Barney stinson suit quotes

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From the beginning of How I Met Your Mother , Barney managed to be one of the show's most entertaining forces with his long list of famous catchphrases, and Harris' charm often worked in contrast to the character's problematic nature. Throughout the show's 9 seasons, Barney got to say a lot of things, acting as the "playboy" of the group and sharing his inappropriate philosophies on how to treat women. Despite this, Barney did mature as the show went on, only for the showrunners to unpopularly undo all of his progress in the final episodes. While he may be a bit over the place, these legend-wait-for-it-dary quotes help unpack all the sides to this sitcom character. However, that does not mean he does not talk to the lord above in some situations, such as this little moment right here. In addition, he uses the time to brag about his success with women in a church, showing that he has to put himself over as his perception of cool in any conversation.

Barney stinson suit quotes


Please consider creating a new thread. Suits are cool. So, when Ted was telling a story that Barney was not there for, he constantly tried to put his way into the story.


Barney uses the phrase as an exclamatory statement; it instructs people to put on a suit, often figuratively, so they are going out on the town with class. The first time we encounter this quote, Barney is reading it on a flyer while he's walking the streets of New York, distraught because his girlfriend just dumped him. How I Met Your Mother became one of the hottest comedies of the decade, lasting 9 seasons, so it was inevitable that Barney's saying would catch on eventually. Unless, somehow, someone else was using this catchphrase before Barney Stinson made it famous, when you hear someone exclaim this line, you're probably in the presence of a fan. If you were to drop this quote at a dinner party, would you get an in-unison "awww" or would everyone roll their eyes and never invite you back? Here it is, on a scale of The idea of going out on the town and getting the ladies might sound like a great time, but honestly, who wears a suit to a bar anymore? Back to all quotes.

Barney stinson suit quotes

Remember me. Forgot your password? Log in. Barney Stinson Fictional Character. Total quotes: And you know what? I have absolutely no idea what that is. Tagged: Searching , Clueless. That way, I have a second chance to make a first impression.

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Whether that be when it comes to picking up women or just regular daily things, he likes going over the top. He also gives them his infamous playbook and leaves these two young men stunned by his mysteriousness that night. The slutty pumpkin episode may focus on non-Barney-related costumes, but this scene shows Barney at his sleaziest and most entertaining. Dogrescuer Replies. Like most men who put on a macho show, Barney is a lonely guy and the idea of his friends doing stuff without him does break him. A lot of the time, real life is not that interesting, so he decided long ago that he was going to lie through life. This shows a kind of codependence on Barney. He needs his friends to need him. Suits are cool. Barney likes to tell very over-the-top stories about his life. Here is Barney showing his full romantic side that only starts to emerge as he grows older. If a girl says no, that should be the end of it, but what makes this even more inappropriate is how aware Barney is of this.

Not only that, his theories and lingo have also pervaded through modern culture.

From the beginning of How I Met Your Mother , Barney managed to be one of the show's most entertaining forces with his long list of famous catchphrases, and Harris' charm often worked in contrast to the character's problematic nature. Growing up with a somewhat unhappy childhood, he usually kept himself distant from people. He did not have a father growing up, and he blames it for some of his more awful traits. Throughout the show's 9 seasons, Barney got to say a lot of things, acting as the "playboy" of the group and sharing his inappropriate philosophies on how to treat women. Barney loves Robin, so when she needed to break up with Nick, he came and said this to facilitate the break-up. If Barney was not there, it could not have happened in his mind. They are being dumb together and that is what makes the moments worth it. Barney : Did you sleep with her sister? So his saying something like this is completely in line with his character. Sign up. He just doesn't care. He also gives them his infamous playbook and leaves these two young men stunned by his mysteriousness that night. He lies to the women he dates, to his mother and to his friends. As their Taylor Swift song says , this is how to get his girl. While the sleaziness is part of the character, it also shows how Barney won't take no for an answer and considers it part of a great game.

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