battle of yavin

Battle of yavin

Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi.

Having analyzed the Death Star plans stolen by Princess Leia Organa , the Rebels deduced that small, one manned fighters could penetrate the Death Star's defenses. Once close to the surface, the pilots would be required to manuever down a trench and launch proton torpedoes into a 2 meter wide exhaust port. A direct hit would see the torpedoes travel down the length of the port and destroy the Death Star's main reactor. The rebels launch 30 fighters in the attack. Among them is Red Squadron and Gold Squadron. Red Squadron begins the battle by cutting across the axis of the Death Star in order to draw turbolaser fire away from the slower Y-Wings. As Luke Skywalker makes his first strafing run, he inadvertently flies his X-Wing thorugh an explosion, which alarms his fellow pilots.

Battle of yavin

Battle of Scarif. Galactic Civil War. The Millennium Falcon arrived in the Alderaan system shortly after the planet's destruction and was promptly captured by the Death Star. A tracking device was placed on the Falcon , which was then allowed to escape to accomplish its mission, in the hopes that the beacon would lead the Imperials to the hidden rebel base. Princess Leia, who had been rescued from the Death Star immediately beforehand, suspected the freighter was being tracked, but without the time or resources necessary for a full evacuation of the base on Yavin IV , the Rebels decided to stay and fight. An analysis of plans of the station carried in R2-D2 , an astromech droid revealed one way by which the station could be destroyed. A small thermal exhaust port in one of the polar trenches led directly into the station's main reactor, and a proton torpedo fired down the shaft could detonate the reactor and destroy the station. Beam weapons would not work, however, as the shaft was protected by a ray shield. The Rebel pilots were less than optimistic about their chances, and doubted whether their targeting computers were accurate enough to hit the 2-meter-wide target, but a new recruit named Luke Skywalker assured them that the shot was perfectly achievable. The Rebel's attack plan was for their X-wing fighters in Red Squadron to carry out an attack pattern near the station's equatorial regions to distract the Imperial forces, while the Rebel Y-wing fighters in Gold Squadron carried out the actual attack run.

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What was the battle of Yavin? I was a droid back then. For the rebels. Fully cringe. After all, Jyn straight up DIED after she got the schematics to the rebels, along with the rest of her team. It was really sad tbh. Pour one out for Jyn—oh, and all of her friends that died helping her out.

Yavin also known as " Yavin Prime ", to distinguish it from its moons is a fictional planet in the Star Wars galaxy. It first appeared in the film Star Wars [a] and is depicted as a large red gas giant with an extensive satellite system of moons. The hidden military base of the Rebel Alliance is located on its fourth moon, Yavin 4. The climactic space battle at the end of the film, in which the Rebel Alliance destroys the Death Star , takes place in orbit around the planet Yavin. In Star Wars fandom and the Star Wars Expanded Universe , this event is especially significant as it is one method used to mark an epoch in the fictional Star Wars universe. In early drafts of the Star Wars story, author George Lucas began inventing names of characters and planets and assigning roles and characteristics.

Battle of yavin

This later became an in-universe calendar system used by the New Republic. Yavin is a gas giant planet with 26 moons. Shortly before the Battle of Yavin, the Rebel Alliance moved their base to the jungle-like moon Yavin 4. The Empire tracked the Rebels to Yavin 4 by following the escaped Milennium Falcon and prepared to destroy the Rebel base.

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ISBN Thane Kyrell and the other Imperials stationed at the abandoned Rebel base on Dantooine during the battle were cut off from communication with Coruscant after the Death Star was destroyed. General Dodanna. In the fourth draft , Lucas added a scene in which Luke is also reunited on Yavin with his childhood friend, Biggs Darklighter , a scene which was actually shot but subsequently deleted from the final cut of the original Star Wars film. General Jan Dodonna, mastermind of Yavin's defense, was not able to escape and was captured by Imperial forces and later imprisoned for several years. I literally have no idea why. For his part, Vader sensed this power himself and found firing on the fighter unusually difficult, with his single hit only putting R2-D2, who was serving as the fighter's astromech droid , out of commission. Tall observation towers stand above the treetops to monitor entries and exits from the base. He was rescued by Imperial forces some time after the battle. This battle has become known as the Battle of Yavin , and its date is used as a place-marker for events in the expanded Star Wars universe. Anyway, the rebel commanders said that the plan was for a few ace pilots to fly down into that trench and fire proton torpedoes into the exhaust port in order to blow up the Death Star.

Having analyzed the Death Star plans stolen by Princess Leia Organa , the Rebels deduced that small, one manned fighters could penetrate the Death Star's defenses. Once close to the surface, the pilots would be required to manuever down a trench and launch proton torpedoes into a 2 meter wide exhaust port. A direct hit would see the torpedoes travel down the length of the port and destroy the Death Star's main reactor.

Follow The Mary Sue:. A trio of X-wings , including Keyan Farlander , and a pair of R Spearheads were dispatched to destroy the satellite. Oh and a few droid cuties! Fictional planet in Star Wars. Vader managed to make it to the nearby listening post on Vaal. Darth Vader picked off Nett and Naeco, but Dreis was able to fire off a shot at the exhaust port. Farlander was quickly dispatched again in one of two X-wings charged with clearing some of the defenses around the trench. Ballantine Books. The plans were brought to Yavin 4 after the crew and passengers of the Millennium Falcon successfully rescued Organa from the Death Star. That was one in a million! Namespaces Page Discussion. This has shown that the rebellion can never win.

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