betty undertale

Betty undertale

She is a character created by Camila Cuevas. She holds the pink SOUL that represents the betty undertale of fear and is constantly accompanied by Akumu who she often calls "Kumu,"betty undertale, a blob-like being of an unknown species. She was created to ensure humans and monsters never had peace with each other - to this end, Betty seeks to gain enough power to exterminate all monsters and humans.

During her temporary acquaintance with Jessica Grey , they both were responsible for framing Papyrus and the murder of Sans. However, in her final fight against W. Before she existed, her soul resided in Agate Lightvale. When Agate and Copper began to argue over the barrier, their tempers flared, and they fought, while Amber watched. At the end of the battle, Agate lost, humiliated; thus, she lost her trait and fled.

Betty undertale

She is a physical incarnation of the soul trait FEAR, and was created a long time ago to become a queen and kill all traits that try to stop her and with her in control, she ensure humans and monsters to never live in peace, and seeks to gain the power to fulfill her purpose. Her other half or pet and guardian, Akumu helps them in battle. Bete Noire is the sister to Princess Heart but wasn't a normal kid. She was a demon-like princess, which means, she was entirly evil However, She tries not to show that she is.. Until the day that she killed her parents, and when Heart tried to stop Bete, she stabbed her Betty thought Heart was dead. So she took her kingdom over. Years later, Betty sees Agate Lightvale Former Wizard of Bravery and views her in her future of what happened, due to Agate kept arguing with her twin brother, Copper Lightvale Wizard of Determination , and Agate was disspointed that she was defeated Queen Bete told Agate that she can make her get revenge on her brother if Agate joined her. Although, Agate still bitter that she was defeated by her brother, she disagree. Bete zaps Agate which knocks her out and makes Bete took over her body with Dark Magic.

Bete began to notice TorielAsgoreGasterand everyone else approaching.


The characters page for Glitchtale. Beware of unmarked spoilers. The protagonist of Undertale , and the only soul of pure Determination on the planet. The Atoner : Season 1 begins with Frisk trying to make up for going on the genocide route; later episodes show that their behavior was even worse than this before the start of the series, with them playing around with the monsters' lives countless times, seemingly out of nothing but curiosity. In Episode 5, their decision to trade places with Chara and ceasing to exist in the real world seems to be motivated in part by their desire to take responsibility for this, and for screwing over Chara and glitching the timeline in the past. Adaptational Angst Upgrade : While it's certainly possible to replicate most of the events that set up the series, where this really comes into play is the revelation that Frisk was, at least in their mind, in danger of being removed from existence, similar to Gaster. Ambiguous Gender : Played with. Word of God states Frisk is male, but is almost exclusively referred to by gender neutral pronouns save for one instance in late Season Two that has Betty identify them as a boy. Ambiguous Situation : Frisk explains to Asriel in Part 1 of Love that once they destroyed the reset button, they planned to return to their "black screen" and let all the monsters live on the surface without them, only to wake up and be startled to find that everything was continuing with them , making the nature of their existence ambiguous.

Betty undertale

Gaster Enemy. Alphys Enemy. The Pink trait

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She told them that she really wanted to keep it a secret longer and spoil it herself, but that didn't really matter to her as she has all the information she needed anyway. She then is surprised to feel him grab his leg. She then questions why they're even trying to stop her anymore, saying how their efforts will be in vain. That a civilization where the two races live together, is just a time bomb waiting to go off. However, what they didn't know was that she had inverted her soul, so after some time, she fought her brother against his own will. Frisk later took Bete to Grillby's, where she met Sans and Asriel. Chara then enters the area, ready to attack. She often use this power to strike FEAR into an opponent's heart by creating hallucinations of someone, usually a loved one. She wasted no time revealing her true nature. At the end of the battle, Agate lost, humiliated; thus, she lost her trait and fled. The resulting blast disintegrated Bete's back and lower body; however, Akumu is unharmed as Bete took the brunt of the explosion. Giant parts of her skin peeled off, revealing she looks more like Akumu , having multiple sharp teeth and pink skin. After fusing with Kumu and revealing her true form, Bete tells Asriel that they'll go hunt down the people that hurt him so much.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of this.

She also knows everyone's past, and uses their mistakes to justify what she does, exemplified by her chastising Asriel as Flowey for committing genocide on the inhabitants of the Underground. This is shown to be limited to one person at a time and requires eye contact to induce an illusion upon a target. Chara has the ability to reset and erase the entire timeline from reality. Join the community. Bete uses her Rhabdophobia power on Gaster 's magic. She can also simply use this to propel herself. During combat, she often becomes arrogant, resulting in her underestimating her enemies. As the "soul harvest" continued, Gaster and Bete continued fighting. Another part of this is her desire to be feared, which causes her to draw out killing her opponents even though it is detrimental to her, such as when Gaster stopped her from killing Toriel and Asgore in Animosity , because she wanted to torment Toriel. The two also saw a recording of her leaving Gaster 's lab during the conference.

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