best walking dead season

Best walking dead season

Somehow, The Walking Dead has lasted an impressive 12 years.

Imagine a world in which The Walking Dead as a whole never existed? Which seasons are at the bottom of the bin? Ultimately, without the exploration of Negan and the Saviors, the season would fall apart. The Walking Dead Season 9 marked the end of Rick being our primary protagonist. The tone and overall feeling of the show shifted the moment Andrew Lincoln left the series. And that can be perceived as either a good or a bad thing depending on who you ask for the show as a whole.

Best walking dead season

To help us bid farewell to the beloved zombie drama, we ranked all eleven of its seasons from worst to best. Simply put, Season 7 was bleak: a chain of endless suffering, slow-motion camera pans, Negan beat-downs and Daryl Norman Reedus grunting. The uneven Commonwealth story brought in some fantastic actors Josh Hamilton and Laila Robins made excellent villains , but it never managed to climb back up to early-seasons levels of tension or intrigue. The series finale was passable, but missed opportunities were evident. Was Season 11 bad? Not quite—it just felt empty. However, when taken as a whole, Season 10 suffered from many of the same issues as 7 and 8. It stretched out the Whisperer War for much of the season—too much of the season, some might say. Before we had the Reapers, we had the Wolves. The second batch of eight episodes mostly served as shivers up the spine—various reminders that Negan, the Big Bad to end all Big Bads, was coming. After Season 8, The Walking Dead committed itself to a creative overhaul—and it mostly worked.

It cannot be avoided, however, that after the giddy sugar rush of season 1, season 2 was a bit of a damp squib overall. While nothing about the outbreak was resolved in the finale, it did set up Daryl's spin-off, best walking dead season, saw Negan Jeffrey Dean Morgan and Maggie Lauren Cohan leave on seemingly different adventures, and let viewers in on where both Rick and Michonne had been just in time for their upcoming miniseries.

As TV and movie franchises go, some might think The Walking Dead is in its infancy with only five titles currently available for public consumption. Compare the hours of viewing time available, however, and the franchise looks positively geriatric. The Walking Dead franchise: nearly hours of programming. The story is similar if you look at the bulk-wise fledgling Game of Thrones franchise, too. Warner Bros.

Despite several spin-offs starring many fan-favorite characters in the works, The Walking Dead has said farewell after 12 years and 11 seasons on AMC. Within those 11 seasons, the series saw dozens of cast members come and go, couples break up and makeup, and hundreds of walkers killed in unique and gory ways. Some seasons will always be memorable — like Season 1 for starting it all and Season 7 merely for its season premiere — while other seasons didn't always meet expectations — like Season 5 for killing off a beloved character and Season 10 for Negan and Alpha's unexpected moment in the woods. The TWD seasons ranked make it easy to see which ended up being the worst and best of the beloved series. Season 5 finally brings Rick's Andrew Lincoln group to the beloved Alexandria, but not before Carol's Melissa McBride redemption and Beth's Emily Kinney shocking death, and the introduction of Father Gabriel Seth Gilliam , who would go on to become an essential member of the group.

Best walking dead season

Eleven seasons and multiple spin-offs later, The Walking Dead shuffled off this mortal coil in November Here's our ranking of the worst to best installments of the landmark series. It may be difficult to recall, years later, how innovative and positively shocking the first season of The Walking Dead was when it aired on AMC in October through December of The inaugural season accomplished many things, amongst them launching the careers of Jon Bernthal and Steven Yeun , reinvigorating that of Norman Reedus , and proving that Andrew Lincoln could play more than the world's creepiest sign twirler.

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Seasons Daryl making a necklace out of ears is pretty fucking wild too. The season was nevertheless hampered by the ongoing COVID pandemic, which delayed the finale episode by several months, thereby killing the story's momentum. If there was any character that deserved her redemption, it was Carol, and season 5 milked that turn for every ounce of emotion it held. And ,even in an apocalyptic setting, the most horrendous people manage to survive. This season marked a major turning point for the show. This is, after all, a show that is even more to do with human interaction than it is zombies. Use profiles to select personalised content. Just consider: The phrase "midseason finale" did not exist before Rick Grimes and his crew came onto the scene. There was so much build-up to that pivotal scene in season 7 that would reveal who would meet the end of Negan's bat that by the time it happened, fans had already spent months guessing and were frustrated at the cliffhanger. While Negan is somewhat erroneously regarded as the most fearsome and relentless villain, the Governor always seemed a much more unstoppable force with a greater capacity for evil than Negan ever possessed. There are certainly highlights within this sophomore season, namely Jon Bernthal's fearsome portrayal of Shane's descent into full-on villainy and his showdown with Rick, which remains one of the most gorgeously photographed sequences on the show. The only misstep in this season was five of the additional six episodes , which were added to the run when the pandemic disrupted the original plans to air the finale, as complicated effects work for the episode was unable to be accomplished remotely.

Over the past decade the show has experienced both creative highs and unfortunate lows, with some seasons being must-see-TV and others being rather forgettable.

It ended with the timely return of Rick's original partner in crime, Morgan Lennie James , who reunites with the gang and has recovered from the deaths of his wife and son — it's a scenario that changed Rick forever. Some seasons will always be memorable — like Season 1 for starting it all and Season 7 merely for its season premiere — while other seasons didn't always meet expectations — like Season 5 for killing off a beloved character and Season 10 for Negan and Alpha's unexpected moment in the woods. The series finale was passable, but missed opportunities were evident. While that run did give audiences "Here's Negan," the five episodes that preceded that terrific installment felt vaguely uneasy, like auditions for a series of so-so Walking Dead spin-offs that didn't make it to air. One of the most upsetting moments from the season, however, was the death of Carl, who fans had come to love and appreciate. Related content : Jeffrey Dean Morgan on almost walking away from The Walking Dead Rick and Michonne Walking Dead spin-off series will be 'an epic and insane love story' The Walking Dead 's new smart zombies go all the way back to season 1. Join the Conversation. To commemorate the continued success of the Walking Dead franchise, we've ranked all 11 seasons of the flagship series below, from worst to best. The reveal that the inhabitants of Terminus had turned cannibalistic was ridiculous in the best fashion; it was handled with an exploitation movie sensibility that, if anything, made one wish The Walking Dead indulged more often in loony-bin thrills, and led to a series highlight when Bob Lawrence Gilliard Jr. The biggest problem with that revelation was that season 7 seemed to have nowhere to go after the secret has been told. What's the Tomatometer? Are you shocked that Season 2 is higher than Season 1 on this list?

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