. Hopefully that's not the case and the short story's purpose is to show Blaze protecting the emeralds against numerous enemies, so readers can gain a deeper understanding of her world. That said, Blaze's dimension is clearly much more expansive than just being a collection of villains to battle and large bodies of land and water to explore.

Super Silver, blaze the cat idw. While Amy Rose presented the group with her battle plan, Blaze offered a more direct approach in which she would become Burning Blaze with the Sol Emeralds and confront Neo. Knuckles tells Blaze to take a vacation, which she is initially unsure of.


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Blaze the cat idw

An official sneak peek of this year's upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog annual shows the fan-favorite hero Blaze the Cat exploring her own dimension beyond the Blue Blur's homeworld in ways readers have never seen before. For understandable reasons, the vast majority of the ongoing IDW series transpires in Sonic's world - a plane of existence that Blaze has visited a few times over the course of the more than issue comic. But readers have only gotten a few glimpses of Blaze's own dimension, all of which took place after Sonic was literally blasted into her world at the end of his battle against the Metal Virus and the Deadly Six. Sonic - who had lost his memories and thought his name was Mr. Needlemouse - may have taken a few laps around Blaze's island, but readers didn't get to follow him. They just heard about it. In the pages, Blaze chases a fleeing pirate ship, which she eventually boards before demanding where the leader of the Robot Pirates is hiding. The robotic pirate she targets, however, tells her that every other member of the fleet is gone, informing the princess that she has won. Seeing Blaze the Cat on a body of water beyond the confines of her palace is already showing readers more of Blaze's world than IDW's main comic series has revealed thus far.

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Cream happily embraces her, asking what the occasion is, to which Blaze answers that she is just taking a vacation. She offers to repay him by monitoring his island and allowing him some time off, but he declines, stating she should not do a working vacation. When the Egg Fleet then began bombarding their ship, Blaze had to abandon the ship and begin her attack. Blaze destroying Egg Pawns , from Sonic the Hedgehog 4. Blaze relayed the fact that the Sol Emeralds would not have guided her to Sonic's world for no reason and decided to stay until her purpose became clear, to which Sonic agreed with. Instead, Blaze was tasked with helping one faction of the group break the Egg Fleet 's control over the island while Sonic and Knuckles confronted Neo. She also promised Sonic to visit his world someday soon. Fang the Sniper. At first, Blaze was very hostile towards Amy, but they have since learned to be friends. Blaze then heard that Sonic had just saved his world with the help of Silver , though she repress discontent with how it led to him crashing in her garden with amnesia.

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Marine tells her that she has earned some time off now that they have won, but Blaze explains that due to her status as princess of an empire and guardian of the Sol Emeralds , she carries tremendous responsibilities for each duty. She explained to him that the land on which he wanted to grow plants was acidified and heavy as a result of the bombs that had been dropped there. Eggman's badniks raiding the village. Hard Boiled Heavies. Blaze the Cat. Right Now? She can even amplify the attacks of her allies, such as Sonic, by enveloping them in flames that do not burn them and then throwing them at her opponent. She eventually warmed up to them, though, and they became her first real friends. As everyone got ready to leave Angel Island onboard a repaired Egg Fleet battleship, Blaze and Silver conversed with each other. Gala the Hound. Eggman Doll. Blaze destroying Egg Pawns , from Sonic the Hedgehog 4.

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